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Boulder Labs, Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Labs, Boulder, Colorado


The Department of Commerce (DOC) Boulder Laboratories campus(link is external) is located at the base of the Rocky Mountain foothills at 325 Broadway in Boulder, Colorado.

Facility Access

Federal Employees

Federal employees driving to Boulder Labs can show a Federal ID and park in the facility parking lot, but rideshare passengers must be dropped off at the Visitors Center and walk approximately 5 minutes to the building.


Visitors are required to sign in and receive a badge from the Visitors Center at the Security Checkpoint by presenting a U.S. photo ID or foreign passport. No other forms of identification are accepted. To check in and receive a badge, park next to the Security Checkpoint and enter the Visitors Center for a security screening.

John C. Stennis Space Center, Mississippi

John C. Stennis Space Center, Mississippi


The John C. Stennis Space Center(link is external) is located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Interstate 10 at Exit 2, approximately 48 miles west of Biloxi, Mississippi, and 45 miles east of New Orleans, Louisiana. NCEI resides in Suite 1003, 1021 Balch Boulevard, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi 39529.

Facility Access

Federal Employees

Stennis is a secure NASA facility that requires a Federal Common Access Card (CAC) for entry.


Visitors should contact their NCEI sponsor to set an arrival date and time to be added to the admission list. Visitors can enter at the center’s South Gate (Interstate 10 entrance) and North Gate (located off Interstate 59 at Highway 607).

Obtaining a Visitor Badge
  • A valid photo ID is required to receive a visitors badge, and foreign nationals must have their passports in addition to advance approval
  • Please note that visits to NCEI and Stennis by foreign nationals require special advance arrangements, which can take up to 60 days to complete
  • Allow at least 30 minutes for visitor badge issue, as lines may become long depending on the time of day
NCEI Maryland entrance (hand sculpture at SSMC3)

NOAA Silver Spring Metro Center, Silver Spring, Maryland


The NOAA Silver Spring campus is comprised of four buildings at the intersection of Colesville Road and East-West Highway. NCEI is located on the 4th Floor of Building 3, SSMC3.

Facility Access

Enter the building at 1315 East-West Hwy, street level and proceed up the elevator to the first floor, guard station. Visitors must request an escort in advance, and provide a valid photo identification (driver's license, employer identification or other photo ID) and a specific destination before entering the facility. Be prepared to follow security procedures that may include search and/ or x-ray of personal items.

The campus is a short walk from the Silver Spring Metro Station (Red Line). Public parking is very limited but available under the four building complex, and nearby in a lot adjacent to the Metro Transit Center near Georgia Avenue and Wayne Avenue.

Veach-Baley Federal Complex, Asheville, North Carolina

Veach-Baley Federal Complex, Asheville, North Carolina


The Veach-Baley Federal Building is located at 151 Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28801.

Facility Access

All parties entering the Federal Building must show a government-issued photo ID and must pass through a security screening device. Visitors must use the turnstile entrance located on Patton Avenue. The gate on Otis Street is reserved for on-site employees, and go through a screening process for prohibited items.

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