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OAS accession Detail for 0251413
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accessions_id: 0251413 | archive
Title: World Ocean Database 2018 Updates 2021-10-01 through 2021-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0251413)
Abstract: The World Ocean Database (WOD) is the world's largest publicly available uniform format quality controlled ocean profile dataset. Ocean profile data are sets of measurements of an ocean variable at a single geographic location within a short (minutes to hours) temporal period in some portion of the water column from the surface to the bottom. To be considered a profile for the WOD, there must be more than a single depth/variable pair. Multiple profiles at the same location from the same set of instruments is an oceanographic cast. There are more than 15 million oceanographic casts in the WOD 2018 (WOD18) initial release, from the second voyage of Captain Cook (1772) to the modern Argo floats (end of 2017). Ocean variables in the WOD18 include temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, tracers, and biological variables such as plankton and chlorophyll. Quality control procedures are documented and performed on each cast, the results included as flags on each measurement. The WOD18 presents data in Climate-Forecast netCDF ragged array format for ease of use mindful of space limitations. The WOD18 contains the data on the originally measured depth levels (observed) and interpolated to standard depth levels to present a more uniform iso-surface for oceanographic and climate work. The present accession includes year files which contain data which have been added or changed in WOD18 over the last three month period.
Date received: 20220104
Start date: 19650101
End date: 20211231
Seanames: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Andaman Sea or Burma Sea, Arabian Sea, Arafura Sea, Arctic Ocean, Baffin Bay, Balearic (Iberian) Sea, Bali Sea, Baltic Sea, Banda Sea, Barents Sea, Bass Strait, Bay of Bengal, Bay of Biscay (Golfe de Gascogne), Bay of Fundy, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Bismarck Sea, Black Sea, Bristol Channel, Caribbean Sea, Caspian Sea, Celebes Sea (Sulawesi Sea and Mindanao Sea), Ceram Sea or Seram Sea, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Chukchi Sea, Coastal Waters of Florida, Coastal Waters of Louisiana, Coastal Waters of Mississippi, Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia, Coastal Waters of Texas, Columbia River estuary - Washington/Oregon, Coral Sea, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Davis Strait, East China Sea (Tung Hai), East Siberian Sea, English Channel (La Manche), Flores Sea, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Great Australian Bight, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, Great Lakes, Greenland Sea (including Iceland Sea and North Greenland Sea), Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of Aqaba, Gulf of Bothnia (Bay of Bothnia and Bothnian Sea), Gulf of California, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Riga, Sound Sea, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Thailand, Halmahera Sea, Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, Indian Ocean, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea and St. George's Channel, Japan Sea, Jawa (Java) Sea, Kara Sea, Kattegat, The Sound, Storebælt, Lillebælt, Labrador Sea, Laccadive Sea, Laptev (or Nordenskjöld) Sea, Ligurian Sea, Malacca Straits, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin, Molucca Sea, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Mozambique Channel, National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa, New York Bight, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, North Sea, Northwestern Passages, Norwegian Sea, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, Persian Gulf (Gulf of Iran), Strait of Hormuz, Philippine Sea, Red Sea, Rio de la Plata, Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, Ross Sea, Sawu Sea, Sea of Azov, Sea of Marmara, Sea of Okhotsk, Selat Makasar (Makasar Strait), Seto Naikai (Inland Sea), Singapore Strait, Skagerrak, Solomon Sea, South Atlantic Ocean, South China Sea (Nan Hai), Southern Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, St. Lawrence River, Strait of Gibraltar, Sulu Sea, Tasman Sea, Teluk Tomini (Gulf of Tomini), Timor Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai)
West boundary: -180
East boundary: 180
North boundary: 89.99
South boundary: -90
Observation types: biological, chemical, in situ, meteorological, physical, profile
Instrument types: APBT, bathythermograph - AXBT, bathythermograph - XBT, bottle, buoy - drifting buoy, buoy - moored buoy, CTD, fluorometer, meteorological sensor, oxygen sensor, profiling float, Secchi disk, XCTD
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NESDIS; National Centers for Environmental Information
