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OAS seaname Detail for Celebes Sea (Sulawesi Sea and Mindanao Sea)
<< previous | |revision: 1 |
seanames_id: | 126 |
Seaname: | Celebes Sea (Sulawesi Sea and Mindanao Sea) |
Sea code: | 48B |
Definition: | (b) Celebes Sea. On the North: The Southern limit of Sulu Sea (48 a) and the Southwest coast of Mindanao. On the East: A line from Tanjong Tinaka, the Southern point of Mindanao, to the North point of Sangi (3°45' N, 125°26' E) thence through the Sangi Islands to Tanjong Poeisan, the Northeast extreme of Celebes. On the South: The North coast of Celebes between Tanjong Poeisan and Stroomenkaap (Cape Rivers) (1°20' N, 120°52' E) and thence a line to Tanjong Mangkalihat in Borneo, the Northern limit of Makassar Strait (48 m). On the West: The East coast of Borneo between Tanjong Mangkalihat and Tanjong Labian, the Southern limit of the Sulu Sea (48 a). Celebes Sea has been divided into Sulawesi Sea (6.25) and Mindanao Sea (6.26) in Limits of Oceans and Seas, 1986 (Draft 4th edition). IHB Special Publication 23, International Hydrographic Bureau, 203p. |
Citation: | Limits of Oceans and Seas (Special Publication No 23) 3rd Edition, 1953. International Hydrographic Bureau, 42p. |
Deprecated: | false |
Metadata version: | 1 |
Keydate: | 2000-09-13 04:00:00+00 |
Editdate: | 2016-05-10 18:39:40+00 |