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Deepwater Horizon

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and fire resulted in the most significant offshore oil spill in U.S. history when an estimated 3.2 million barrels of oil escaped into the Gulf of America over 87 days from a damaged wellhead a mile below the surface. Eleven workers were killed, and ecosystems across the Gulf of America suffered.

Scientists from NOAA and many partner agencies stepped in and began the process of collecting data to track oil as it spread across the Gulf. NCEI played a pivotal role in the response by capturing and providing public access to this data in near-real time. This collection provides access to data from the initial Deepwater Horizon response, and new information from monitoring, support and restoration efforts conducted by organizations like the NOAA Office of Response and Restoration

This data represents in situ data collected from various platforms.


AXBT data and plots from two NOAA aircraft


312 profiles (15 salinity and 297 temperature) collected using 272 AXBT's and 25 AXCTD's from May 8 - July 24, 2010:
Plots |  CSV |  NetCDF |  GTSPP ASCII |  Inventory |  KMZ


63 temperature profiles collected using 63 AXBT's from May 18 - May 21, 2010:
Plots |  CSV |  NetCDF |  GTSPP ASCII |  Inventory |  KMZ

Instrument Types


A probe dropped from an aircraft that measures the water temperature as it falls. The AXBT falls at a known rate, so that its depth can be inferred from the time lapsed from launch.


An ocean instrument dropped from an aircraft that measures the following variables:

  • Pressure: Converted to calculate depth
  • Resistance Temperature: Captured with a platinum thermometer
  • Conductivity: Used to estimate salinity


Water temperature and salinity data collected by the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter.


193 Profiles

  • 86 salinity
  • 107 temperature (193 total)
  • Measured using 21 XBT's and 86 CTD's from April 22 - May 30, 2010

Plots |  CSV |  NetCDF  |  GTSPP ASCII |  Inventory |  kmz

Subsurface Oil Monitoring Data

Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Biological Data, CDOM Fluorescence, Chlorophyll, Conductivity, Continuous Temperature, Current Speed - East/west Component (u), Current Speed - North/south Component (v), Depth - Bottom, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Optical, Relative Humidity, Salinity, Salinity - Surface Water, Sea State, Sea Surface Temperature, Secchi, Secchi Depth, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Clarity, Water Density, Wind Direction, Wind Speed

Cruise 01

About |  ADCP |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  XBT

Cruise 02

About |  ADCP |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  ADCP |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 04

About |  ADCP |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 05

About |  ADCP |  Cruise Documents |  Products

Cruise 06

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 07

About |  ADCP |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 08

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  SCS

Cruise 09

About |  ADCP |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  SCS

Water temperature and salinity data were collected by the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster.


235 total profiles

  • 25 salinity
  • 210 temperature
  • Measured using 185 XBT’s and 25 CTD’s from July 1- July 18, 2010

Plots |  CSV |  NetCDF |  GTSPP ASCII |  Inventory |  kmz

Subsurface Oil Monitoring Data

Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Current Speed - East/west Component (u), Current Speed - North/south Component (v), Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Plankton, Relative Humidity, Salinity, Salinity - Surface Water, Sea Surface Temperature, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density, Wind Direction, Wind Speed

Cruise 01

About |  ADCP |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LADCP |  MOCNESS |  SCS |  TSG |  XBT

Cruise 03

About | CTD

Water temperature data collected by the research vessel F. G. Walton Smith.


41 temperature profiles collected using XBT’s from June 7- June 1o, 2010
Plots |  CSV |  NetCDF |  GTSPP ASCII |  Inventory |  kmz

Subsurface Oil Monitoring Effort

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 1

About |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise CR3

About |  CTD

Attenuation/Transmission, CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Suspended Solids, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Turbidity, Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products |  Tow Fluorometer

Cruise 02

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products |  Tow Fluorometer

Cruise 04

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 05

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 06

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 07

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 08

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 09

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 11

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 12

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 13

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 15

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 16

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST

Cruise 17

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST

Cruise 18

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST

Cruise 19

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST

Cruise 20

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 21

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 22

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 1

About |  CTD

Cruise CR3

About |  CTD

Cruise CS1

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD


Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents


Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  Products

Cruise 02

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 04

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 05

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 06

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 07

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 08

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

CDOM Fluorescence, Carbon - Total Organic, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Metals, Salinity, Sediment Properties, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  Sediment