Collecting institutions: Aichi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Akita Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Alfred-Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre B, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Marine Geology - Gelendzhik, Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Aomori Prefectural Aquaculture Research Center, Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Arctic Biological Station, ArcticNet Inc., Argentina National Institute for Fishery Research and Development, Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service, Argentine Oceanographic Data Center, Atlantic Research Institute of Fishing Economy and Oceanography, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Australian National Facility for Ocean Gliders, Azov and Black Sea Research Institution of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology, Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Brazilian Navy; Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation, British Antarctic Survey, British Oceanographic Data Centre, Central Hydrographique Service, Centre Manche - Mer du Nord, Centre ORSTOM - Nouméa, Centre ORSTOM; Oceanographic and Fisheries Center - Brazzaville, Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Chukotka Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology; Roshydromet, CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office, Colombian Navy, Columbia University; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Council for the Development of Bremen Lands; Institute for Marine Research, Danish Fisheries Agency, Danish Institute for Fishery and Marine Research, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Defence Scientific Establishment - Auckland, Department of Commerce and Industries; Division of Sea Fisheries, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Gulf Fisheries Centre, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Institute of Ocean Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section, Department of the State Oceanographic Institute - Odessa, Department of the State Oceanographic Institute - Sevastopol, Deutsche Akademe Der Wissenschaften Zu Berlin, Deutsches Hydrographische Institut, Directorate of Fisheries Institute of Marine Research, Directorate of the Hydrometservice - Murmansk, Duke University, Dynalysis of Princeton, Echoshelf, Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc., Ehime Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita, Estonian Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology, European Space Agency, Far Eastern Hydrometeorological Institute of Scientific Research, Faroese Fisheries Laboratory, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Fisheries Agency of Japan, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, Fisheries Institute, Fisheries Laboratory - Lowestoft, Fisheries Research and Development Agency, Fisheries Research Board of Canada; Biological Station - Nanaimo, Fisheries Research Board of Canada; Pacific Oceanographic Group, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Florida State University, Florida State University; Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, French National Center for Scientific Research, French National Centre for the Exploitation of the Oceans, French National Museum of Natural History, Fukui Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Fukuoka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Geological Institute of Aquitaine Basin, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, German Federal Research Center for Fisheries, German Federal Research Center for Fisheries; Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries, German Oceanographic Data Center, Great Lakes Observing System, Hakodate Marine Observatory, Helgoland Biological Stations, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hiroshima Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Hokkaido Prefectural Central Fisheries Experimental Station, Hokkaido Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Hokkaido Prefectural Kushiro Fisheries Experimental Station, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hydrographic Oceanographic Service, Hydrographic Office of the USSR Navy, Hydrometeorology Service of the Russian Navy, Hyogo Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Ibaraki Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Ifremer, IFREMER Scientific Information Systems for the Sea, Indian National Hydrographic Office, Indonesian Institute for Nets and Gear Investigation, Industrial intelligence of the Office of the fishing industry of the Murmansk Economic Council, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Marine Biology; Far East Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Marine Research; Biological Laboratory, Instituto Del Mar Del Peru - Callao, Ishikawa Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Iwate Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan Coast Guard; Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard; Hydrographic Division, Japanese Hydrographic Office, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan Meteorological Agency; Climate and Maritime Meteorology Department, Japan Meteorological Agency; Marine Division, Japan Oceanographic Data Center, Japan Sea National Research Institute, Kagawa Prefectual Fisheries Experimental Station, Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Kagoshima University; Faculty of Fisheries, Kamchatsky Hydrometeorological Service, Kamo Fisheries High School, Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Kiel University, Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Kobe Marine Observatory, Kochi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea