NCEI provides access to six-hourly data in GRIB1 format on regularly spaced latitude-longitude grids at 1-degree and one-half-degree resolutions. Vertical resolution varies from 18 to 28 pressure levels, 34 sea level depths, the surface, and other levels. Both atmospheric and ocean model variables are available. More information is available through the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC).
NOGAPS Analysis
Model | Grid/Scale | Period of Record | Model Cycle | Output Timestep | Data Access Links |
NOGAPS Analysis | Global, 0.5º and 1.0º | 02Jan1997 - 09Dec2008 | 4/day: 00, 06, 12, 18UTC | +00hr, analysis only | HTTP |
Process (PPP) / Grid (GGG) | Description | x/y Grid | Levels | Time | Variables |
008 / 240 | Upper-level atmosphere | lon-lat 360x181 | 1,2,5hPa, ptop | one/file | TMP, HGT, UGRD, VGRD |
017 / 240 | Waves and winds | lon-lat 360x181 | surface, other | one/file | various |
028 / 240 | Current, water tmp, mixed layer depth | lon-lat 360x181 | various | one/file | UOGRD, VOGRD, MIXHT, WTMP |
041 / 240 | Soil type, GPH anom., Br.-Vaisala freq. | lon-lat 360x181 | various | one/file | SOTYP, 5WAVA, BVF2 |
043 / 240 | Salinity, water tmp, tmp anom. | lon-lat 360x181 | 34 sea depths | one/file | SALTY, WTMP, TMPA |
058 / 240 | Pressure-level and surface data | lon-lat 360x181 | 18 pressure, other | one/file | various |
058 / 056 | Pressure-level and surface data | lon-lat 720x361 | 27 pressure, other | one/file | various |
078 / 240 | Salinity, water tmp | lon-lat 360x181 | 34 sea depths | one/file | SALTY, WTMP |
110 / 240 | Waves and winds | lon-lat 360x181 | surface, other | one/file | various |