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MSU Brightness Temperature - NOAA CDR

Configuration Item ID:  01B-17

The Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) Brightness Temperature (BT) Climate Data Record (CDR) is a long term measurement of the mean temperature from a thick layer of the atmosphere retrieved by the microwave sounder in satellite swath format (level‑1c), and through channel-weighting functions as defined in the MSU BT CDR supporting documentation. The raw counts data from the Earth and blackbody views, which are saved in operational level-b files, are available from the NCEI Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) and act as input to the CDR. Raw counts data are calibrated using the NOAA STAR Integrated Microwave Inter-calibration Approach (IMICA). This approach also accounts for non-linearity and artificial instrumental drifts, and generates the final consistent brightness temperature for the CDR. The final record extends from 1978-2006.

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Principal Investigator

Cheng-Zhi Zou, NOAA STAR


Cite dataset when used as a source. See the dataset's landing page for citation details at doi:10.7289/V51Z429F.

Data Access