Cruise 02

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  Sediment

Cruise 03

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  Sediment

Cruise 04

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  Sediment

Cruise 05

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  Sediment

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  CTD

Cruise HD2

About |  CTD

Cruise HD3

About |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  CTD

Cruise 02

About |  CTD

Cruise 03

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  CTD

Cruise CR3

About |  CTD

Cruise CS1

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise CR3

About |  CTD

Attenuation/Transmission, CDOM Fluorescence, Carbon - Total Organic, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Metals, Salinity, Sediment Properties, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Suspended Solids, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 02

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 04

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 05

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 06

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 07

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Cruise 08

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Cruise 09

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Cruise 10

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 11

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 12

 |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 13

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 14

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Cruise 15

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Cruise 16

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  LISST |  Products

Cruise 17

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 18

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 19

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 20

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 21

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  Sediment

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density


About |  Cruise Documents | 

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sediment Properties, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Turbidity, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  Products

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 04

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 05

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 06

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  Sediment |  Tow Cam CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density


About |  CTD

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  Products

CDOM Fluorescence, Carbon - Total Organic, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Metals, Methane, Salinity, Sediment Properties, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 04

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 05

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 06

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 07

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 08

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 09

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 10

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 11

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 12

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 13

About |  Cruise Documents |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 14

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 15

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Hydrocarbon Sensor Array |  Products

Cruise 16

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 17

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products

Cruise 18

About |  Analytical Chemistry |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  Products |  Sediment

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  CTD

Cruise 02

About |  CTD

Cruise 03

About |  CTD

Cruise 04

About |  CTD

Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  Products

Cruise 02

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD |  MVP |  Products

Cruise 03

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

Cruise 01

About |  Cruise Documents |  CTD

CDOM Fluorescence, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrostatic Pressure, Salinity, Semivolatile Organic Compounds, Sound Velocity, Temperature, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Volatile Organic Compounds, Water Density

Cruise 01

About |  Analytical Chemistry

Cruise CR3

About |  CTD

Cruise CS1

About |  CTD

Other Platform

The Development Driller III (DD3) semisubmersible drilling rig was deployed to the site of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill incident to assist in drilling a relief well. While on station, the DD3 utilized an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) that used sonar to measure and record water current velocities, distribution of suspended material over a range of depths, and help predict Loop Eddy current interactions and forces on the platform. This record is a summary of ADCP data that the Development Driller 3 collected from May 31, 2010 - July 04, 2010. This data is raw and unprocessed. Available data types include: Current Speed - East/West Component (u), Current Speed - North/South Component (v).

Data Access Folder

The Discoverer Enterprise (DE) ultra-deepwater drillship was deployed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill incident site to help collect spilled oil. While on station, the DE utilized an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) that used sonar to measure and record water current velocities, distribution of suspended material over a range of depths, and help predict Loop Eddy current interactions and forces on the platform. This record is a summary of ADCP data that the Discoverer Enterprise collected from May 23, 2010 - July 04, 2010. This data is raw and unprocessed. Available data types include: Current Speed - East/west Component (u), Current Speed - North/south Component (v).

Data Access Folder

These files include data from several vessels, including one aircraft survey. Surveys were posted to the GTS as unidentified vessels, so all the call signs are set to "SHIP".

SHIP collected 276 profiles (91 salinity, 185 temperature) using 61 XBT's and 124 CTD's from April 22 - July 24, 2010:
Plots |  CSV |  NetCDF |  GTSPP ASCII |  Inventory |  KMZ

This data quantifies the Deepwater Horizon Spill's impact on marine life in the Gulf of America. 

Fishery Closures and Openings

These maps and data represent the Emergency Fishery Closures and Openings in the Gulf of America (formerly Gulf of Mexico) due to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

ESRI GIS File Types

  • .dbf: Attribute information
  • .lyr: Display information
  • .prj: Projection information
  • .sbn: Spatial indexing
  • .sbx: Spatial indexing
  • .shp: Geometrical information (i.e., the main file)
  • .shx: Indexing information

ESRI Metadata Files

  • .htm: FGDC metadata containing the ESRI profile in Hyper Text Markup Language
  • shp.xml: FGDC metadata containing the ESRI profile in Extensible Markup Language

Fishery Closures Data by Date

Changes to the fisheries closure regulatory boundaries are documented below. The files are organized by the date that they were made publicly available.

