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Attending the Summer ESIP Meeting

Putting earth science data into action

Photo of Thea Foss Waterway and Tacoma skyline
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Several of our scientists and environmental data experts will be attending the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting and the co-located DataONE Community Meeting on July 15–19 in Tacoma, Washington. 

The theme of the meeting is "Data to Action: Increasing the Use and Value of Earth Science Data and Information," which fits NCEI’s ongoing focus on expanding awareness and accessibility of its vast collection of environmental data. NCEI scientists and affiliates with the North Carolina Institute for Climate StudiesCooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (NCICS-CISESS) will be sharing their experiences and fostering discussions by co-chairing sessions, giving talks, presenting posters, and engaging with colleagues from across the Earth science data community to advance environmental data stewardship practices. 

NCEI Sessions, Presentations, and Posters

Monday, July 15 

DataONE Community Meeting

A framework for curating rich and structured data quality descriptive information. 4:10pm - 5:10pm, Room 407.  Ge Peng (NCICS-CISESS)

Poster: Providing rich and structured dataset quality information – practical application of a data stewardship maturity matrix. 5:30pm - 8:00 pm. Ge Peng (NCICS-CISESS)

Tuesday, July 16

Conveying information quality – recent progress. 10:15am - 11:45am, Room 318. Ge Peng (NCICS-CISESS)

Big gridded data: The transition from legacy to next generation. 10:15am - 11:45am, Ballroom BC. Charles Carleton (NCEI)

NOAA’s Big Data Project - A data broker’s perspective. 2:45pm - 6:00pm, Ballroom A. Otis Brown and Jonathan Brannock (NCIC-CISESS)

Bridging the gap between discovery and use (data and tools). 4:30pm - 6:00pm, Room 316.  Anna Milan (NCEI)

Wednesday, July 17

Data citations: What makes a good citation? 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Ballroom BC. Heather Brown (NCEI)

Poster: Providing rich and structured dataset quality information – practical application of a data stewardship maturity matrix. Research Showcase and Research as Art, 5:30pm - 8:00pm. Ge Peng (NCICS-CISESS)

Thursday, July 18

How to build your data “groups” for optimal discovery? 1:30pm - 3:00pm, Ballroom D. Heather Brown and Anna Milan (NCEI)