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Tools, documents, and other materials to help you navigate NCEI data and information.


Climate Reports

State of the Climate

A collection of monthly summaries recapping climate-related occurrences on both a global and national scale.

Monthly State of the Climate Summaries

Photo of Lightning Storm


OneNOAA Science Seminar Series

The OneNOAA Science Seminar Series is a comprehensive summary of NOAA-hosted, publicly available environmental science and climate seminars. More than forty seminar partners from line offices across NOAA collaborate to make this series possible. 

To receive updates on new seminars, send an email to sends email) with ‘subscribe' in the subject or body, or fill out the subscription form

View Seminars 


Educational materials and opportunities for K-12 teachers and parents who want to incorporate STEM and environmental data into classrooms and other learning contexts.

Education Page


Publications include scientific papers and reports, product documentation, informative handouts, and posters. 

View Publications

Use and Interpret Data


Metadata enables data storage, organization, and discovery at NCEI. Learn more about metadata creation,  implementing ISO standards, and using XML. 

Metadata Page


Collection Manager: CoMET | WAFs | Docucomp | Metaserver

Maps and Geospatial Products

Data visualization tools that can display a variety of data types in the same viewing environment, and correlate information and variables with specific locations.

Ocean Data Formats and Codes

Storage and output formats and codes for data in the NCEI Ocean Archive Database. This list includes older codes and formats that aren’t actively updated, but can still be used to retrieve data.