April 19, 2011

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

February 2, 2011

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

December 2, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

November 24, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

November 15, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

October 22, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

October 15, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation

October 5, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | FDA Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf

October 1, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | Monitoringdata 2.pdf | FDA Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf

September 21, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf

September 3, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf

September 2, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf | Appendix A Control Assessment

August 27, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf | Chemistry explanation

August 10, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( shp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | PAHLetter.pdf | Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf | Chemistry explanation

July 22, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Samplingmap.pdf | Samplingmap2.pdf | Monitoringdata.pdf | Monitoringdata2.pdf | Concurrence Letter.pdf | FDA Memo.pdf | Protocol.pdf | PAHLetter.pdf | Chemistry explanation

July 13, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

July 12, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( shp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

July 4, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 28, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 23, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 21, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 16, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 7, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 5, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 4, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 2, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

June 1, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 31, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 28, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 25, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 21, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 18, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf.lyr.prj.sbn.sbx.shp.shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 17, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 14, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 12, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf

May 11, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Emergency Closure.pdf

May 7, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Emergency Closure.pdf

May 2, 2010

GIS Data Files: .dbf | .lyr | .prj | .sbn | .sbx | .shp | .shx ( .htmshp.xml)

Supporting Documentation: Map.pdf | Emergency Closure.pdf

Strandings Datasets

Verified observations of dead or debilitated animals found ashore or in the water. Stranded animals are externally swabbed for oil residue and, when possible, tissue samples are collected to assess the potential role of oil exposure. Search and rescue operations are conducted by NOAA, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and other partners.

As of October 19, 2010

Cumulative Data Package

.dbf |  .lyr |  .prj |  .sbn |  .sbx |  .shp |  .shx  (.htmshp.xml)

New Data Only Package

.dbf |  .prj |  .sbn |  .sbx |  .shp |  .shx  (.htmshp.xml )

As of October 19, 2010

Cumulative Data Package

.dbf |  .lyr |  .prj |  .sbn |  .sbx |  .shp |  .shx  (.htmshp.xml )

New Data Only Package

.dbf |  .prj |  .sbn |  .sbx |  .shp |  .shx  (.htmshp.xml )

Previous Dates

Climatology Products: Deepwater Horizon Support

Average Spring Parameters 

Density relative to 0 dbar (kg/m3)

Temperature (°C)


Dissolved Oxygen


Climatologies & Data

Gulf of America (Formerly Gulf of Mexico) Regional Climatologies

A set of mean fields for temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, silicate, and nitrate.

The World Ocean Database

Can be queried for in situ measured temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, pressure, pH, alkalinity, CO2, plankton, chlorophyll, and many more in the Gulf of America, including searching by instrument types.

Interactive Maps

Ocean Currents Data

Moored Buoy: Time Series

Historical time series data in the Gulf of America (18°-31°N, 80°-98°W) in comma separated value (CSV) files for each station. The time series data, collected between 1975 and 1993, includes ocean currents, temperature, salinity, and pressure measured typically at successive times, spaced at uniform time intervals.

Other Projects and Information

Resources on Oil Spills, Response, and Restoration

This collection includes print and media resources pertaining to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of America, and information on previous spills and associated remedial actions selected from the online NOAA Library and Information Network Catalog (NOAALINC).

The content of the Bibliography includes information sources concerned both with the harmful effects of oil and chemical spills to marine habitats, their associated living marine resources and the cultural and economic impacts of such spills.


The bibliography below attempts to list all of the published research and expert commentary that has resulted from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It includes peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, technical reports released by scientific agencies and research institutions, and editorials published in peer-reviewed journals.

Deepwater Horizon: A Preliminary Bibliography of Published Research and Expert Commentary (13 May 2014)

The NOAA Institutional Repository (IR) includes a collection of Deepwater Horizon Materials. This searchable, online collection includes information from NCEI, libraries, and websites, as well as from federal and state partners.

Datasets compiled by organizations that contributed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response.

