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February 06, 2013 Solomon Islands Tsunami

NOAA and Australian BoM DART® and NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Data

On 2013/02/06 near Santa Cruz Island, Solomon Islands group (10.738°S, 165.138°E) at 01:12:27 (UTC), a magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurred.

This page provides data from the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART®) buoys and processed NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS coastal tide-gauge stations. Files contain raw observations, fitted tidal components, and residual tide values. There are 2 types of DART® data:

  1. 15-sec values as recorded by the Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR)
  2. Real-time water level data as recorded by the Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR) in extended-reporting mode containing measurement types of 15 minutes, 1 minute, and 15 seconds. Real-time data were extracted from the National Data Buoy Center.

In support of national tsunami warning and mitigation efforts NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS upgraded selected stations from the National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) to enable collection and dissemination of 1-minute water level sample data. These data are archived and processed at NCEI. We also provide the computed tides and details on the harmonic tidal analysis results.

DART® source 15-sec data are in pounds per square inch absolute [psia], the tidal analysis is performed on those data. DART® real-time data are processed in PSIA to be compatible with the data from previous deployments. All DART® tsunami event data as observations, fitted tides and residuals are provided here in meters water column using conversion factor of 670.0 mm of water/PSIA. All coastal tide-gauge data are provided in meters.

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Data Tables

The dropdown sections below contain data tables for different DART and Tide Gauge individual data files under "Data" column. The columns in those files are as follows: Time is in Julian days from the beginning of the year, Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Raw Observations, Fitted tidal component, and computed residuals in meters water column. We also provide details on the harmonic analysis results under column Tide.

DART® Stations Data Table
Station number Station name and location Latitude [deg] Longitud [deg] Data [m] Tides
51407 SE of Honolulu 19.6169 -156.5106 * *
51425 American Samoa -9.5044 -176.2297 * *
52401 NE of Saipan 19.2547 155.7619 * *
52402 NE of Kwajalein 11.883 154.11 * *
52403 SW of Turk Lagoon 5.0000 145.5970 * *
52406 NE of Guadalcanal -5.2950 165.0120 * *
55012 Coral Sea -15.7990 158.4000 * *
55013 Tasman Sea -46.6650 161.0100 * *
55023 Coral Sea -14.8000 153.5800 * *

Pacific Islands Tide-Gauge Stations Data Table
Station number Station name and location Latitude [deg] Longitud [deg] Data [m] Tides
1612340 Nawiliwili, Hi 21.9544 -159.3561 * *
1612340 Honolulu, Hi 21.3067 -157.8670 * *
1612480 Makuoloe, Hi 21.4331 -157.7900 * *
1615680 Kahului Harbor 20.8950 --156.4767 * *
1617433 Kawaihae, Hi 20.0366 -155.8294 * *
1619910 Sand I., Midway 28.2117 -177.3600 * *
1630000 Apra, Guam 13.4387 144.6539 * *
1770000 PagoPago, A. Samoa -14.2800 -170.6900 * *
1820000 Kwajalein, Marshalls 8.7316 167.7362 * *
1890000 Wake Island 19.2900 166.6180 * *

Alaska Tide-Gauge Stations Data Table
Station number Station name and location Latitude [deg] Longitud [deg] Data [m] Tides
9451600 Sitka 57.0517 -135.3420 * *
9453220 Yakutat 59.5485 -139.7334 * *
9455090 Seaward 60.1200 -149.4267 * *
9457292 Kodiak 57.7317 -152.5120 * *
9457804 Alitak 56.8983 -154.2470 * *
9459450 Sand Point 55.3367 -160.5020 * *
9459881 King Cove 55.0617 -162.3270 * *
9461380 Adak Island 51.8633 -176.6320 * *
9461710 Atka 52.2317 -174.1730 * *
9462450 Nokolski 52.9406 -168.8713 * *