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This Global Drought Narrative is based on global drought indicators available at the Global Drought Information System, and media reports summarized by the National Drought Mitigation Center.

Global Drought Overview

Overview: Beneficial precipitation fell across Mediterranean coastal areas and parts of the Americas and eastern Asia during June 2023, but many drought-plagued areas across Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas were drier than normal, and the precipitation that fell was not enough in many cases to make up deficits that have accumulated over several months. Parts of all of the continents had unusually warm temperatures, which contributed to a record-warm June for the world. The hot temperatures also increased evapotranspiration, which exacerbated the drought conditions, especially in the Americas, Africa, and Europe. A significant portion of the world's agricultural lands was still suffering from low soil moisture and groundwater levels. The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor indicated that agriculture was most threatened in parts of the Americas, Africa, and Asia, and in southwest and eastern parts of Europe and eastern Australia. The Early Warning System Network (FEWSNet) revealed significant food insecurity in parts of Central and South America, Africa, and Southwest Asia.


In Europe, Scandinavian coastal and Mediterranean coastal areas were wetter than normal for a second consecutive month during June 2023, but much of Europe in between these northern and southern ends continued drier than normal. Unusually hot temperatures continent-wide gave Europe the fourth warmest June in the 1910-2023 NCEI record. The excessive heat enhanced evapotranspiration and exacerbated drought conditions where it was dry. Dryness was evident on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) maps across the Iberian Peninsula and interior portions of Europe at the 2- to 3-month time scales. Wet conditions during the winter alleviated dryness across interior regions at the 6-month time scale, except for western portions of Mediterranean Europe. But dry conditions afflicted most of Europe at longer time scales (the last 12 to 48 months), especially as seen on the SPEI maps. The dry conditions were accompanied by excessive heat, with Europe experiencing the second warmest July-June 12-month period in 2022-2023. Soils continued dry from Portugal to northern Europe, while the satellite-based (GRACE) indicator of groundwater revealed low groundwater across most of Europe. Satellite observations of vegetative health (Vegetative Health Index, VHI) revealed poor vegetative health over parts of the Iberian Peninsula and from France northward and eastward. The European Combined Drought Indicator showed some level of drought across most of Europe, except for the Mediterranean coastal and southeastern areas, with 53.3% of the EU-27 territory in Drought Watch, Warning, or Alert conditions. According to media reports (Daijiworld), the Danish Emergency Management Agency issued alerts about the increased risk of wildfires associated with the recent dry weather. The Associated Press noted that Europe's Nordic and Baltic countries have experienced below-normal rainfall and rising temperatures, which have led to forest fire warnings. Small wildfires were already burning in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. EuroNews reported that parts of southern France are restricting water as 10% of Europe faces a crisis situation due to drought. The mayor of the French Riviera town of Grasse announced that he will be increasing water rates in the summer, in a bid to encourage everyone to save water during the summer as the country faces more drought warnings. The summer heatwaves and drought are raising concern among Swedish farmers. Water levels on England's River Granta have been low like at the end of last summer. Reuters noted that low water levels after dry weather are preventing cargo vessels from sailing fully loaded on the Rhine River in Germany, meaning surcharges are added to the usual freight rates. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency has warned Scotland to "brace itself" for "significant water scarcity". In a report published in mid-June, the environmental body raised the level of alert further in many areas of the country. The EU Science Hub reported that severe drought has been affecting the western Mediterranean, reducing soil moisture and river flows, and stunting plants and crops during their crucial growing season. Reuters added that drought has dried up Spain's Fuente de Piedra wetlands, forcing flamingos to hatch their chicks elsewhere. As reported by Realnoe Vremya, a state of emergency can be declared in Tatarstan because of drought. Minister of Agriculture and Food of the republic, Marat Zyabbarov, said this claiming that there was 15 mm of precipitation on average in June whereas the standard is 60 mm. Tatarstan is a republic of the Russian Federation located in Eastern Europe.


