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GOES-R Solar Ultraviolet Imagers (SUVI)

The GOES-R Solar Ultraviolet Imagers (SUVI) create images of the solar corona at six different extreme ultraviolet wavelengths: 94 A, 131 A, 171 A, 195 A, 284 A, and 304 A. Each SUVI image channel is selected to observe different plasma conditions within the solar corona. When combined, SUVI imagery can provide space weather forecasters with advanced warning for high-speed solar winds or the potential for energetic solar flares or coronal mass ejections.

Learn more about the GOES-R SUVI(link is external) instrument. 

SUVI 1st imagery: GOES-16 | GOES-17 | GOES-18 | GOES-19

Four of the six ultraviolet wavelengths GOES SUVI captures

Product Details

The Level-1b data are fully calibrated, full resolution data in physical units. Level-2 data are higher order data products that vary by instrument. Python Example codes(link is external) provide syntax to download multiple files and to some of the data products in Python.

L1b Data Access Table
Product SUVI L1b Satellite Data Observation Interval Product Description  
SUVI L1b Solar Imagery: EUV 10 Seconds

Solar images at six wavelengths and multiple radiance level ranges in support of viewing the sun during different types of solar activity. Image exposures are 10 msec or 1 sec. 

More Details for SUVI L1b product


L2 Data Access
Product Name SUVI L2 Satellite Data Product Description  
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Images HDR images of the solar disk assembled from six different SUVI wavelengths  
Thematic Maps Color-coded images that identify flares, bright regions, coronal holes, and other solar features  


Bright Regions


Reports on bright/active regions  
Flare Locations Reports on solar flares  
Coronal Hole Boundaries Shape files for coronal hole boundaries  

Special Event Data

SUVI Extended Coronal Imaging Data

Mosaic images of the extended solar corona from GOES-17 SUVI special observing campaigns are available for August-September 2018, August-December 2019, and April 2021. GOES-18 data is now also available for July-September 2022. 

September 2017 Solar Flares

The GOES-16 Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) captured images of a series of flares in Sept. 2017. At this time, the instrument was still in Beta status. NCEI reprocessed Level 0 data to create Level 1b images. These files are organized by SUVI wavelength, for instance, Fe195 images (see this solar flare movie here).  L2 composites were also generated for this solar flare event. These L2 data are provisional and will be replaced in the future.

Ephemeris Data Access
Product Ephemeris Data Description
Satellite Location Satellite location at 1-min averages in multiple coordinates