NCEI Contributed to Broad Range of Scientific Journals in 2022
While the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is proud to be known as one of the premier archives of environmental data, there is more going on than protecting the Nation’s vital data for posterity. Our workforce is made up of federal, contract, and cooperative institute specialists who produce datasets, models, map viewers, and products so that information is available when people need to make informed decisions.
NCEI’s specialists are subject matter experts (SMEs) in atmospheric sciences, climate science, oceanography, solar physics, marine geology and biology, physical sciences, geophysics, paleoclimatology, sea ice, data management, science communications, archiving, and IT infrastructure, among other areas. They use the environmental data held in NCEI’s archive to study our Earth and its processes.
World-Class Research
In 2022, the research topics published by NCEI SMEs literally ranged from the seafloor to the surface of the sun. NCEI SMEs authored over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals in 2022. That averages to eight papers a month, and NCEI SMEs were the lead authors in 42% of those papers. The papers were published in 56 different scientific journals, including in some of the most-cited journals: Scientific Reports, Science of the Total Environment, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, and The Astrophysical Journal.
NCEI SMEs are sought-after collaborators on national and international research projects. In 2022, they collaborated with scientists from every continent except Antarctica to produce world-class research. Areas of study were as varied as the environmental data housed at NCEI: hurricanes, drought, ocean warming, fire science, solar flares, artificial intelligence, marine microplastics, and much more.
Why Publish?
Science is both a body of knowledge and the process by which the knowledge is created. By creating a forum to disseminate ideas, publications are a vital part of the process of creating and advancing new scientific knowledge. Peer review journals advance the body of knowledge by upholding the quality of research by submitting it to an evaluation process.
The goal of NCEI’s research is to support NOAA’s mission to understand and predict our changing environment. By publishing peer-reviewed research, NCEI is helping to communicate NOAA’s research, data, information and knowledge for use by the Nation’s businesses, communities, and people’s daily lives.