In Asia, June was drier than normal in central Asia, western and eastern parts of Russia, and areas in Southwest and Southeast Asia. Monthly temperatures were much warmer than normal across southern and eastern parts of the continent. June 2023 tied with June 2010 as the fourth warmest June, continent-wide, in the 114-year NCEI record. The SPI revealed dryness at 2- to 36-month time scales in parts of Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, and western Russia, and at longer time scales in Southwest Asia. Asia had the fourth warmest July-June 12-month time period, according to NCEI records. The SPEI reflected the increased evapotranspiration due to the unusual warmth by indicating more widespread and severe dryness in these areas, as well as the Arctic coast of Siberia, at the 2- to 36-month time scales. Satellite-based (GRACE) indicators of soil moisture and groundwater reveal widespread dry conditions in these areas as well as northeast China and northern India. Satellite observations of vegetative health (VHI) revealed poor vegetative health from Southwest Asia into southwestern Russia, across parts of South and Southeast Asia, over northeast China, and parts of eastern Siberia. Drought conditions were confirmed over northern parts of India on the India Drought Monitor. Some short- or long-term drought was indicated on some of the islands in the Southwest Pacific on the NIWA Island Climate Update maps. According to media reports (Reuters), drought is driving an economic exodus from Iraq's rivers and marshlands; across the country, fishermen, farmers and boat-builders, among others, are giving up on lives that depend on water and are seeking jobs in urban areas. Al Jazeera added that thousands of dead fish have washed ashore in southeast Iraq, prompting an official investigation into the wildlife disaster that officials say may be linked to drought conditions. Turkey's Daily Sabah media reported that water levels in three major dams supplying Istanbul have declined to critical lows, alarming the megacity ahead of the long summer, while experts again point to climate change and reduced rainfall as leading contributors to the shortage. Vietnam is facing a power crisis due to a prolonged drought and extreme heat. The drought has caused water levels in hydroelectric dams to drop, reducing power generation. The heat has also increased the electricity demand, further straining the grid.


Beneficial precipitation fell across the Mediterranean coast (the Maghreb region) of Africa during June, as well as western, central, and southern parts of the continent, while much of the equatorial coastal regions and much of the Horn of Africa were drier than normal. Much of the continent was warmer than normal, with June 2023 tying with June 2017 as the third warmest June continent-wide. Rainfall in recent months improved the SPI values in parts of the Horn of Africa at 2- to 6-month time scales, but evapotranspiration that was enhanced by above-normal temperatures showed more intense drought on the SPEI maps. The last 12 months ranked as the sixth warmest July-June period on record. The recent rainfall in the north (Maghreb region and west coast) was not enough to overcome longer-term dryness, with drought evident on the 3- to 36-month SPI and SPEI maps. These maps also show intense drought at these time scales over central to southern parts of the continent. The SPEI maps show widespread severe drought over the Horn of Africa at 6- to 48-month time scales. Satellite (GRACE) observations revealed persistent low soil moisture and groundwater in the Maghreb and adjacent northern regions, over parts of the Horn of Africa, and parts of central to southern Africa. Satellite observations of vegetative health (VHI) revealed poor vegetative health over the Maghreb region and parts of the Horn of Africa and southern and western Africa. An analysis by the African Flood and Drought Monitor estimated 14% of the continent in drought at the end of June.


Most of Australia was drier than normal during June 2023, with temperatures cooler than normal in the west but warmer than normal elsewhere. This coincided with the development of El Niño. The SPI revealed parts of western, southern, and eastern Australia to be drier than normal at 2- to 6-month time scales, with the west coast dry at longer time scales. Dry areas were evident along the west coast, east coast, and in the southwest, as seen in GRACE groundwater and soil moisture data, satellite-based vegetative health, and in the Australian Combined Drought Indicator analyses.

South America

In South America, much of Chile and Argentina, and parts of Brazil and the northern coast of South America, were drier than normal in June, with above-normal precipitation over parts Uruguay to the northern Andes. Temperatures were above normal across most of the continent, with June 2023 ranking as the fourth warmest June, continent-wide, in the 1910-2023 NCEI record. The SPI revealed drought extending across most of southern South America and extending into parts of Brazil and Venezuela at the 2- to 3-month time scales, and covering a larger area (including Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Peru) at longer time scales out to 72 months. The last 2 months ranked as the second warmest May-June and the last 12 months ranked as the eleventh warmest July-June period. Increased evapotranspiration from the unusual warmth resulted in more extensive and intense drought, as seen in the SPEI. Satellite (GRACE) observations revealed extensive areas of low groundwater and soil moisture from Venezuela to Brazil and southern Peru to the southern tip of the continent. Satellite analysis revealed poor vegetative health from Peru to Brazil and Argentina. Drought was confirmed in Brazil, especially southern and western regions, on the Brazilian Drought Monitor in Bolivia on the Bolivian Drought Monitor, in Chile and Argentina on Southern South America Drought Information System and Chilean Combined Drought Index maps, and in western South America countries on the Western South America Regional Drought Monitor.

