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OAS accession Detail for 0001715
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accessions_id: 0001715 | archive
Title: Sea surface temperature and salinity data from thermosalinographs collected from multiple platforms world-wide from 1989-07-20 to 2015-03-02 as part of the Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) project (GOSUD v1.6) (NCEI Accession 0001715)
Abstract: This dataset contains GOSUD v1.6 thermosalinographs data submitted to NOAA/NCEI. The data includes information about sea surface temperature and salinity, in netCDF formatted files, obtained with the use of thermosalinographs (TSG) installed in a variety of ships. The datasets provided by the various GOSUD contributors are collected and assembled in the database by Coriolis. The dataset constitutes the complete dataset assembled by GOSUD with the corresponding flags after the quality control. The measured variables or parameters include conductivity, sea surface salinity, sea surface water temperature (using internal sensor), water temperature (using external sensor, when available), latitude, longitude and time. The originator's data have different temporal resolutions from three minute median filtered values to one hour point values.
Date received: 20160822
Start date: 19890720
End date: 20150302
Seanames: Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Andaman Sea or Burma Sea, Arabian Sea, Arafura Sea, Arctic Ocean, Baffin Bay, Balearic (Iberian) Sea, Bali Sea, Baltic Sea, Banda Sea, Barents Sea, Bass Strait, Bay of Bengal, Bay of Biscay (Golfe de Gascogne), Bay of Fundy, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Bismarck Sea, Black Sea, Bristol Channel, Caribbean Sea, Celebes Sea (Sulawesi Sea and Mindanao Sea), Ceram Sea or Seram Sea, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Chukchi Sea, Coastal Waters of Alabama, Coastal Waters of Florida, Coastal Waters of Louisiana, Coastal Waters of Mississippi, Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia, Coastal Waters of Texas, Columbia River estuary - Washington/Oregon, Coral Sea, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Davis Strait, East China Sea (Tung Hai), East Siberian Sea, English Channel (La Manche), Flores Sea, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary, Great Australian Bight, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, Greenland Sea (including Iceland Sea and North Greenland Sea), Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of Aqaba, Gulf of Bothnia (Bay of Bothnia and Bothnian Sea), Gulf of California, Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Guinea, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Riga, Sound Sea, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Thailand, Halmahera Sea, Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, Indian Ocean, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea and St. George's Channel, Japan Sea, Jawa (Java) Sea, Kara Sea, Kattegat, The Sound, Storebælt, Lillebælt, Labrador Sea, Laccadive Sea, Laptev (or Nordenskjöld) Sea, Ligurian Sea, Malacca Straits, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin, Molucca Sea, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Mozambique Channel, National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa, New York Bight, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, North Sea, Northwestern Passages, Norwegian Sea, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, Persian Gulf (Gulf of Iran), Strait of Hormuz, Philippine Sea, Red Sea, Rio de la Plata, Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, Ross Sea, San Diego Bay, Sawu Sea, Sea of Marmara, Sea of Okhotsk, Selat Makasar (Makasar Strait), Seto Naikai (Inland Sea), Singapore Strait, Skagerrak, Solomon Sea, South Atlantic Ocean, South China Sea (Nan Hai), Southern Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, St. Lawrence River, Strait of Gibraltar, Sulu Sea, Tasman Sea, Timor Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Yaquina Bay, Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai)
