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GOES-R Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS)

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-R Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS) suite consists of two main instruments, the Extreme Ultraviolet Sensor (EUVS) and the X-Ray Sensor (XRS). EUVS products include high-cadence and time-averaged measurements of irradiance for seven extreme ultraviolet (EUV) solar lines, the magnesium II core-to-wing ratio (Mg II index), and modeled EUV spectra. XRS products include high-cadence and averaged measurements of soft X-ray solar irradiances for two wavelength bands, flare events, and flare locations.

GOES-R series EXIS 1st lights: GOES-16 | GOES-17 | GOES-18 | GOES-19

Product Details

NCEI provides access to operational and science-quality Level 1b (L1b) data, Level 2 (L2) data, documentation, and plots. Users should consult the documentation before using the data. In most cases, the science-quality L2 data are the best option. Example Python codes are provided to give example syntax to read, use, and download these data products. The data files are in NetCDF format.

XRS and EUVS data from GOES satellites prior to 2017 can be found on the GOES 1-15 page.

L1b Data Access
Product EXIS L1b Data Description
EUVS L1b EUV Solar lines Mg II index and modeled spectrum. | More details on EUVS L1 product

Soft X-ray fluxes | More Details on XRS L1 product


L2 Data Access
Product EXIS L2 Data Description EXIS L2 Plots
EUVS 1-minute Averages Spectral line irradiances, the Mg II index, and proxy spectra
EUVS Daily Averages Daily averages of spectral line irradiances, the Mg II index, and proxy spectra  
EUVS High Resolution
  • Not yet available
High temporal and spectral resolution EUVS measurements  
XRS 1-minute Averages 1-minute averages of XRS measurements
XRS 1-Second Fluxes High cadence XRS measurements  
XRS Flare Summary List of solar flares with times, flare classes and integrated fluxes  
XRS Flare Location Flare location in multiple coordinate systems derived from XRS quad diode measurements  
XRS Daily Averages XRS daily averages and background  

Ephemeris Data Access
Product GOES Ephemeris Data Description                                                                        
Satellite Location Satellite location in multiple coordinates at 1 minute cadence.

Level 2 Data

Level 1b Data

Ephemeris Data


Python Code Examples
