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Global Climate ReportJanuary 1999
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Strong easterly winds across equatorial Pacific Ocean promoted upwelling of cold water in the eastern half of the Pacific Basin. These conditions, known as La Niรฑa, brought dramatic changes to temperature and precipitation throughout many areas of the world in January. Many locations that received above normal precipitation in January 1998, when El Niรฑo was dominant, were dryer than normal under current conditions. Conversely, other areas that were dry in January 1998 received abundant precipitation in January 1999. |
larger imageThe change in temperature between January 1998 and 1999 can be seen in the adjacent figure. Red dots indicate that temperatures were warmer in 1999 and conversely the blue dots correspond to warmer temperatures in 1998. The size of the circle indicates the magnitude of the difference between the two years.
In January 1999, temperatures were warmer throughout most of Canada where the difference reached 8.0C across the northern tier of the country. There was also a large area of warmer temperatures stretching eastward from the Mediterranean through the southern half of Russia into the Far East. The greatest difference occurred over south western Russia where values reached 7.0C. |
Land surface temperatures across a large portion of the world continue to be above their long-term mean. The adjacent plot shows abnormal warmth throughout most of North America, Europe and Asia. Above average temperatures also continued to occur in the southern tip of South America and the southern half of Australia.
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larger imagePreliminary data for January 1999 across the contiguous United States indicate that temperatures averaged above the long-term mean, ranking the 13th warmest January since 1895. The bars in this graph are departures from the 1895-1998 mean. The curved line is a nine-point binomial filter which shows the decadal-scale variations. This curve suggests that the last eleven Januaries have averaged much warmer than normal.
Globally averaged precipitation for the month of January was higher in 1999 than at any time in the past. Precipitation averaged 20.6 millimeters above the 1900 - 1998 mean. This was 17.8 mm above the January 1998 average. Although precipitation averaged well above normal for the globe as a whole, there were many areas that were drier than normal in January.
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larger imageThe shift from El Niรฑo to La Niรฑa conditions corresponded to a shift in precipitation patterns throughout many areas of the world. The changes in precipitation that this shift created can best be seen in a plot of differences between January 1998 and January 1999. In the figure to the left, areas that received more precipitation in 1999 are represented by green dots; conversely, areas that were drier in 1999 are represented by brown dots.
In January 1999, the sub-tropical jet stream was much weaker than the previous year, which reduced the precipitation over the western third of the U.S. At the same time a ridge dominated southeastern China and Japan, which promoted dry conditions. Colder sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Indian Ocean corresponded with dry conditions along adjacent East Africa. |
Although some mid and high latitude areas of the Northern Hemisphere were drier than normal, on average these regions received above average rainfall. Areas in the 85N-55N latitude band averaged 4.3 mm (.17 in) above the long term mean. This was an increase of 8.3 mm over last January's average value, but well below the highest average of 17.0 mm recorded in 1949. Precipitation in the mid-latitude band (55N-30N) was 11.7 mm (0.46 in) above the long-term mean and 4.9 mm greater than last year's average. This was not far from the highest recorded average for this band; 14.4 mm recorded in 1968.
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Further south in the 30N to 10N latitude band, precipitation amounts were similar to last years average; 12.2 mm versus 12.7 mm recorded in January 1998. But in the equatorial band (10N - 10S) precipitation dramatically increased. Due in large part to the heavy rains in the Southwest Pacific (previously discussed), precipitation in this latitude band was 100 mm (3.9 inches) above the long term mean. This was by far the most precipitation ever recorded in this latitude band. It is 33 mm (1.3 inches) above the previous record anomaly. |
larger imageJanuary 1999 was the 13th wettest such month since 1895 for the contiguous United States, based on preliminary data. The bars in this graph are departures from the 1895-1998 mean. The curved line is a nine-point binomial filter which shows the decadal-scale variations. The data indicate that the last five Januaries have been unusually wet when precipitation is areally-averaged across the country.
The surface was wetter than normal across northern Pakistan, Ohio River valley of the U.S., northwest Africa and the British Isles. In contrast, the surface was drier than normal in areas around the Black and Caspian Seas, eastern Australia, far eastern Mediterranean, and southeastern China.
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Numerous weather related natural disasters occurred in January 1999. In the U.S., a record number of tornadoes (169) occurred- that is about ten times the January climatological norm. A full report on selected global extremes is available at the Climate Watch-January 1999 WWW page |