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Regional Climate Services

NCEI’s Regional Climate Services provides access to climate information, products, and other resources for specific regions across the United States. These services provide tailored, comprehensive support to help address the unique challenges and vulnerabilities created by regional weather and climate conditions.

Regional Climate Service Directors

NCEI’s Regional Climate Service Directors (RCSDs) support the development and delivery of a wide range of place-based climate science and information products and services to help people make informed decisions.

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Regional Climate Centers

NCEI’s six Regional Climate Centers (RCCs) are federal-university cooperatives that support the operational production and delivery of climate data and information to decision-makers at regional levels. 

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The American Association of State Climatologists (AASC) is a professional scientific organization that provides climate services, provisioned by support of NCEI at the state level. 

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Map of NCEI locations, Regional Climate Services Directors and Climate Centers