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Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pH on total scale, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methane (CH4), nutrients, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, salinity and other measurements collected from discrete samples and profile observations in Whycocomagh Bay, Bras d’Or lakes from 2016-12-06 to 2017-12-05 (NCEI Accession 0240802)

Kumiko Azetsu-Scott ORCID logo - Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada
Stephen Punshon - Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada

PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: This dataset includes discrete sample and profile data collected in Whycocomagh Bay, Bras d’Or lakes from 2016-12-06 to 2017-12-05. These data include dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pH on total scale, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methane (CH4), nutrients, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, salinity and other measurements. Deeper part of the region is anoxic and the provides an opportunity to study extreme marine redox chemistry.

CITE AS: Azetsu-Scott, Kumiko; Punshon, Stephen (2021). Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pH on total scale, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methane (CH4), nutrients, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, salinity and other measurements collected from discrete samples and profile observations in Whycocomagh Bay, Bras d’Or lakes from 2016-12-06 to 2017-12-05 (NCEI Accession 0240802). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].

EXPOCODE: 90UY20161206;
CRUISE ID: 90UY161206;

Discrete measurement;Profile;

START DATE: 2016-12-06
END DATE: 2017-12-05

NORTH: 45.9648
WEST: -61.1261
EAST: -61.041
SOUTH: 45.94383

Bras d’Or lakes;Gulf of St Lawrence;Whycocomagh Bay;

Small Vessel (ID: 90UY);

Bras d'Or Lakes Monitoring;


Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
Abbreviation: TCARBN
Unit: umol / kg
Observation type: discrete
Measured or calculated: measured
Sampling instrument: CTD and rosette bottle sampler: Niskin bottle; 10 L
Analyzing instrument: SOMMA with UIC 5011 coulometer
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Seawater samples were collected from standard depths in 500 mL borosilicate glass reagent bottles. Five mL of water was removed to allow room for thermal expansion and the sample was preserved within 30 minutes of collection with 0.1 mL of a mercuric chloride saturated solution; then sealed with Apiezon M grease and the ground glass stoppers secured in place with rubber bands. The samples were stored at room temperature until on-shore laboratory analysis. The samples were analysed for DIC using a SOMMA sample handling system in conjunction with a coulometer (UIC Inc.) to quantify total CO2 purged from the acidified sample. Measurements of a Certified reference material seawater (CRMs; Scripps Oceanographic Institution) were used for calibrating DIC with each batch of 20 samples being bracketed by duplicate CRM measurements.
Replicate information: Referenced to duplicate measurement of CRM prior to; and following; each daily batch of DIC samples
Standardization description: Referenced to duplicate measurement of CRM prior to; and following; each daily batch of DIC samples
Standardization frequency: To bracket each batch of 20 samples
CRM manufacturer: Andrew Dickson's Lab at Scripps Institute of Oceanography (
CRM batch number: 163
Preservation method: Mercuric chloride saturated solution
Preservative volume: 100 uL per 500 ml sample bottle = 0.02%
Preservative correction: None
Uncertainty: 0.0015
Quality flag convention: 1 = Sample drawn from bottle but analysis not recieved; 2 = QC Performed: Acceptable Measurement; 3 = QC Performed: Questionable Measurement; 4 = QC Performed: Bad Measurement; 5 = QC Performed: Not Reported; 6 = Mean of replicate measurements; 7 = Manual chromatographic peak measurement; 8 = Irregular digital chromatographic peak integration; 9 = Not sampled
Method reference: Dickson; A.G.; Sabine; C.L. and Christian; J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements. PICES Special Publication 3; 191 pp.;
Researcher name: Kumiko Azetsu-Scott
Researcher institution: Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Total alkalinity
Abbreviation: ALKALI
Unit: umol / kg
Observation type: discrete
Measured or calculated: measured
Calculation method and parameters: Concentration (umol / kg) = concentration (umoles/litre) / density (10 C;S)
Sampling instrument: CTD and rosette bottle sampler: Niskin bottle; 10 L
Analyzing instrument: In-house automated sampler with Metrohm Titrando dosimat and Tiamo software
Type of titration: Potentiometric multi point titration
Cell type (open or closed): Open
Curve fitting method: Gran point
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Seawater samples were collected from standard depths in 500 mL borosilicate glass reagent bottles. Five mL of water was removed to allow room for thermal expansion and the sample was preserved within 30 minutes of collection with 0.1 mL of a mercuric chloride saturated solution; then sealed with Apiezon M grease and the ground glass stoppers secured in place with rubber bands. The samples were stored at room temperature until on-shore laboratory analysis. TA in the sample was determined using an open cell automated potentiometric titration with a Metrohm Titrando dosing unit controlled by Metrohm Tiamo software. The multi-point titration; using 0.1N HCl titrant containing 35 g of sodium chloride per litre of acid; was performed in a temperature controlled flask held at 25 °C with Gran endpoint determination. Measurements of a Certified reference material seawater (CRMs; Scripps Oceanographic Institution) were used for calibrating TA with each batch of 20 samples being bracketed by duplicate CRM measurements.
Replicate information: Monoplicate sample / monoplicate measurement
Standardization description: Referenced to duplicate measurement of CRM prior to each daily batch of samples
Standardization frequency: Each batch of 20 samples
CRM manufacturer: Andrew Dickson's Lab at Scripps Institute of Oceanography
CRM batch number: 163
Preservation method: Mercuric chloride saturated solution
Preservative volume: 100 uL per 500 ml sample bottle = 0.02%
Preservative correction: none
TA blank correction: Averages between 10-40 umol / kg
Uncertainty: 0.0025
Quality flag convention: 1 = Sample drawn from bottle but analysis not recieved; 2 = QC Performed: Acceptable Measurement; 3 = QC Performed: Questionable Measurement; 4 = QC Performed: Bad Measurement; 5 = QC Performed: Not Reported; 6 = Mean of replicate measurements; 7 = Manual chromatographic peak measurement; 8 = Irregular digital chromatographic peak integration; 9 = Not sampled
Method reference: This is method described in SOP 3a of Dickson; A.G.; Sabine; C.L. and Christian; J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements. PICES Special Publication 3; 191 pp
Researcher name: Kumiko Azetsu-Scott
Researcher institution: Bedford Institute of Oceanography
pH on total scale at 25 deg. C
Abbreviation: PH_TOT
Controlled vocabulary name: pH
Observation type: discrete
Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; 10 L
Analyzing instrument: Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer with 10 cm pathlength cell
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Seawater samples were collected from the rosette in screw cap 60 mL borosilicate glass bottles which were then refrigerated for up to 2 hours prior to analysis.† Just prior to measurement; the bottles were equilibrated to 25 degrees C in a water bath then transferred into temperature controlled 10 cm quartz cell in an Agilent 8454 spectrophotometer. Following a blank measurement; 25 mL of a 3 milli-molar solution of purified m-cresol purple was added to the sample and the cell shaken to mix the dye solution. Absorbances were measured at 434; 578 and 730 nm and pH determined according to the method described in SOP 6b of Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 measurements (Dickson et al.; 2007).
Uncertainty: 0.003
Quality flag convention: 1 = Sample drawn from bottle but analysis not recieved; 2 = QC Performed: Acceptable Measurement; 3 = QC Performed: Questionable Measurement; 4 = QC Performed: Bad Measurement; 5 = QC Performed: Not Reported; 6 = Mean of replicate measurements; 7 = Manual chromatographic peak measurement; 8 = Irregular digital chromatographic peak integration; 9 = Not sampled
Method reference: Dickson; A.G.; Sabine; C.L. and Christian; J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements. PICES Special Publication 3; 191 pp.;
Researcher name: Kumiko Azetsu-Scott
Researcher institution: Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Partial Pressure of CO2
Abbreviation: pCO2
Unit: uatm
Observation type: discrete
Sampling instrument: Niskin bottle; 10 L
Analyzing instrument: SRI 8610C gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector and methanizer
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: Seawater samples were collected in 160 mL volume crimp seal serum bottles; allowing the bottle to overflow by 3 volumes. The sample was immediately stabilised by the addition of 50 mL of saturated mercuric chloride solution; crimp sealed with a butyl rubber septum then stored in a refrigerator. Before analysis; a 11 mL headspace of 400 ppm CO2 in zero air was introduced into the bottle which was then thermally equilibrated at 22 deg.C for one hour. The bottle was then shaken vigorously for 8 minutes and the headspace displaced by a brine solution; flushing the sample loop of an SRI gas chromatograph equipped with a methaniser and flame ionisation detector. CO2 peaks were calibrated by injections of primary standard gas mixtures (Air Liquide) having CO2 mixing ratios of 397.3; 797.2; 1201 and 2017 ppm.
Uncertainty: 1 uatm
Quality flag convention: 1 = Sample drawn from bottle but analysis not recieved; 2 = QC Performed: Acceptable Measurement; 3 = QC Performed: Questionable Measurement; 4 = QC Performed: Bad Measurement; 5 = QC Performed: Not Reported; 6 = Mean of replicate measurements; 7 = Manual chromatographic peak measurement; 8 = Irregular digital chromatographic peak integration; 9 = Not sampled
Method reference: Dickson; A.G.; Sabine; C.L. and Christian; J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements. PICES Special Publication 3; 191 pp.;
Researcher name: Kumiko Azetsu-Scott
Researcher institution: Bedford Institute of Oceanography
CTD Temperature
Abbreviation: CTDTMP
Unit: degrees celcius
Observation type: CTD sensor
Sampling instrument: CTD
Analyzing instrument: CTD
Quality flag convention: WOCE quality control flags are used: 2 = good value, 3 = questionable value, 4 = bad value
CTD Salinity
Abbreviation: CTDSAL
Observation type: CTD sensor
Sampling instrument: CTD
Analyzing instrument: CTD
Quality flag convention: WOCE quality control flags are used: 2 = good value, 3 = questionable value, 4 = bad value
CTD Oxygen
Abbreviation: CTDOXY
Unit: umol/kg
Observation type: CTD sensor
Sampling instrument: CTD
Analyzing instrument: CTD
Quality flag convention: WOCE quality control flags are used: 2 = good value, 3 = questionable value, 4 = bad value
Observation type: Bottle, discrete
Sampling instrument: Niskin bottles
Quality flag convention: WOCE quality control flags are used: 2 = good value, 3 = questionable value, 4 = bad value
Abbreviation: CH4
Observation type: Bottle, discrete
Sampling instrument: Niskin bottles
Quality flag convention: WOCE quality control flags are used: 2 = good value, 3 = questionable value, 4 = bad value

Data extracted from BioChem; the Fisheries and Oceans Canada database for biological and chemical data (Devine; L.; M.K. Kennedy; I. St-Pierre; C. Lafleur; M. Ouellet; and data. Bond. 2014. BioChem: the Fisheries and Oceans Canada database for biological and chemical data. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3073: iv + 40 pp.;
Government of Canada: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
PROJECT TITLE: Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program (ACCASP)
PROJECT ID: 881-15K-96036

SUBMITTED BY: Reid Steele (