Meteorological Administration; Meteorological Research Institute, Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute, Kumamoto Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Kyoto Institute of Oceanic and Fisheries Science, Laboratory of Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Studies, Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, LGL Ltd.; Alaska Research Associates, Inc., Litovgidromet Hydrometeorological Service, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Maizuru Marine Observatory, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Marine Resources Research Institute, Marine Station of Endoume, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, McNeese State University, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Middle East Technical University; Institute of Marine Sciences, Mie Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Ministry of the Navy; Instituto Hidrografico, Miya Fisheries High School, Miyagi Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Miyazaki Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Nagasaki Marine Observatory, Nagasaki University Fisheries Institute, National Bureau of Oceanography, National Centre for Space Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies, National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”, National Institute for Water Research, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, National Institute of Oceanography - India, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited, National Oceanographic Data Center of the People's Republic of China, National Research Institute for Oceanology, National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, National Station for Marine Fisheries, National Taiwan University, NATO SACLANT Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Center - Belgium, New York University, New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Niigata Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Nonkai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands, Oceanographic Institute of Algeria, Oceanographic Institute of Venezuela, Oceanographic Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer, Oceanographic Research Institute, Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre Mer - (Pre-Independence) New Caledonia, Ohama Fisheries High School, Oita Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Okayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Oregon State University; College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University; College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Ocean Observatories Initiative Coastal Endurance, Osaka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Pacific Administration of Fisheries Oceanography Research, Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Polish Academy of Science; Institute of Oceanology, Polish Institute of Hydro-Meteorology; Department of Oceanography, Primorsky Territorial Office On Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Quebec Department of Fisheries; la Tabatiere Experimental Fishing Station, Rostov Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology, Rosgidromet, Royal Australian Navy, Royal Board of Fisheries, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Royal Netherlands Meteorlogical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Zoological Institute, Russian Federal Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology - Arkhangelsk, Russian Federal Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology - Moscow, Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership, Sagami Bay Experimental Station, Saga Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Sakhalin Regional Admin of Hydrometeorology, Scientific and Technical Institute of Marine Fisheries - Boulogne-Sur-Mer France, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Sea Fisheries Institute, Sea Fisheries Research Station, Seikai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Service Hydrographique de la Marine, Servicio Hidrografico Y Oceanografico de la Armada de Chile, Shimane Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Shimonoseki University of Fisheries, Shizuoka Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, South Carolina State Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, St. Andrews Biological Station, Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station, State Oceanic Administration; First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration; Second Institute of Oceanography, Swedish Coast Guard, Tallinn University of Technology, Texas A&M University; College Station, Texas A&M University - College Station; Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Tohoku Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Tohoku University, Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Tokai University; College of Marine Science and Technology, Tokushima Fisheries High School, Tokushima Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Tokyo Metropolitan Ogasawara Fisheries Center, Tokyo University; Ocean Research Institute, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tottori Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Toyama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, UK National Institute of