Quality Controlled Analytical Chemistry Data

This collection includes quality controlled data from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil Spill Event Response Phase compiled by Federal and state environmental management agencies, as well as BP and its contractors from April, 2010 to June, 2011. These data represent the culmination of a quality-control process overseen by NOAA.

Data were originally uploaded into the EPA Scribe data management system (see Scribe Database Collection, this page), and later transferred to NOAA’s Query Manager system for final evaluation. This collection consists of extractions from Query Manager, and supersedes the Scribe Database Collection.

Download Data


Datasets | Documentation

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)


CSIRO data collected during the response to the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of America onboard the M/V Ryan Chouest Cruise 1 through Cruise 15 from June 5, 2010 to September 14, 2010 (Accession 0086283).

Structured Data

CSIRO Shipboard Measurements: CTD vertical profiles, towed fluorometry, onboard hydrocarbon sensors and GCMS data.

Unstructured Data

Datasets | Documentation

DFO Canada Database


Data collected by Centre for Offshore Oil Gas and Energy Research (COOGER) and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) at-sea monitoring operations on board vessels R/V Brooks McCall and R/V Ocean Veritas. From May 8 through August 24, 2010 the DFO COOGER team maintained a continuous monitoring program that recovered a total of 3197 unique water samples from 404 stations at depths down to 2000 m for analysis of dispersant effectiveness by characterizing oil droplet size and UV-fluorescence. This collection of data is organized into nine database tables which include all data used by COOGER to conduct analyses, including:

  1. LISST data for in situ deployments;
  2. discrete LISST data collected aboard R/V Brooks McCall and R/V Ocean Veritas;
  3. UV Fluorescence data collected aboard the R/V Brooks McCall and R/V Ocean Veritas;
  4. Hydrocarbon chemistry data;
  5. CTD trace data;
  6. CTD trace data matched to Niskin bottles;
  7. R/V Brooks McCall and R/V Ocean Veritas sampling station data (date, depth, location, and distance from wellhead); and
  8. Wellhead data including daily oil flow and recovery, and dispersant application data.

DFO Canada Database Datasets | Documentation

Scribe Database Collection


The Scribe Database Collection includes 14 databases containing data from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil Spill Event Response Phase. These databases are the work of Federal agencies, state environmental management agencies and BP and its contractors. Information types include locations, descriptions, and analysis of water, sediment, oil, tar, dispersant, air and other environmental samples. Note: the water and sediment chemistry data from these databases has been extracted by cruise and archived separately in association with the other cruise-related data accessions. See the DWH Ocean In Situ Data page for access to those accessions.

Documentation | Supporting Materials

Environmental Protection Agency

Project 1082 DW_Reporting: Database Files | ZIP Package

Environmental Protection Agency Region 06

Project 1112 BP_DW_Sampling_Analytical: Database Files | ZIP Package

National Park Service

Project 1133 NPS_DW_Sampling_Analytical: Database Files | ZIP Package

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Project 1219 NOAA NOAADW: Database Files | ZIP Package

US Geological Survey

Project 1260 USGSDW: Database Files | ZIP Package

Alabama Department of Environmental Monitoring

Project 1119 ADEM_DW_Sampling_Analytical_Monitoring: Database Files | ZIP Package

Alabama EnviroChem, Inc.

Project 1134 ALECI_DW_Sampling_Analytical: Database Files | ZIP Package

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Project 1130 FLDEP_DW_Sampling_Analytical: Database Files | ZIP Package

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

Project 1113 LDEQ_DW_Sampling_Analytical LDEQ: Database Files | ZIP Package

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

Project 1122 MSDEQ_DW_Sampling_Analytical: Database Files | ZIP Package

Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health

Environmental Standards Inc.

Project 1302 EnvStds_DW_Sampling_Analytical_2: Database Files | ZIP Package

JAG Subsurface Dispersed Oil and Oxygen Levels

The Deepwater Horizon Joint Analysis Group (JAG) for Surface and Sub-Surface Oceanography, Oil and Dispersant Data was a working group with membership from federal agencies, BP, and academia that was formed to analyze sub-surface oceanographic data being derived from the ongoing coordinated sampling as part of the spill response. JAG was created to provide comprehensive characterization of the Gulf of America sub-surface conditions as well as the fate and transport of dispersed petroleum as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. JAG findings were published in a series of reports for the Unified Area Command as well as the public. This accession contains Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Volatile Organic Analysis data from laboratory analysis, as well as in situ Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter and dissolved oxygen data. This dataset was compiled as part of the final JAG summary report, and referred to in Appendix 3 of that report, NOAA Technical Report NOS OR&R 27 (2012).

