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OAS seaname Detail for North Atlantic Ocean
seanames_id: 91
Seaname: North Atlantic Ocean
Sea code: 23
Definition: The limits of the North Atlantic Ocean are the following: On the North: A line joining the coast of Labrador in Canada eastward, along the parallel of 60 Degrees N, to the southwestern coast of Greenland; thence northeastward, along the southern and eastern coasts of Greenland, to Cape Edward Holm (67 Degrees 51 Minutes N - 32 Degrees 11 Minutes W ); thence a line joining Cape Edward Holm southeastward to Bjargtangar (65 Degrees 30'15 Seconds N - 24 Degrees 32'20 Seconds W), the western extremity of Iceland; thence from Bjargtangar southeastward, along the western and southern coasts of Iceland, to Stockksnes Cape (64 Degrees 14'25 Seconds N - 14 Degrees 57'50 Seconds W); thence a line joining Stockksnes Cape southeastward to the northeastern extremity of Fuglö Island (62 Degrees 20'35 Seconds N - 6 Degrees 14'50 Seconds W), in the Faeroe Islands, and to position 61 Degrees N - 0 Degrees 53 Minutes W , on the Hebridean Shelf; and thence from this position eastward, along the parallel of 61 Degrees N, to the southwestern coast of Norway. (The common limit with the Arctic Ocean, see 9.) on the East: From the parallel of 61 Degrees N on the southwestern coast of Norway southward, along the coasts of Norway and Sweden, to the parallel of 57 Degrees 45 Minutes N ; thence a line joining the coast of Sweden westward, along the parallel of 57 Degrees 45 Minutes N , to Skagen Lighthouse (57 Degrees 45 Minutes N - 10 Degrees 35'50 Seconds E), the northern extremity of Jutland, in Denmark (the common limit with the Baltic Sea, see 2.); thence from Skagen Lighthouse southward, along the coasts of Europe, to Cape Trafalgar (36 Degrees 10'40 Seconds N - 6 Degrees 02406 Seconds W), on the southern coast of Spain; thence a line joining Cape Trafalgar southward to Cape Espartel (35 Degrees 47'30 Seconds N - 5 Degrees 55'30 Seconds W), in Morocco (the common limit with the Mediterranean Region, see 3.); and thence from Cape Espartel southward, along the western coast of Africa, to Cape Lopez (0 Degrees 37'20 Seconds S - 8 Degrees 43 Minutes E ), in Gabon. On the South: A line joining Cape Lopez northwestward to position 0 Degrees -6 Degrees 25 Minutes E (on the southwestern limit of Gulf of Guinea, see 1.10); and thence a line joining position 0 Degrees -6 Degrees 25 Minutes E westward, along the Equator, to the northern coast of Brazil (the common limit with the South Atlantic Ocean, see 4.). On the West: From the Equator, on the northern coast of Brazil, northward, along the eastern coasts of the American continents, to the parallel of 60 Degrees N, on the coast of Labrador in Canada.
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 0
Keydate: 2000-10-24 04:00:00+00
Editdate: 2000-10-24 04:00:00+00