Oceanography, Ukraine Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukrainian Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology, Ukrainian Scientific Centre of the Ecology of Sea, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, United Kingdom Marine Biology Association; Plymouth Laboratory, United States Coast Guard, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Institute of Marine Science, University of Bergen, University of Bergen; Geophysical Institute, University of California San Diego; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of Colorado - Boulder, University of Cyprus; Oceanography Centre, University of Delaware; College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment; School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Gothenburg, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Minnesota - Duluth; Large Lakes Observatory, University of Paris VI, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi; Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of South Florida, University of Washington, University of Washington; Applied Physics Laboratory; Polar Science Center, US DOC; NOAA; National Marine Fisheries Service, US DOC; NOAA; National Ocean Service, US DOC; NOAA; NESDIS; National Oceanographic Data Center, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Alaska Fisheries Science Center, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Alaska Fisheries Science Center; Auke Bay Laboratories, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Boothbay Harbor Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Cooperative Oxford Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Narragansett Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Northeast Fisheries Science Center - Sandy Hook, NJ; J.J. Howard Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Woods Hole Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Northwest Regional Office, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Southeast Fisheries Science Center; Galveston, TX Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Southeast Fisheries Science Center; Miami, FL Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center, US DOC; NOAA; OAR; Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, US DOC; NOAA; OAR; Climate Program Office, US DOC; NOAA; OAR; Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, US DOC; NOAA; OAR; Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, US DOI; NPS; Southeast Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network, US Navy, US Navy; Naval Oceanographic Office, US Navy; Naval Postgraduate School, US Navy; Naval Undersea Warfare Center, US Navy; Ships of Opportunity, USSR Hydrometeorological Service - Azerbaijan, USSR Hydrometeorological Service - Moscow, V.I. Ilyichov Pacific Oceanological Institute, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Wakkanai Fisheries Experimental Station, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, World Data Center-D, Oceanography - Tianjin, Yamagata Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Zaprybpromrazvedka Western Administration of Fisheries Oceanography Research, Zoological Station of Villefranche
Platforms: 60 LET VLKSM (905P), 6C-4828 (18P4), A. ALBUQUERQUE (68AB), ABNAKI (31AQ), ABSECON (31AZ), ACARTIA (29AC), ACONA (31AC), ADLER (903E), ADOLF JENSEN (26AJ), ADVANCE II (32AD), AEGAEO (36AE), AEGIR (46AE), AELITA (90A8), Africana (91AG), AFRICANA II (91AF), Agdlek (26A3), AGS NO 1 (491A), AGS NO 2 (492A), AGS NO 3 (493A), AGS NO 4 (494A), AGS NO 5 (495A), Aichi Maru (49VX), AIRCRAFT (ZZ91), AISBERG (90AI), A.I. VOEYKOV (9019), AKADEMIK A. KOVALEVSKIY (90AK), AKADEMIK ALEKSEY KRYLOV (90AO), AKADEMIK BERG (90AJ), AKADEMIK KNIPOVICH (90KN), AKADEMIK KOROLYOV (90AM), AKADEMIK KURCHATOV (90AU), AKADEMIK MSTISLAV KELDYSH (90BP), AKADEMIK SERGEY VAVILOV (90AV), AKADEMIK SHIRSHOV (90SC), AKADEMIK VERNADSKIY (90VE), AKHILL (90AH), AKI (49PC), ALAID (90LG), ALAMINOS (31OS), ALASKA (31AS), Alba Na Mara (74NM), ALBANY (09B7), ALBATROS (90AL), Albatross IV (31A4), ALEJERO HUMBOLDT (65AH), ALEKSANDR SMIRNOV (90ON), ALEKSANDR VLASOV (90JV), ALEXANDER AGASSIZ (31AX), Alfred Needler (18NE), ALIS (35AY), Alkor (06A6), ALLAID (9010), ALMEIDA CARVALHO (68CA), ALMIRANTE CAMARA (14AC), Almirante Graca Aranha (14GA), ALMIRANTE LACERDA (68AM), Almirante Maximiano (14AA), Almirante Saboia (14AH), ALMIRANTE SALDANHA (14AS), Alpha Crucis (14AI), Alpha Helix (31HX), ALPHERAS (905R), ALTAIR (90AF), AMAGI MARU (49A8), Amazonas (14AZ), amelia (33UQ), Amerigo (48JV), AMPERE (35MP), Amundsen (18DL), ANCHAR (907B), ANDROMEDA (9014), angus (33QT), ANL Elaroo (54R6), ANL Warrnambool (54UT), ANTARES (90A7), ANTEA (35A8), ANTIYA (90RF), ANTON BRUUN (31AO), ANTON DOHRN (06AD), ANTON DOHRN II (06DA), Anzac (09AN), A. OTKUPTSCHIKOV (90OT), Apa (14AP), ARA CAPITAN CANEPA (08CC), ARANDA (34AR), ARGO (31AR), ARGOS (77AR), ARGUS (90A3), ARIEL (90AE), ARLIS II (31AY), ARNE TISELIUS (77CB), ARNI FRIDRIKSSON (46AN), ARNI FRIDRIKSSON (46AS), ARTEM (90A9), ARTEMIDA (90AZ), Ary Rongel (14AR), ASAMA (49UQ), ASAMA MARU (49A9), ASHU MARU (49M9), ASHU MARU NO 2 (49UH), A. T. CAMERON (18AT), ATHENA II (33AH), ATLANT (90A6), Atlantic Explorer (33H4), Atlantis (33AT), ATLANTIS II (31AN), Atna (90IQ), Augusta (09AV), AURORA AUSTRALIS (09AR), Autonomous Pinniped (33P2), A. V. HUMBOLDT (07AL), AYAKS (90A2), AYU-DAG (90A5), AZCHERNIRO-1 (9085), AZCHERNIRO-4 (9088), AZCHERNIRO-5 (9089), AZCHERNIRO-6 (9084), AZIMUT (9055), AZUMA (49VC), AZUMA MARU (49A4), BABAYEVSK (90RC), Baffin (18BA), BAHCHISARAY (90UK), Bahia (14PS), BAKHTCHISARAY (90BA), BAKSAN (903X), BALTICA (67BC), BALTYK (67BA), BANNER (32BN), BANNOCK (48B1), BAP EXPLORADOR (65BE), Barataria (31BZ), BARROW ISLAND (09J5), BASHKIRIYA (906U), Bass (33T8), BAYDAR (90Y1), BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRE (35B5), Beinir (18BE), BELLOWS (318B), BELOGORSK (90BK), BELUGA (18BG), Beluga II (18BP), BEREZAN (906W), BERING STRAIT (31BS), BIOMAR I (93BI), bios anna2 (335E), BIOS JACK (33YC), BIOS MINNIE (33JL), BIRAKAN (90WS), BIRKUT (67BI), BJARNI SAEMUNDSSON (46BS), BLACK DOUGLAS (31BD), BLESK (905U), BLUE (31LB), BLUE FIN (31BF), BLUE SEA II (32BS), BOCAS DE CENIZA (22BC), Bonpland (35ZB), Boobie Island Coastal Station (09GC), BORNO STATION (77BO), BOSEI MARU NO. 2 (49EW), BOSTON WHALER (18BW), Bremen Express (065U), BRIZ (90UT), BROWN BEAR (31BB), BULLFINCH (74BF), Burya (pid: 11665), BUZEN (49VG), BYRANT CRUISER (31BY), CAJUN SPECIAL (32C0), Calanus (18DM), CALANUS II (18CN), CALYPSO (35CA), CANDARLI (89CA), Cap Breton (18BO), CAPE DON (09CD), Cape Franklin (MHNH), CAPE SORELL (09CS), CAPE ST MARY (74CM), CAPITAINE DAMPIER (SIC1), Capitaine Quiros (SICJ), CAPITAN CANEPA II (08CA), Cap Pasado (AGST), CAPRICORNE (35CI), CAPT. BRADY J (32B0), Capt Jacques Cartier (18QL), CARLOS DARWIN (20CD), CARLOS PORTER (20CP), CARSAMBA (89CR), CASCO (31CS), CASTLE ROCK (31CK), ce 311 (33NW), ce 319 (33M8), ce 320 (330B), ce 326 (33JZ), ce 327 (33WJ), ce 381 (33W6), ce 382 (33NO), ce 383 (33N9), ce 384 (33NM), ce 386 (333A), ce 871 (33M0), Celtic Explorer (45CE), CELTIC VOYAGER (45CV), CHAIN (31CI), CHALLENGER (74CH), CHANCE (31CH), CHANGPA HO (24AL), CHANGSHENG (761C), CHANG ZHOU (76AB), CHANTICLEER (3162), CHARTER/FISHING BOATS (3102), CHATYR-DAG (65CD), CHATYR-DAG (90DC), C. H. DAVIS (31CD), CHELEKEN (90BH), CHERNOMOR (90CH), CHIBA-MARU NO. 2 (49I2), CHICAGO EXPRESS (060Q), CHINYANG HO (24AN), CHI RI SAN (24CI), CHISHIO MARU (49CH), CHOFU MARU (49TU), CHOFU MARU (49U2), CHOKAI MARU (49CK), CHRISTIANSO (26CR), CHUN MA SAN (24CH), CIROLANA (74CZ), Clione (74CN), Clupea (06NQ), CLUPEA (74CU), CMA CGM AMBER (74XO), CMA CGM CORAL (74NE), CMA CGM FLORIDA (746M), CMA CGM Georgia (748K), COLUMBUS ISELIN (32IC), Comet (066P), COMMANDANT ROBERT GIRAUD (35CG), COMMANDO (31CU), COMPASS ISLAND (31CZ), COOK INLET (31CO), CORELLA (74CX), CORIOLIS (35CO), CORIOLIS (59CO), CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA (29CS), COTE D'AQUITAINE (35QA), COTES DE LA MANCHE (35C4), COURAGEOUS (09CR), cp 339 (33W0), cp 340 (33JF), cp 376 (33YJ), cp 379 (33Z3), cp 380 (33TV), cp 388 (33AA), cp 514 (33T3), cp 559 (33QN), cp 564 (33F0), cp 583 (335R), Crate (35Q5), CRAWFORD (31CF), CREST (31CR), DAISEN (49XB), DALNEVOSTOCHNIK (90DN), DALNIYE ZELYENTSY (90BY), Dalrymple (74DL), DANA (26DA), DARSHAK (41AB), DARVIN (90YN), David Starr Jordan (31JD), Dawson (18DA), DEEPAK (41DE), DEGEI (09T2), DELAWARE (31DE), Delaware II (316G), DENEB (06JX), DERASPE (18DE), DES GROSEILLIERS (18GO), DFO-BB046 (188K), DFO-MIKE (pid: 13720), DFO-WALLE (18GI), Diamantina (09DM), Dipsy (068E), Discoverer (31DS), Discovery (74E3), Discovery (74EQ), Divine Ace (PAMN), DMITRIY MENDELEYEV (90MD), DOLPHIN (31DP), Dominant (31DM), DR. EDUARDO L. HOLMBERG (08EH), drifting buoy (99DB), DR. LUBECKI (67GD), DROGUE (3145), Duane (31DU), Eagle Eye II (335J), EASTWARD (31EZ), EDEN (09F6), Edisto (31ED), E. E. PRINCE (18PE), Ehkoli (18EH), EKLIPTIKA (90EL), EKVATOR (90EK), Ekvator (pid: 12151), ELENINSK (906N), Elisabeth Mann Borgese (06EZ), Ellen Khuzwayo (91Y3), ELSK (9028), ELTANIN (31ET), ENDEAVOR (32EV), Endeavor (337W), ENDEAVOUR (18EN), Energy (31EG), ENOSHIMA MARU (49EN), Enoshima Maru (49FF), E.R.AMSTERDAM (LUT4), E.R.France (54HR), ER MONTPELLIER (54KD), ERNEST HOLT (74EH), ERNST HAECKEL (07EH), ERNST KRENKEL (90KE), Eros (58EO), ESCANABA (31EN), ESPERANCE (09ES), ESTELLE STAR (0917), Evergreen (31EV), EVRIKA (90EV), EXCELLENCE (32L7), EXCELSIOR (48EX), EXPLORADOR (20EX), Explorer (31EX), EXPLORER (74EX), FA2805 (327O), FA2808 (327I), Fedor Litke (90DO), F. G. CREED (18FC), F.G. Walton Smith (33WA), FIOLENT (90CA), FIXED PLATFORM OF UNITED STATES (317F), FIXED STATIONS OF CANADA (18FX), FIXED STATIONS OF SOUTH AFRICA (91FS), FLIP (31FP), FORT FRANCIS (18FF), FOTON (906F), FRANCE I (35FR), franklin (33IW), Frederick Russell (74GG), FRIEDRICH HEINCKE (06HF), FRIESLAND (06FD), Frosti (18DN), FUJI (49HZ), FUJI-MARU (49HU), FUJI NO.18 (49GX), FUKUI MARU (49IH), Fukui Maru (49RQ), Fukushima Maru (4936), FUKUSHIMA MARU (49FK), FUSAKAZE MARU (49FM), FUSAMI MARU (49DW), FUSAMI MARU NO.2 (49FX), FUTAMI (49FB), GADUS ATLANTICA (18GA), GARCIA DEL CID (29GD), Gascoyne (09GA), GAUSS (06GA), GAVESHANI (41GA), GENERAL SAN MARTIN (08SM), George B. Kelez (31KE), GEORGE R. PEARKES (18GP), GEORGIY MATVEYCHUK (906L), GEORGIY SEDOV (90SE), GEORGIY USHAKOV (90UG), GEPPO (49XH), GERAKL (90GE), GERALDTON (09GE), GERDA (31GE), GEROEVKA (90GK), GEROI KERCHI (90B7), GERONIMO (31GN), gi 365 (33YS), gi 515 (33LZ), GIDROLOG (906S), GIZHIGA (90GI), Glacier (31GL), Global Leader (BHPI), GLORIA MICHELE (33GL), G. M. DANNEVIG (58GD), Gordon Gunter (33GG), GORIZONT (90GO), G.O. SARS (58G3), GOSNOLD (31GO), gp 566 (336U), Grad (90JB), Green Dale (MHLX), GRIBANOV (904R), GROM (90M9), GROT (90N1), GUAIQUERI (93GQ), GUNNAR THORSON (26GT), GUS III (31G3), GYRE (32GY), HAAKON MOSBY (58AA), HACHIRYU MARU NO. 13 (49H7), HAKUCHO MARU (49XN), Hakuho Maru (49HH), Hakuho Maru (pid: 4794), HAKURYU MARU NO. 18 (49HQ), Hakusan Maru (490K), HAKUSAN MARU (49NK), HALMAR 'SRT' (90XI), HAN RA SAN (24HA), HANSA FREYBURG (54G2), HARENGUS (18HR), HATSUE MARU NO.62 (49XM), Havfisken (26HI), HAYACHINE MARU (49H3), HAYASUI MARU (49AV), HAYATE (49HP), HAYATSUKI (49EX), Hecate (74HC), Hecla (74HA), HEIAN-MARU (49HN), Heian Maru (49QC), HEIYO (49WY), HELICOPTER (06HP), HELICOPTER (18HE), HELICOPTER (ZZHP), HELLAND HANSEN (58HH), Helmer Hanssen (58HJ), Henry B. Bigelow (33HH), HERNAN CORTEZ (316H), HERON ISLAND (09R9), HIDEHIKO (49DE), HIGHLAND CHIEF (HKR2), HINDERS (11HI), HINOKUNI (49XP), HINOKUNI MARU (49HF), HMB Endeavour (pid: 13509), HOKKO MARU (49H5), HOKKO MARU (49I1), HOKUSEI (49VJ), HOKUSEI-MARU (49HO), HOKUSHIN MARU (49DJ), HOKUYO-MARU (49OU), HONGYANG HO (24AQ), HORIZON ENTERPRISE (33HO), Horizon Leader (BHF8), Horizon Spirit (33RC), HOSHO MARU NO. 2 (49HL), Houyou (497U), Hoyo (491X), HOYO MARU 12 (49ZL), HUAYAIPE (28HU), HUDSON (18HU), Hugh R. Sharp (33H5), HUMBOLDT (31HU), HYOGO MARU (49HJ), HYOGO MARU NO.1 (49XL), IBARAKI MARU (49LR), ICE CAMP FRAM III (USA) (33GK), ICE CAMP S DEEP FREEZE (33ID), ICE CAMP (ZZIC), ICE ISLAND (31T3), ICE STATION (18IC), ICHTHIOLOG (27IC), IFM03 (06I3), IFM09 (06I9), IFM12 (068F), IFM14 (06DI), Ingham (31IN), INVESTIGATOR (09IN), INVESTIGATOR II (18IN), ISHIKARI (49IK), ISKATEL (90IS), ISLA DE JUVENTUD (CUSV), ISLAS ORCADAS (08IS), ISOKAZE (49EZ), ITSUKI MARU (49IY), ITZUMI (20IT), IWAKI (49IF), Iwaki Maru (4948), IWAKI-MARU (49IW), IWATE-MARU (49IT), IWATE MARU (49JF), JALANIDHI (42JA), JAMES CLARK ROSS (74JC), James Cook (740H), James M. Gilliss (31GI), JAN MAYEN (58JM), Jarvis (319J), JEAN CHARCOT (35JC), JENS VAEVER (26JV), J. E. PILLSBURY (31JP), JOHAN HJORT (58JH), JOHAN RUUD (58JR), JOHN P. TULLY (18DD), JOSEPHINE MAERSK (26JM), KAGAMI (49XG), KAGAMI MARU (49GB), Kagoshima Maru (491Z), Kagoshima Maru (49CG), KAHA ROA (61AD), KAIHO-MARU (49KA), KAIKO-MARU (49OI), KA'IMIKAI-O-KANALOA (33KI), Ka'imimoana (33KM), Kairei (49ZR), Kaisei (493V), KAIUN MARU (49XS), KAIYO (49BE), KAIYO (49F5), Kaiyo Maru (490S), KAIYO-MARU (49K6), Kaiyu Maru (49QS), KAKADIAMAA (GHKA), KAKUYO MARU (49VK), KALLISTO (901F), KALPER (90KJ), KAMENSKOYE (90KY), KAMIKAZE (49D5), KAMINESAN (PAKI), KANGWON 867 (24AS), KARA-DAG (90CG), KATORI MARU NO. 7 (49C1), KEIFU MARU (49UF), Keiten Maru (49DQ), KII (49VF), KII MARU (49KV), KILO MOANA (33KB), KINGFISH B (09KB), Kinokuni (49BO), Kinokuni (49QR), KINSEI MARU (49ZD), KISTNA (41KI), KITAKAMI-MARU (49IA), Knorr (316N), KOCHI (492K), KOCHI MARU (49KT), KOFU MARU (492C), KOFU MARU (49KF), KOMAHASHI (49KH), KONOPUS (90WX), KONSTANTIN BOLDYRYEV (90D7), KORIFENA (90KF), KOROTNEFF (35KR), KOSHIJI MARU (49KJ), KOSHI MARU (49CS), Kosyo (49JK), Koyo (4956), KOYO-MARU (49CY), KOYO MARU (49LO), KOYO (pid: 11775), Kraken (35ZJ), KRIM (90W7), KRUZENSHTERN (90KU), KRYM (903P), KUJI MARU (49XT), KULIKOVO POLE (905A), KUNENE (91KU), KUROSHIO (49XV), KUROSHIO MARU (49KR), KYERIM HO (24AJ), KYOSHO MARU NO. 3 (49K9), KYOSYOU MARU No. 3 (49RR), LABRADOR (18LA), LA DUNKERQUOISE (35DU), LADY HAMMOND (18LH), LADY LEONA (31LA), L'ALLIANCE (18K8), LANGUST (906B), L'ASTROLABE (353L), L'Astrolabe (35O7), LA SUPERBA (48LB), LA SUPREMA (48LA), L'ATALANTE (35A3), Laurence M. Gould (33LG), Leeuwin (09LE), Leim (18LO), LE NOROIT (35LL), LEONID DEMIN (90LD), LESNOYE (90LF), LE SUROIT (35LU), L'EUROPE (35EU), LEV TITOV (90LV), L. F. MARSILI (48MR), Libas (58LB), LIMAN (907Y), LIRA (90LR), LITTLEHALES (31LI), LIZARD ISLAND (09B9), LORD HOWE ISLAND (09GB), Louis S. St-Laurent (18SN), LOW ISLES (09GD), LUCH (90QB), LYNCH (31LY), maang (pid: 13648), Maersk Inverness (SI8R), Maersk Jalan (SIVG), Maersk Lirquen (HKRN), Maersk Lome (MHYZ), Maersk Taikung (HK82), Maersk Vilnius (SIMV), Maersk Visby (SIVY), MAGNUS HEINASON (26MH), MALLOTUS (18MA), MARA (74MR), maracoos 01 (33JA), Marco Michel (18MV), MARELDA (09MA), MARGAREE (18X0), MARIA ISLAND (09F9), MARIA JULIA (46MJ), MARIA PAOLINA G. (48PM), MARIA S. MERIAN (06M2), MARINUS (18MN), MARION DUFRESNE (35MF), Marion Dufresne (35MV), MARLIN (90MR), MARTHA L. BLACK (18MF), MARTIN KNUDSEN (26MR), MAZIRBE (90MZ), McArthur II (33MH), MCCULLOCH (31ML), MECHELEN (11ME), MEIRING NAUDE (91MN), MEIYO (49GQ), MEIYO-MARU (49ME), Melbourne (09MB), MELIBE (18ME), Melville (09MV), Melville (318M), Mercury Ace (PAZ4), MERKURY (907E), Mermaid (09BD), Metan (90NW), Metel (pid: 11662), METEOR (06M3), METEOR (06MT), MEVOOT YAM (47MY), MGLA (90MG), Mia (ESTS), MICHAEL SARS (58MS), MIDORI MARU (49DU), MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV (90ML), MIKHAIL SOMOV (90MS), MIKHAIL VERBITSKIY (90CO), MIKLUKHO MAKLAY (90DK), Miller Freeman (31FN), MIRAI (49NZ), MISAGO MARU (49XW), MITO MARU (49M5), MIURA (49MU), Miyagi Maru (49ZT), MIYAKO (495V), MIYAKO (49X7), MIYAKO MARU (49MM), MIYAZAKI MARU (49OZ), MIZUHO MARU (49BM), MLECHNI PUT (905I), MN COLIBRI (35MJ), MOGAMI (49MO), MOGAMI-MARU (49MI), Mogami Maru (pid: 12437), MOLDAVIYA (90M3), mote-dora (33TZ), M. Perley (18MU), M. S. SNELLIUS (64SN), MULTIPLE SHIPS (ZZ90), MURRE II (31MX), MUSSON (90MU), MUTIARA (42MU), MYS BABUSHKINA (90MB), MYS DALNIY (90YO), MYSLITEL (90MC), MYS OSTROVSKOGO (90DL), MYS TIKHIY (9094), Mys Yunony (90MH), NAGASAKI-MARU (49NA), Nancy Foster (33NF), Nansei Maru (pid: 11566), Nathaniel B. Palmer (3206), NATSUDOMARI (49FY), NAUKA (90NH), NELLA DAN (09ND), NEMIROV (90NL), Neocaligus (18QX), NERITSA (90NN), NESHANIC (32NH), Newcastle (09NW), NEW HORIZON (32NM), ng314 (33JR), ng357 (331O), ng428 (33OJ), ng619 (334E), ng645 (33A1), NIKOLAY KONONOV (90KV), NIKOLAY RESHETNYAK (9024), NIZERY, ANDRE (RCNI), NOGLIKI (90NG), NOII (329N), NORFOLK ISLAND (09NR), NORRONA (FONO), NORTH SEA FIXED STATION (58NF), Northwest Sanderling (09WX), Northwest Sandpiper (0970), NORTHWIND (31NW), NOVOUKRAINKA (90NB), NOVOULYANOVSK (90CW), NUKA ARCTICA (26NA), OB (90OB), OBDORSK (90OD), OCEANUS (32OC), ODEN (77DN), ODISSEY (905J), OGON (90OP), OKAYAMA MARU (49OV), OKEAN (90OK), OKEANOGRAF (90OG), OKEANOGRAF (90WY), Okeanolog (pid: 11670), Okeanos Explorer (334A), OKHTA (90OH), OKSFJORD (58OK), OLEANDER (32OD), OLEKMA (90OE), OLONETS (90OL), OMBANGO (RCOM), ONAR (31OA), OOCL Busan (HKZF), OOCL HOUSTON (HKHO), OOCL LE HAVRE (HKC2), OOCL Panama (HKPA), OOCL TEXAS (HK8L), Ooids (3340), OPILIO (18OP), ORECHOVO (90UL), Oregon II (316O), OREKHOVO ZUYEVO (90DQ), ORIGNY (35OG), ORION (28OR), ORLIK (90OR), Oscar Elton Sette (33OC), OSHIMA MARU (49US), OSHORO MARU (49OS), OSTASHKOV (90OA), OTRADNY (905M), OTTO SCHMIDT (90TC), OWASCO (31OW), OWEN (74OW), OYAMA MARU (491D), OYASHIO MARU (49OA), P202 (29QS), P302 (290X), P401 (29U4), PAAMIUT (26PA), PAMYAT MERKUTYA (90BI), PANDA (31PA), PANDALUS (18PA), PANDORA II (18P2), PANULIRUS (31PL), PANULIRUS II (319K), Parizeau (18PZ), PARTIZANSK (90PJ), PASSAT (90PT), PATANELA (09PT), PAUL GOFFENY (353Y), Pearldiver (184K), PEDER RONNESTAD (58PR), Peirce (31PE), Pelagia (33JK), Pelagia (64PE), PELAMIDA (90PL), Pelican (32PE), PERSEII III (90P3), PERSEY (90PS), PERVENETS (90PV), Pheidippides (CYPD), Pioneer (31PI), PIONER LATVII (90LC), Pisces (334B), P. LOUISE (18LP), PLUNGE (90LU), PLUTON (90PP), POINT SUR (32P0), POISK (90PK), Polar Sea (32L9), Polarstern (06AQ), POLTAVA (90P9), POLYARNIK (90PO), PORT HACKING 100M (09E4), PORT HACKING 50M (09E5), PORT MACDONNELL (09Q8), PORYV (90PB), POSEIDON (06PO), POSEYDON (90PN), POURQUOI PAS? (35PK), PREDVODNIK (95PR), PRIBOY (90PY), Priboy (pid: 12153), PRILIV (90PI), PRIMORETS (RUPR), Procyon Leader (PA0S), PROFESSOR (90YP), PROFESSOR ALBRECHT PENCK (07PE), PROFESSOR BOGOROV (9073), PROFESSOR DERYUGIN (90PD), Professor Khromov (90CI), PROFESSOR MESYATSYEV (90MY), PROFESSOR NIKOLSKIY (90WU), PROFESSOR SHTOKMAN (90P4), PROFESSOR SIEDLECKI (67SL), PROFESSOR VIZE (90VZ), PROFESSOR VODYANITSKIY (90V2), PROFESSOR W. BESNARD (14BS), PROFESSOR ZUBOV (90ZB), PROFILING FLOAT (18FP), PROFILING FLOAT (33PF), PROFILING FLOAT (49FP), PROFILING FLOAT (74PT), PROFILING FLOAT (76PF), PROFILING FLOAT (99PF), PROGNOZ (90RP), Prominent Ace (PAMY), PROTSION (90PH), PROZION (9013), PUKHANSAN HO (24AM), Purus (14MT), Quadra (18QA), QUADRA/VANCOUVER (18QV), RA-2 (324I), RA-3 (3200), RA-4 (328I), RA-5 (33JW), RA-6 (33U6), Radon (pid: 12134), Rainier (315R), RAKITNOYE (90ZJ), RASSVET (903L), REBUN (49RE), Rehoboth (31RH), REIKA (90QS), REINE POKOU (ICRP), REISUI MARU (49RS), Reliance (31RE), REMORA (18RA), RESEARCH VESSELS IN GREENLAND (26RG), Reveille (33T0), RIF (90QT), ROBERT D. CONRAD (31RD), Roger Revelle (33RR), Ronald H. Brown (33RO), RORQUAL (31RR), ROTTNEST ISLAND (09K2), RSA (91RS), RU29 (33QW), ru33 (33QJ), ru34 (33KV), RUDOLF SAMOYLOVICH (90SQ), RYOFU MARU (49RY), Ryofu Maru (49UP), Ryofu Maru (49UX), S. A. AGULHAS (91AA), S.A. AGULHAS II (91AH), Sackville (18SV), SAGA (09SA), Sagacity (31S6), SAGAR KANYA (41SG), SAKUMO (GHSA), SALEKHARD (906D), Salme (ESSA), Salvelinus (18SL), Sam (33RI), Sambro (18S9), SAMUDERA (42SA), SAMURAI (49FL), SAN ANDRES (22AR), SAN CHRISTOBAL (SI3P), SANDS (31SD), SANTA CATARINA (266R), SANTA INES (267A), San Waitaki (61WK), SARDINOPS (91SA), Sarmiento De Gamboa (29AH), SASAGAKE MARU (49RB), SATSUNAN (49E7), SATSUNAN (49V1), Scotia (748S), Scotia (74SC), SDEEP01 (29VG), sdeep04 (291O), sdeep06 (29H1), sdeep07 (291N), sdeep08 (295I), sdeep09 (29XV), SEA019 (182V), SEA021 (18E5), SEA022 (18XZ), SEA023 (35GX), SEA030 (35SQ), SEA032 (18GV), SEA038 (3508), SEATRADE ORANGE (54KR), SEATRADE RED (54C1), SEIFU MARU (49SH), SEIFU MARU (49UL), SEIHO MARU (498N), SEIKO MARU NO.8 (49X2), SEKUSHIY (90YB), SEMEN VOLKOV (908C), Senshu Maru (49IV), SENSHU MARU (49SF), SENSHU MARU NO. 2 (49D6), Serrano (31SR), SETA III (52SE), SEVASTOPOL (90SP), SEVASTOPOLSKIY RYBAK (902S), Sever (RUSV), SG560 (5825), SG562 (58OT), SG564 (587V), SG609 (33Q5), SG610 (33R5), SG630 (33IU), SG635 (330M), SG649 (33Y7), SG663 (33Q1), SG664 (33KO), SG665 (33NX), SG668 (33LP), SG669 (33U9), SG677 (pid: 13664), SHAMOOK (18OK), SHANTAR (9092), Sheldrake (31SH), Shengking (SISH), Sherman (311H), SHI JIAN (76SH), Shimane Maru (49QD), SHIMANE MARU (49SM), SHINDAITO MARU (49XC), SHINEI MARU (49X1), SHINHAYABUSA MARU (49SX), SHINKAI MARU (49E5), SHINNAN-MARU (49SI), SHINTAJIMA MARU (49EJ), SHINYO MARU (49IN), SHIOKAZE (49VH), SHIRASE (49ZS), SHIRATORI MARU (49RA), SHIROCHIDORI (49FV), Shirochidori (49UW), SHOYO (492S), SHOYO (49U7), SHOYO MARU (49SY), SHTORM (90S3), SHU GUANG 01 (76S1), SHU GUANG 02 (76S2), SHU GUANG 04 (76S4), SHU GUANG 06 (76SU), SHU GUANG 07 (76S7), SHU GUANG 08 (7610), SHUNPU MARU (49VP), SHUNPU MARU (49VR), SHUNYO MARU (49SC), Siangtan (SIWU), SIGANUS (3312), Sigma-T (18SG), silbo (3300), SINSHUN MARU (49RN), Sirius (14SI), SIR JOHN FRANKLIN (18SZ), SKAGERAK (77SK), SKALA (90UD), SKIF (90C4), Skill (31S7), skuld (583H), SL209 (09GX), SL210 (09GY), SL248 (09G0), SL281 (09G2), SL286 (09G3), SL287 (09G5), SL502 (09YX), SNP-1 (65SN), SOELA (09SV), Solea (06S1), Solea (06SL), SONNE (06BE), SOUTHERN SURVEYOR (09SS), SOYA (49SB), SOYO-MARU (49SO), Soyo Maru (49WB), SP011 (33YY), SP013 (330O), SP022 (33SI), SP027 (335P), SP028 (33WQ), sp029 (33ZA), SP030 (33ZC), SP031 (33JO), SP034 (33OZ), SP035 (33XQ), SP036 (33ZL), SP039 (33ZD), SP040 (33KT), SP041 (330W), SP047 (33Y1), SP052 (336W), SP054 (330Z), SP055 (33TO), SP058 (33ZZ), SP062 (33NG), SP064 (33L8), SP065 (33YH), SP066 (33LO), SP067 (33GQ), SP069 (33AX), SPEKTR (90SD), Spray001 (33XA), SPRIGHTLY (09SY), SRT-308 ALAZEYA (90S6), SRT-4178 "MUJNAK" (90SS), SRT-4191 "MJAG-OSTROV" (90SU), SRT-4519 Nakat (901N), SRTM 8005 "ALIOT" (90A4), SRTM-8-417 (904P), SRTM-8452 (90M1), SRTM-8454 (90ES), STAGE I (314H), STAGE TIDE (32ST), Staten Island (31SI), ST. BARNABE (18BS), St. Catharines (18SC), Stella (74XK), Stikine (183S), STVOR (90VF), SUB SIG II (32G8), SURO HO (24AP), SURUGA MARU (49SP), Suruga Maru (49VN), SVEA (77SE), SWAN (31SW), Swan River Bridge (SISR), Swift Ace (BHY2), sylvia (33Y0), Szechuen (SIZH), TACHIBANA MARU (49T7), Tacoma Trader (SI5J), TAE BAEK SAN (24TA), TAGE (31TA), TAJIMA (49FZ), TAKO MARU (49T9), Takunan (49Z4), TAKUYO (49TK), TAKUYO MARU (49PK), Takuyo Maru (49QV), TALLAHASSEE (SIF3), TAMASHIMA MARU (49DV), TANGAROA (61TG), TANGAROA (61TN), TANKAI-MARU (49TA), TANSEI MARU (49TD), TANSHU MARU (49EV), Tanshu Maru (49W1), Tara (35XI), TARANUI (61TU), TARUSA (9022), TATEYAMA-MARU (49TE), Teleost (18TL), TENYO (49ET), Tenyo Maru (4963), Teresa (48Z5), TERITU (31TU), Téthys II (35TT), TE VEGA (31V5), TEXEL (64TE), THALASSA (35HT), THALASSA (35TH), THALIA (35TC), Theque (35M8), Theta (18TH), THETIS (77TH), THOMAS G. THOMPSON (31TT), THOMAS G. THOMPSON (3250), Thomas Washington (31WT), TIKHOOKEANSKIY (90TK), TIKUGO (4918), Tintin (35ZX), TIOGA (3313), TOKAIDAIGAKU MARU II (49TQ), TOKIWA (49VD), TOKIWA MARU (49TW), Tokiwa (pid: 11615), Tokushima (49U1), TOKUSHIMA MARU (49TP), TOMASHIMA (49RC), TONAN-MARU (49TO), TOO MARU (49RT), TOPSEDA (90TP), TOROS (90UE), TOSA (49BF), TOSAKAIYO MARU (49D4), TOTTORI MARU NO.1 (49XZ), Tottori Maru NO.1 (49Y4), Townsend Cromwell (31TC), TRACHURUS (91TR), Tranquil Ace (CISE), TRIDENS (64TD), TROPIK (907J), TSURU MARU (49UR), Tubul (547D), TUI (61TI), Tukuma Arctica (26RA), TUNETS (9011), TURSIOPS (31TI), TV04 (77AK), TV101 (77BN), TV102 (77T1), TV105 (77AP), TV241 (77AT), TV243 (77AU), TV244 (77T4), TV245 (77AV), TV246 (77AW), TV252 (77TV), TV253 (77T3), TV257 (77AZ), TV260 (77BA), TV271 (77BB), TV274 (77BD), TV276 (77BE), TV277 (77T7), TV282 (77BH), TV283 (77BI), UD 134 (33X9), ULYANA GROMOVA (90GR), UME MARU NO.3 (49U3), Umitaka Maru (49QB), UMITAKA-MARU (49UT), U.M. SHOKALSKIY (90SH), UNANUE (65UN), Undarum (CYFX), UNDAUNTED (31UN), Uniao (144E), UNIT 191 (33KQ), Unit 334 (18NT), Unit 540 (33NJ), UNKNOWN PLATFORMS OF USSR (9099), UNRYU-MARU (49UN), URAGAN (90U6), URD (58YB), usf-gansett (pid: 13668), USHIO (49DX), USHIO MARU (49UJ), Uthoern (06UN), UTHOERN (06UT), VALERIAN URYVAYEV (90C8), Vancouver (18VV), VARIOUS CHARTERED VESSELS (1888), VASILIY GOLOVNIN (90VG), VAUBAN (55VA), VECTOR (18VT), VELERO III AND IV (31VL), Venture (pid: 11479), verd (588T), VESTNIK (9048), VICTOR HENSEN (06VI), VICTORIA 1 (65AX), VICTORY VI (18VI), VIDAL (74VI), Vienna Express (0628), VIKHR (90VH), VIKING CORAL (SIMK), VIKTOR BUGAYEV (90VC), VIKTOR BUYNITSKIY (RUBF), Viola M Davidson (18AU), Vital De Oliveira (14KU), VITYAZ (90VI), VITYAZ (90VT), Vizconde de Eza (29VE), Vladimir Vorobyev (90VV), Vladykov (18VD), VNUSHITELNIY (90YD), VOLNA (90VB), VOLNYY VETER (907V), VOLSTAD SENIOR (58VS), VOLZHANIN (907C), VOSKHOD (90VS), VOZROZHDENIYE (90VQ), VSEVOLOD BERYEZKIN (90VD), VYACHESLAV FROLOV (90FC), VYANDRA (90VN), VYKHMA (906G), Wakashio Maru (pid: 11826), WAKATAKA MARU (49WA), Wakatake Maru (4976), WAKATAKE MARU (49WE), WAKAYAMA (49WP), WALTHER HERWIG (06HW), WALTHER HERWIG II (06WH), WALTHER HERWIG III (06NI), WEATHERBIRD II (320G), WECOMA (32WC), WEERUTTA (09WE), W. E Ricker (18RK), WEST-HINDER (11WH), WESTWARD (3195), Westward Wind (32OO), WHARF POINTE NOIRE (35WH), WHEELING (32WE), WHITETHROAT (18WH), WIECZNO (67WI), WILFRED TEMPLEMAN (181C), Wilkes (319W), WILLEM BEUKELSZ (64WB), Wisteria Ace (54QD), XIANG YANG HONG 01 (76XA), XIANG YANG HONG 02 (76X2), XIANG YANG HONG 03 (76X3), XIANG YANG HONG 08 (76XC), XIANG YANG HONG 09 (76AF), XIANG YANG HONG 10 (76X8), XIANG YANG HONG 14 (76X9), XIPHIAS (32XI), XUE LONG (76XL), YAKOV GAKKEL (90YG), YAKURI MARU (49X8), YAKUTAT (31YA), YANG MING 362 (21YM), YAQUINA (31YQ), YASHIO (49X6), YELCHO (20YE), YOKO-MARU (49YK), YOKO MARU (pid: 11699), YOSHIO MARU No. 18 (49RL), YOSHU MARU (49UV), YUBILEYNYY (90YU), YURATE (90YE), ZAKAT (90YC), Zapolyarnyy (RUZP), ZARNITSA (90ZE), ZAVITINSK (90ZN), ZHELEZNYAKOV (9026), ZHEMCHUG (90ZM), ZHUVEDRA (90ZU), Zodiak (90ZR), ZUIO MARU (49VB), ZVEZDA (90ZV), ZVEZDA AZOVA (90DU), ZVEZDA CHERNOMORYA (90ZD), ZVEZDA KRIMA (90ZK), ZVYEZDA SEVASTOPOLYA (90ZS)
Number of observations:
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Metadata version: 11
Keydate: 2022-04-08 16:08:09+00
Editdate: 2024-07-28 16:27:33+00