West boundary: -180
East boundary: 180
North boundary: 79.82764
South boundary: -74.7667
Observation types: in situ, laboratory analyses
Instrument types: thermosalinograph
Submitter: Petit de la Villéon, M. Loïc
Submitting institution: Ifremer
Collecting institutions: Ifremer
Contributing projects: GOSUD
Platforms: Albert Rickmers (54WC), ALEJERO HUMBOLDT (65AH), ALIS (35AY), ANTEA (35A8), ANTON DOHRN (06AD), ARGENTINA STAR (BHAR), Armorique (351I), AURORA AUSTRALIS (09AR), Baltic Princess (ESBP), BARBARA (063I), BARCELONA EXPRESS (BMBE), BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRE (35B5), BELGICA (11BE), Bell M. Shimada (3322), Bergensfjord (26BJ), Cape Ferguson (097H), Cap Trafalgar (pid: 12479), Chapman (32YN), Charles Darwin (74AB), CHITA MARU (49CT), CHOFU MARU (49U2), CMA CGM Lavender (54LB), CMA CGM Matisse (35EK), CMA CGM Onyx (SIOX), CMA CGM Pasteur (pid: 11934), Colibri (58BW), Color Fantasy (58CO), CONTSHIP WASHINGTON (54WA), CORAL ISLANDER (35C3), Coral Islander II (PARP), CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA (29CS), COTES DE LA MANCHE (35C4), CS LONDON (54LN), CS ROME (54RO), David Starr Jordan (31JD), Direct Tui (54WB), Discovery (74E3), Dr. Bernardo Houssay (08AH), ENDEAVOUR (18EN), Explorer (BHAB), EXPLORER OF THE SEAS (33KF), Fairweather (317W), FALSTAFF (77FF), Fantasea Wonder (090C), Finnmaid (34FM), Franklin (09FA), Funny Girl (06WP), GAUSS (06GA), GODAFOSS (AGGD), Gordon Gunter (33GG), Hakuho Maru (49HH), HECK (31HK), Heincke (06HK), Hi'ialakai (33HL), HUDSON (18HU), JAMES CLARK ROSS (74JC), JOHN P. TULLY (18DD), Ka'imimoana (33KM), KEIFU MARU (49UF), KOFU MARU (492C), KOFU MARU (49KF), KYOWA CATTLEYA (PAKC), KYOWA HIBISCUS (PAKH), L'ASTROLABE (353L), L'ATALANTE (35A3), LE SUROIT (35LU), L'EUROPE (35EU), Linnaeus (09B1), Lysbris (58LY), Malcolm Baldrige (33MW), Marfret Niolon (LUGI), Marion Dufresne (35MV), Meerkatze (06AI), MELBOURNE STAR (BHAQ), METEOR (06M3), Miller Freeman (31FN), MN COLIBRI (35MJ), MN TOUCAN (35MT), MONTE OLIVIA (06ZG), Nancy Foster (33NF), Neomysis (35NY), Norbjorn (58S3), NUKA ARCTICA (26NA), Oceanographer (31OC), OCEAN RESEARCHER (74OA), Okeanos Explorer (334A), OLEANDER (32OD), OLYMPIC CHAMPION (3240), Oregon II (316O), Oscar Dyson (33OA), Oscar Elton Sette (33OC), PACIFIC CELEBES (HKPB), PACIFIC ISLANDER II (PAP2), Pelagia (64PE), Pisces (334B), Polarstern (06AQ), PONT-AVEN (35PN), POSEIDON (06PO), POURQUOI PAS? (35PK), PRIDE OF BILBAO (746P), Rainier (315R), Researcher (3175), REYKJAFOSS (AGRY), RIO BLANCO (063S), Romantika (LADX), Ronald H. Brown (33RO), Ryofu Maru (49UP), Safmarine Nokwanda (74ZF), Sea Flyte (09RJ), SEIFU MARU (49SH), SELFOSS (SISF), Seward Johnson (33SW), Shinyo Maru (495Y), Silja Europa (ESIN), Skogafoss (AGFO), Skogafoss (AGSC), Sojana (746E), Solander (09CX), SOUTHERN SURVEYOR (09SS), SOUTH ISLANDER (PAAE), TANGAROA (61TG), Tara V (35HI), Téthys II (35TT), THALASSA (35HT), THALIA (35TC), TMM Sinaloa (BMS1), Tor Dania (74W2), TRANSPAPER (77TP), Trollfjord (58S4), Tropical Islander (PATI), Wana Bhum (86WB), WASHINGTON (06WN), Xutra Bhum (86XB)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: GOSUD format v1.6 was superseded by GOSUD format v2.0 on 2012-11-28.

In this accession, NCEI has archived multiple versions of these data. The latest (and best) version of these data has the largest version number.
Availability date:
Metadata version: 23
Keydate: 2004-09-14 19:30:41+00
Editdate: 2024-05-22 16:50:22+00