North America

In North America, the SPI indicated that June and the last 2 to 3 months were drier than normal across much of Canada; the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and northwestern parts of the U.S.; much of Mexico and Central America; and parts of the Caribbean. Anomalous ridges in the atmospheric circulation pattern resulted in much above-normal temperatures across most of Canada, Mexico, and Central America to the Caribbean that increased evapotranspiration and exacerbated drought conditions. According to NCEI records, North America experienced the seventh warmest June, continent-wide, in the 1910-2023 record, while the Caribbean region had the warmest June on record. The last 2 months were the warmest May-June for North America and the Caribbean. The SPI indicated persistent dryness across Canada, especially the western provinces and some eastern provinces, for the last 1 to 24 months, and in southern portions (especially the southern Prairies) at 36- to 72-month time scales. In the U.S., the Midwest and Northeast were persistently dry for the last 1 to 3 months, parts of the Great Plains were dry at 1- to 48-month time scales, and dryness was still evident in parts of the West at 36- to 72-month time scales after a wet winter and early spring. The SPI showed dryness across southern Mexico, the Central American countries, and much of the Caribbean at 1- to 72- month time scales, and in northwest Mexico at 6 to 72 months. When temperature (evapotranspiration) is considered, the SPEI shows much more extensive and severe dryness in these areas at these time scales. Satellite (GRACE) observations revealed extensive areas of low groundwater and soil moisture across western, southern, and eastern Canada; most of Mexico; and the Central American and some Caribbean countries. In the U.S., soil moisture was low in the northwest, central to northern Plains, and parts of the Midwest and Southwest, while groundwater was low in interior West to southern Plains areas as well as parts of the Midwest. Satellite analysis indicated poor vegetative health across Central America and Mexico to the southwestern U.S., in the Midwest U.S. to eastern Canada, and across much of western Canada. Hundreds of large wildfires continued to burn across western and eastern parts of Canada during June, with the smoke creating health problems for citizens in Canada and downwind parts of the U.S. The North American Drought Monitor product depicted drought across much of western to central Canada and the Maritime provinces; the central U.S. to Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest, southern Plains, and Mid-Atlantic to Northeast; and much of Mexico. The Caribbean Regional Climate Center SPI maps showed dryness across Caribbean islands at 1- to 24-month time scales. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics indicated that 42% of the nation's topsoil moisture, and 48% of the subsoil moisture, was short or very short (dry or very dry) at the end of June, and 29% of the nation's winter wheat crop, 15% of the corn crop, 15% of the soybean crop, 12% of the spring wheat crop, and 25% of the nation's pasture and rangeland were in poor to very poor condition. According to media reports (multiple sources), drought continues to cause issues for ships transiting the Panama Canal as Lake Gatun, which provides water for the canal, dries up quickly; further draft restrictions are expected, especially with El Niño on the horizon. The Panama Canal region is enduring its worst drought since 1950. Reuters noted that Honduran authorities in June said they would begin rationing electricity due to the impact of a drought that has hit output from hydroelectric dams in the Central American country. TeleSUR English added, Honduras' Secretariat for Risk and Contingency Management (Copeco) in June declared a red alert in 140 municipalities in the country due to drought caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon. "What we are trying to do is take preventive actions to take the necessary measures to address the problem of food shortages," Juan José Reyes, head of Copeco's Early Warning Department, said at a press conference. The CBC reported that, in Canada, the British Columbia government is urging people to save water. From Jan. 1 to June 11, 2023, Mexico recorded 20.1% less rainfall than during the same period of 2022, decreasing the amount of water stored in the country's reservoirs, per the National Water Commission. Reuters noted that Mexican sugar production fell 15% in the current season, which is ending early due to a drought that has sapped crops and impacted yields.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Global Drought Narrative for June 2023, published online July 2023, retrieved on June 30, 2024 from