Citation for JAG summary report: Joint Analysis Group, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2011). Review of Subsurface Dispersed Oil and Oxygen Levels Associated with the Deepwater Horizon MC252 Spill of National Significance. NOAA Technical Report NOS OR&R 27. The report itself may be accessed through the NOAA Central Library.


JAG Analytical Chemistry Table | JAG CTD Summary Table

Ship Instruments

Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD)

An ocean instrument includes a pressure sensor (measured pressure is converted to depth), a resistance temperature measurement device (usually a platinum thermometer), and a conductivity sensor used to estimate salinity. CTDs are usually mounted on a metal frame and lowered through the water column suspended from a cable. Example CTD Plot.

eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT)

A probe that measures water temperature as it falls. A very thin wire transmits the temperature data to the ship where it is recorded for later analysis. The probe is designed to fall at a known rate, so that the depth of the probe can be inferred from the time lapsed from launch.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)

This instrument measures currents beneath a ship while underway. Sound signals sent from the moving ship bounce back to receivers aboard the ship. This provides a profile of water movement relative to the ship-precise modern navigation, allowing the ship's motion to be subtracted from the data. These devices are also used on moorings and profilers and, along with acoustic backscattering, measure animal biomass. Particles in the path of the sound waves, mostly plankton, reflect a small part of the sound energy back toward receivers, allowing researchers to make remote estimates of the sizes and numbers of animals present in the water column. The Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) is an ADCP which can be lowered on a cable from the surface.

Hydrocarbon Sensor Array

A sensor platform developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia's national science agency, for detecting different types of hydrocarbons at varying sensitivities, and in real time. The platform consists of a number of hydrocarbon sensors assembled to produce a highly sensitive and discriminatory hydrocarbon sensor capability designed to detect and differentiate hydrocarbons in a marine environment. The platform enables environmental monitoring, studying of ocean changes and the measurement of human impacts on marine environments.

Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometer (LISST)

An instrument that measures the size distribution of particles 5 to 250 microns in diameter. LISST generates diagrams of the size distribution of particles and small aggregates in the water column without disturbing them by collecting them in water bottles. Particles' sizes influence their optical properties and settling dynamics, but many of the aggregates fall apart in water bottles before they can be returned to the lab and measured.

Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)

A net system for measuring plankton in the ocean. The MOCNESS is towed behind a research vessel at low speed and consists of numerous nets of varying mesh sizes. Each net can be opened and shut independently so that it samples a discrete patch of water. The net enables biologists to catch zooplankton and nekton in various depth horizons typically anywhere in the upper 500 m of the oceans. There is also an array of sensors mounted on the instrument frame that relays water conditions up to the ship in real time, typically including CTD, PAR (photosynthetically available light), transmissometry and fluorescence sensors. The sensor data help researchers match what they find in their samples to the physical properties of the seawater.

Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP)

A multi-purpose instrument for aiding in the collection of both shallow and deep water data sets. The MVP's primary function is to allow accurate data collection without the need to stop the vessel. The system includes a smart winch and deployment system which is completely autonomous and can be controlled by computer without the requirement for personnel on deck. Sensors that have been used with the MVP system include sound velocity, CTD, Laser Optical Particle Counter (LOPC) and fluorometer.

Shipboard Computer System (SCS)

A system that collects, processes, displays and stores data from the navigational and scientific sensors on NOAA ships. NOAA developed this system to modernize and standardize data collection on its primary ocean and coastal research vessels. The number and type of sensors vary according to each ship and its particular mission, but they commonly include oceanographic, atmospheric, navigational, and fisheries data instruments. Selected data from the SCS are sent electronically to NOAA data centers where they are integrated in weather and sea-state forecasts, and archived for distribution to the public.

Thermosalinograph (TSG)

An automated sea surface measurement system making measurement on board the ship using a water intake. A conductivity cell and a thermistor cell provide conductivity and temperature measurements. Salinity is derived from conductivity and temperature.