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This Global Drought Narrative is based on global drought indicators available at the Global Drought Information System, and media reports summarized by the National Drought Mitigation Center.

Global Drought Overview

Overview: Beneficial precipitation fell across parts of the drought areas in Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa during March 2023, but in many cases the precipitation wasn’t enough to erase months of deficits. The month was drier than normal over other parts of the drought-plagued agricultural lands of North America, Europe, Africa, and South America. A significant amount of the world’s agricultural lands was still suffering from low soil moisture and groundwater levels, with agriculture most threatened in parts of the Americas and Africa. The afflicted areas include the Canadian Prairies, Great Plains of the United States, much of South America, Western Europe, eastern China, and northern and East Africa. Like the last five months, of the continents, Australia seems to be in the best shape, but even parts of Australia were drier than normal in March.


Southern portions of Europe were drier than normal during March, while central to northern portions were near to wetter than normal. The dry area mostly bordered the Mediterranean Sea and extended from the Balkans to the Iberian Peninsula. The March dryness is a continuation of dry conditions that have been happening on and off for the last several months. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) reflects the cumulative effects of the dryness over time and shows that dryness for the last 6 months extends from Turkey to Spain. Precipitation deficits extending over a longer time period reveal dry conditions extending northward across Europe on the 1- to 6-year SPI maps. Temperatures were unusually warm across Europe, resulting in the tenth warmest March, continent-wide, based on the 114-year NCEI record. When the warmth of previous months is included, Europe had the warmest May-March on record. When increased evapotranspiration caused by excessively hot summer temperatures is combined with the dryness, as seen by the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), drought conditions are even more extreme and cover a larger area that extends back in time over the last 48 months. Satellite-based (GRACE) indicators of groundwater and soil moisture reveal the impacts of this persistent dryness across much of the continent with low groundwater and soil moisture levels evident. The European Combined Drought Indicator shows soil moisture deficits extending from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries.

According to media reports (The Guardian), officials in Catalonia, Spain, have launched what is being described as an extraordinary operation to clear as many as 1.5 tonnes of fish a day, including many invasive species, from a rapidly dwindling reservoir in the hopes of salvaging drinking water as drought continues to grip the region. River levels across the UK have been at record lows and are likely to be ‘devastated’, as new data forecasts broadly dry weather until at least May. Reuters reported that Spain is in the grip of a long-term drought after 36 months of below-average rainfall, with some parts so parched that officials have asked people to cut water use and meteorologists warn of worse to come. Some reservoirs in Catalonia, which surrounds Barcelona, are so low that old constructions like bridges and a church bell tower have resurfaced, people are flying kites on lake beds and navigation apps show someone in the middle of the water when they are standing on dry land. The Independent media source reported that the severe and prolonged drought that has taken hold in Spain was accompanied by wildfires that wreaked havoc unseasonably early; with reservoirs dried up almost completely, authorities feared that the dry spell could be the worst the country has faced in decades. Lake Montbel in southwest France did not refill this winter, leaving boats belonging to the local sailing club stranded on the lakebed.


Most of Asia was warmer and wetter than normal in March, with a narrow band of drier-than-normal conditions extending from the Korean Peninsula to the Caspian Sea; there were also dry areas in Southeast Asia and eastern Siberia. The continent had the second warmest March in the 1910-2023 NCEI record. Enhanced evapotranspiration, that was associated with the warm temperature anomalies, exacerbated the dryness as seen in intensified drought areas on the SPEI. Enhanced evapotranspiration was also evident across eastern China as seen on the Evaporative Stress Index (ESI). Dry conditions persisted across Southwest Asia and from the Korean Peninsula to Japan at the 2- to 3-month time scales. At 6 to 9 months, the SPI shows the drought area in southeast China, while 6- to 72-month SPI time scales reveal widespread dryness across Southwest Asia. Large parts of northern Siberia and northwest Russia are dry on the SPEI at 9- to 48-month time scales, largely reflecting the influence of enhanced evapotranspiration due to unusually warm temperatures. GRACE satellite observations reveal low groundwater and soil moisture across much of China to Mongolia, Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, and north central Asia.

Media reports (Miami Herald) noted that, in southeastern China, drought lowered Dongting Lake, exposing a forgotten ancient burial ground, which local authorities found. Channel News Asia reported that two primary reservoirs in the Jeolla province of South Korea held less than 50% of capacity, leaving more than a million people nearing a water crisis.


Beneficial precipitation fell across parts of East Africa in March, while other parts of East Africa and much of the Mediterranean coast (the Maghreb region) continued drier than normal. The March precipitation helped alleviate some of the East African dryness in the short-term, but drier-than-normal conditions were still evident in the Horn of Africa at the 6-month and longer time scales. Warmer-than-normal temperatures enhanced evapotranspiration in March, as seen on the ESI, with the continent having the fourth warmest March in the NCEI record. The effect of persistent warmth over the last several years is evident in the SPEI, which shows severe drought in East and North Africa out to the last 48 months. Satellite (GRACE) observations reveal improved soil moisture in parts of East Africa, but low groundwater and soil moisture persist across North Africa, other parts of East Africa, and central to southern parts of the continent.

