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January 12, 2010 Haiti Earthquake

DART® Data

On 2010/01/12 at 21:5310 UTC a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred 25 km (15 miles) WSW of Port-au-Prince, Haiti (18.443°N, 72.571°W).

This page provides data from the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART®) buoys. These data files contain raw observations, fitted tidal components, and residual tide values. Along with records from DART® buoys in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and in the North North Atlantic Ocean, we provide data from two other DART® buoys (32411 and 43413) located in the Central Eastern Pacific Ocean where weak tsunami like signals were recorded.

There are 2 types of data:

  1. 15-sec values as recorded by the Bottom Pressure Recorded (BPR) or
  2. Real-time water level data as recorded by the Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR) in extended-reporting mode containing measurement types of 15 minutes, 1 minute, and 15 seconds. Real-time data have been extracted from the National Data Buoy Center.

We have also provided the computed tides and details on the harmonic tidal analysis results. The source 15-sec data are in pounds per square inch absolute [psia], the tidal analysis is performed on that data. 

Tsunami Travel Time (TTT) Map with 30 minute contour intervals overlayed with active (yellow) DART locations during the 12 January 2010 event. Roll over map to view DART regional plots showing filtered data. TTT Map with DART locations produced using TTT software developed by Paul Wessel.

The real-time data are processed in PSIA to be compatible with the data from previous deployments. All tsunami event data as observations, fitted tides and residuals here are provided in meters water column using conversion factor of 670.0 mm of water/PSIA.

The columns in each data file are as follows: Time in Julian days from the beginning of the year, Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Raw Observations, Fitted tidal component, and computed residuals in meters water column. We have also provided details on the harmonic analysis results under column Tides.

Regional DART Plots

More Information

Data Table

Data Table
Station Depth [m] Latitude [deg] Longitude [deg] Data [m] Tides [psia]
32411 3244 4.9242° -90.6858° * *
41420 5676 23.3122° -67.6683° * *
41421 5801 23.3978° -63.9036° * *
41424 5253 32.9248° -72.4913° * *
42407 4488 15.2364° -68.2381° * *
42409 3190 26.6511° -85.7910° * *
43413 3444 10.8450° -100.0847° * *