Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity, temperature, salinity, nutrients and dissolved oxygen collected from discrete samples and profile observations during the R/Vs Arni Fridriksson and Bjarni Saemundsson time series IcelandSea (LN6) cruises in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2014-02-18 to 2022-08-16 (NCEI Accession 0209074)
PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: This dataset includes Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity, temperature, salinity, nutrients and dissolved oxygen collected from discrete samples and profile observations during the R/Vs Arni Fridriksson and Bjarni Saemundsson time series IcelandSea (LN6) cruises in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2014-02-18 to 2022-08-16.
CITE AS: Ólafsdóttir, Sólveig Rósa; Benoit-Cattin, Alice; Danielsen, Magnus (2020). Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity, temperature, salinity, nutrients and dissolved oxygen collected from discrete samples and profile observations during the R/Vs Arni Fridriksson and Bjarni Saemundsson time series IcelandSea (LN6) cruises in the North Atlantic Ocean from 2014-02-18 to 2022-08-16 (NCEI Accession 0209074). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.25921/qhed-3h84. Accessed [date].
Discrete measurement;Profile;
Abbreviation: | CTDTMP |
Unit: | DEG_C |
Controlled vocabulary name: | WATER TEMPERATURE |
Observation type: | Profile |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Sampling instrument: | CTD |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Temperature in °C. Measured with a Sea-Bird SBE3 Oceanographic Temperature Sensor. Lower CTD to 10m, then raise back to surface, wait for pump to start, then begin downcast. Lowering speed as close to 1 m/s as possible. On upcast, stop rosette before fire bottle. |
Abbreviation: | SALNTY |
Controlled vocabulary name: | SALINITY |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Sampling instrument: | Niskin Bottles |
Analyzing instrument: | Guildline Autosal Salinometer 8400B |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Salinity measured on discrete samples with a Guildline Autosal Salinometer 8400B. 200 mL coated borosilicate glass bottles with plastic insert. Stored at room temperature and analyzed in laboratory within a month from sampling. |
Abbreviation: | OXYGEN |
Unit: | UMOL/KG |
Controlled vocabulary name: | DISSOLVED OXYGEN |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Sampling instrument: | Niskin Bottles |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | In-bottle Winkler titration. First sample drawn from the Niskin. Temperature difference between lowest in situ temperature and ambient temperature on deck is 12°C at most. The upcast takes 30 minutes max and the water column has rather uniform temperature. Drawn temperature is not recorded. Samples are stored in a cool location and analyzed on board. |
Silicate | |
Abbreviation: | SILCAT |
Unit: | UMOL/KG |
Controlled vocabulary name: | silicate |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Measured on Seal AutoAnalyzer 3 three channel autoanalyzer. Samples are kept refrigerated if analyzed on ship within 24 hours. Otherwise, they are kept frozen upright and analyzed in the lab after allowing them to thaw in the dark. In spring and summer, samples from the surface layer (0-60m) are syringe filtered through 0.45 um Whatman filter to avoid turbidity blank effect. Calibration range within 0-15 umol/l, to match the concentration of the samples. Quasimeme test material used. |
NO2+NO3 | |
Abbreviation: | NO2+NO3 |
Unit: | UMOL/KG |
Controlled vocabulary name: | NO2+NO3 |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Measured on Seal AutoAnalyzer 3 three channel autoanalyzer. Samples are kept refrigerated if analyzed on ship within 24 hours. Otherwise, they are kept frozen upright and analyzed in the lab after allowing them to thaw in the dark. In spring and summer, samples from the surface layer (0-60m) are syringe filtered through 0.45 um Whatman filter to avoid turbidity blank effect. Calibration range within 0-20 umol/l, to match the concentration of the samples. Quasimeme test material used. |
Abbreviation: | PHSPHT |
Unit: | UMOL/KG |
Controlled vocabulary name: | phosphate |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Measured on Seal AutoAnalyzer 3 three channel autoanalyzer. Samples are kept refrigerated if analyzed on ship within 24 hours. Otherwise, they are kept frozen upright and analyzed in the lab after allowing them to thaw in the dark. In spring and summer, samples from the surface layer (0-60m) are syringe filtered through 0.45 um Whatman filter to avoid turbidity blank effect. Calibration range within 0-1.2 umol/l, to match the concentration of the samples. Quasimeme test material used. |
Abbreviation: | TCARBN |
Unit: | UMOL/KG |
Controlled vocabulary name: | DISSOLVED INORGANIC CARBON (DIC) |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in µmol/kg. Measured on discrete samples by coulometry with a UIC Inc CM-5010 coulometer for the years 2020 and 2021, and with a UIC Inc CM-5017 coulometer for the year 2022. Samples are drawn into borosilicate glass bottles and the stopper is sealed with grease. Samples are preserved with HgCl2 saturated, kept in the dark in a cool location and returned to the laboratory for coulometric determination. The system is calibrated by 99.998 % CO2 gas at known temperature and pressure with two stainless steel loops of known volumes. Dickson CRM are used. |
Total Alkalinity | |
Abbreviation: | ALKALI |
Unit: | UATM |
Controlled vocabulary name: | Total Alkalinity |
Observation type: | discrete |
In-situ / Manipulation / Response variable: | in-situ |
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: | Measured on discrete samples by an open-cell potentiometric titration by HCl 0.1 M with a Metrohm titrator 888 Titrando. Samples are drawn into borosilicate glass bottles and the stopper is sealed with grease. Samples are preserved with HgCl2 saturated, kept in the dark in a cool location and returned to the laboratory for determination. Dickson CRM are used |
SUBMITTED BY: Sólveig Rósa Ólafsdóttir (solveig.rosa.olafsdottir@hafogvatn.is)
REVISION DATE: 2023-04-05