According to media reports (EU Science Hub), the severe lack of precipitation affecting the Maghreb, and the consequent drought situation, raise concerns regarding potential impacts on agriculture, water availability and energy production and usage. The Western Producer media source reported that North Africa’s durum crop is stressed. Crop conditions in almost every region of Algeria and Tunisia were declining, compared to last year. Crops are in the reproductive stage, and there is no rain in the forecast. In Morocco, drought delayed planting and has hindered crops. Reuters reported that the state water distribution company SONEDE said Tunisia will cut off water supplies to citizens for seven hours a night in response to the country's worst drought on record. The country's agriculture ministry introduced a quota system for potable water and banned its use in agriculture until Sept. 30, as the country battles with a drought that is now in its fourth year. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs noted that drought in the Horn of Africa has ravaged communities since late 2020. In Kenya, animal carcasses are scattered along the road, the landscape is barren, and small rivers have gone dry. Al Jazeera reported that, in Ethiopia, after three years of failed rains, animals are dying, decomposing cattle carcasses lie on the ground, and more than 100 local residents were in the hospital in critical condition from malnutrition.


Much of Australia was near to wetter than normal during March 2023, except for some drier-than-normal areas in the north and east. Dryness is seen on the SPI at 2- to 3-month time scales in these regions, but most of the continent is wetter than normal at longer time scales. Dry areas are also evident along the west coast, as seen in GRACE groundwater data and in the Australian Combined Drought Indicator analyses.

South America

In South America, above-normal precipitation fell over parts of the drought areas in March, but precipitation amounts were below normal across many other areas. Temperatures were above normal across most of the continent, resulting in the fourth warmest March on record. The ESI showed enhanced evapotranspiration, especially in the drought areas in Uruguay and Argentina. The SPI maps showed very dry areas from Peru and Brazil south to Chile and Argentina at all time scales from 1 to 72 months. The drought areas were more widespread and intense on the SPEI maps, where evapotranspiration is taken into account. Satellite (GRACE) observations reveal extensive areas of low groundwater and soil moisture. Drought in southern and western Brazil was confirmed on the Brazilian Drought Monitor.

According to media reports (Reuters), Argentina, the world's top processed soy exporter and third biggest corn exporter, is enduring an historic drought that is ravaging crops and intensifying an economic crisis.

North America

In North America, successive atmospheric river events brought much-above-normal precipitation to large parts of the western U.S., from California to the Rocky Mountains. This precipitation improved reservoir levels and mountain snowpack, bringing and end to drought over large parts of the West. But March was drier than normal across other parts of the U.S., including the central to southern Great Plains, along the Gulf of Mexico Coast, and in the Mid-Atlantic region. The month was also drier than normal from the U.S. Pacific Northwest and much of Canada. SPI maps at the 2- to 3-month time scales reveal extensive dryness across most of Canada, east central Mexico, and along the Gulf of Mexico and East Coasts of the U.S. At the 6- to 12-month time scales, dry conditions spread across much of Mexico but become concentrated across the western half of Canada and in the central U.S. (Great Plains). At the 3-year time period, dryness extends from Mexico to the U.S. Great Plains, and across the U.S.-Canadian border. The 6-year SPI shows dry conditions across parts of Mexico, the western U.S., and southern Canada. Much of Mexico had a warmer-than-normal March, but the western U.S. to central Canada were cooler than normal. Unusually hot temperatures in previous years, especially over the western U.S., increased evapotranspiration and resulted in more severe and widespread drought as seen on the SPEI maps. GRACE satellite data revealed low groundwater and soil moisture levels over northern and central Mexico, from the southern Plains to Pacific Northwest in the U.S., and extending across western to central and north central Canada. The North American Drought Monitor product depicted drought across much of western to central Canada, most of the central to western U.S., the Gulf of Mexico coast, and much of Mexico.

According to media reports (Haitian Times), in the Caribbean, a 4-month severe drought in Haiti’s provincial town of Pestel has turned disastrous, destroying crops, killing farm animals and causing health problems among the population. In the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that 28% of the winter wheat crop was in good or excellent condition, the lowest for early April since 1996. Thirty-six percent of the crop was rated poor to very poor (PVP), up from 26% in late November and the same as last year at this time. This is also the worst early April PVP rating since 1996. Strong winds have produced dust storms on the Southern Plains, creating static electricity that affected the winter wheat crop. Red sand overspread roads and highways in Texas as transportation crews tried to keep the roads clear. A cotton farmer 45 miles south of Lubbock, Texas, noted that soil moisture profiles were empty, causing more concern about this year’s crop. Cattle being brought to market in San Angelo, Texas, are significantly smaller than in previous years as drought limits forage growth, leaving less food for cattle; many say that the summer of 2022 was harder for cattle producers than the 2011 drought. The KAKE media source reported that the Kansas Water Authority voted in December to stop draining the Ogallala Aquifer for agriculture. Kansas lawmakers have also approved a bill that encourages groundwater districts to reduce water usage in areas with the most severe depletion. Water levels in the Ogallala Aquifer, which is a major source of groundwater in the southern to central Plains, have significantly declined in recent years. Nebraska Today media source reported that groundwater levels have declined across most of Nebraska following multiple years of below-average precipitation.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Global Drought Narrative for March 2023, published online April 2023, retrieved on July 18, 2024 from