The Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples (IMLGS) interactive map is an easy, visually intuitive way to search for and download data gathered from seabed and lakebed geological samples collected worldwide. The purpose of this map viewer is to enable scientists to locate, obtain, and conduct new research on the existing physical samples underlying the digital data and archived at partner sample repositories. This tutorial explains how to use different tools and features within the interactive map to access data and metadata in the IMLGS database, as well as how to find the contact information of the sample repositories to request sample access.
Launch IMLGS Interactive Map Tool

Using the Interactive Map
The IMLGS interactive map has three distinct data access methods:
- Individual Sample: Click or tap a dot to view basic metadata about the sample and to access more information. (Figures 1, 2, and 3)
- Multiple Samples: Use the "Draw the area of interest tool" to select a group of samples. (Figures 4 and 5)
- Left-Side Control Panel: The IMLGS database can be searched using the left-side control panel. (Figures 6, 7, and 8)
The "Data and Information for Sample” page, where all sample data are found, can be accessed by each of these three methods. (Figure 9)
Accessing Individual Samples
Each dot on the map (Figure 1) represents the location where a marine or lacustrine sample was collected. Click or tap
a dot to view a pop-up with basic metadata and other information about the sample (Figure 2). By clicking the "More
Detail" link in the pop-up, you will be taken to the “Data and Information” page (Figure 3).
To select a group of samples, use the "Draw the area of interest tool" to draw a 4-sided polygon around the samples you want to view (Figure 4). In this example, there are 95 samples within the area of interest. To access information about these samples, select the "Table View" button for a tabular view of these samples (Figure 5). You may need to scroll down on the left control panel to see the Table View button. Select a link in the "Sample/Hole Data Link" column to access the "Data and Information" page (Figure 3) for an individual sample.
Using the Left-Side Control Panel
You can also use the left-side control panel to search the IMLGS database (Figure 6). Use the upper panel to search for samples collected by a specific repository and other general metadata fields. Use the lower section of the panel to search for samples with specific geological sample attributes such as Lithographic Composition and Texture.