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Surface underway measurements of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and other parameters aboard the CCGS Amundsen during the Canadian Arctic Archipelago cruise (EXPOCODE 18DL20140707) from 2014-07-07 to 2014-08-21 (NCEI Accession 0177853)

Mohamed Ahmed ORCID logo - University of Calgary; Department of Geography
Brent Else ORCID logo - University of Calgary, Geography Department
Tonya M. Burgers ORCID logo - University of Manitoba
Tim Papakyriakou - University of Manitoba

PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: This dataset includes surface underway, chemical, meteorological and physical data collected aboard the CCGS Amundsen during the Canadian Arctic Archipelago cruise (EXPOCODE 18DL20140707) from 2014-07-07 to 2014-08-21. These data include partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), barometric pressure, sea surface salinity and sea surface temperature. The instruments used to collect these data include CO2 gas analyzer and shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous CO2 measurement.

CITE AS: Ahmed, Mohamed; Else, Brent; Burgers, Tonya M.; Papakyriakou, Tim (2018). Surface underway measurements of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and other parameters aboard the CCGS Amundsen during the Canadian Arctic Archipelago cruise (EXPOCODE 18DL20140707) from 2014-07-07 to 2014-08-21 (NCEI Accession 0177853). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].

EXPOCODE: 18DL20130726;
CRUISE ID: Canadian Arctic Archipelago;

Surface underway;

START DATE: 2014-07-07
END DATE: 2014-08-21

NORTH: 74.8
WEST: -128.5
EAST: -74.2
SOUTH: 67.7

Baffin Bay;Northwestern Passages;Beaufort Sea;

CCGS Amundsen (ID: 18DL);

Research Cruises;


pCO2 (fCO2) autonomous
Abbreviation: pCO2_SW_Uatm; fCO2_SW_uatm; xCO2_EQU_ppm
Unit: uatm, ppm
Observation type: Surface underway
Measured or calculated: Measured
Sampling instrument: Seawater pump
Location of seawater intake: engine room of CCGS Amundsen
Analyzing instrument: Infrared Analyzer: LI-COR model 7000
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: This automated underway system operates by directing the seawater flow from a high-volume inlet (located approximately at 7 m beneath the water surface) through a shower-type equilibrator system. The gas in the headspace of the equilibrator is cycled in a closed loop through a LI-COR LI-7000 CO2/H2O gas analyzer at a rate of 80-100 ml min-1 to measure CO2 and H2O mole fraction. See Pierrot, D., C. Neil, K. Sullivan, R. Castle, R. Wanninkhof, H. Lüger, T. Johannessen, A. Olsen, R. A. Feely, and C. E. Cosca (2009), Recommendations for autonomous underway pCO2 measuring systems and data reduction routines, Deep-Sea Res II, 56, 512-522
Equilibrator type: shower-type equilibrator
Is the equilibrator vented or not: Vented
Water flow rate: 2.4-2.8 L/min
Gas flow rate: ~100 ml/min
How was temperature inside the equilibrator measured: Temperature inside the equilibarator measured with a very accurate (±0.01 °C) and stable Hart digital thermometer with a thermistor probe. However, we applied a temperature correction to account for warming from the seawater intake line to the GO 8050 equilibrator. The temperature correction was done with a regression analysis between the equilibrator water temperature and it's coincident seawater measurements made bt the shup's CTD-rosette. The computed SST values from this linear relationship are the temperatures at which our pCO2 values are reported. Details about this regression, and the statistics of it are included in the second tab of this spreadsheet.
How was pressure inside the equilibrator measured: pressure of gas analyzer (TE connectivity), 13A-015A pressure sensor; sensor was logged to save measurements every minute; accuracy of 0.1% for pressure sensor.
Drying method for gas: The heaspace gas from the equilibrator goes through a condensor, then Naphion drying tubes, then to the CO2 analyzer
SEA CO2 gas detector manufacturer: Licor, Inc
SEA CO2 gas detector model: Licor 7000
SEA CO2 gas detector resolution: The accuracy of the instrument is nominal ±1% (see Pierrot et al. 2009)
SEA CO2 gas detector uncertainty: The precision of the measurements is ± 1 ppm (see Pierrot et al. 2009)
Standardization technique: The system runs a full cycle in approximately 7 hours. The cycle starts with 4 standard gases, then measures three rounds of 6 atmopherice samples followed by 50 surface water samples. Each new gas is flushed through the Licor Analyzer for 2 minutes prior to a stop-flow measurement.
Standardization frequency: Every 7 hours
Standard gas manufacturer: zero CO2 gas (ultra-pure N2 gas from Praxair), and two span gases (373.07 ppm and 600.02 ppm from Praxair)
Standard gas uncertainty: 0.01 ppm
Water vapor correction method: Details of the data reduction are described in Pierrot, (2009).
Temperature correction method: Details of the data reduction are described in Pierrot, (2009).
At what temperature was pCO2 reported: In situ sea surface temperature
Uncertainty: accuracy better than 0.05 deg C for temp. sensor of gas analyzer
Method reference: Pierrot, D., Neill, C., Sullivan, K., Castle, R., Wanninkhof, R., Lüger, H., Johannessen, T., Olsen, A., Feely, R. A., & Cosca, C. E. (2009). Recommendations for autonomous underway pCO2 measuring systems and data-reduction routines. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(8-10), 512-522.
Researcher name: Mohamed Ahmed
Researcher institution: University of Calgary
Sea Surface Temperature
Abbreviation: SST_C
Unit: degrees celcius
Observation type: Surface Underway
Sampling instrument: temperature (Idronaut)
Analyzing instrument: Idronaut Ocean Seven model 315
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: sensor was logged to save measurements every minute
Uncertainty: accuracy of 0.002 deg C for water temperature
Researcher name: Mohamed Ahmed
Researcher institution: University of Calgary
Sea Surface Salinity
Abbreviation: SAL_permil
Observation type: Surface Underway
Sampling instrument: salinity (Idronaut)
Analyzing instrument: Idronaut Ocean Seven model 315
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: sensor was logged to save measureements every minute
Uncertainty: accuracy of 0.003 mS/cm in conductivity measurement
Researcher name: Mohamed Ahmed
Researcher institution: University of Calgary
Atmospheric Pressure
Abbreviation: PRES_ATM@SSP_hPa
Unit: hPa
Observation type: athmospheric
Sampling instrument: pressure of equilibrator (Setra)
Analyzing instrument: 239 setra pressure transducer
Detailed sampling and analyzing information: sensor was logged to save measurements every minute
Uncertainty: accuracy of 0.027 hPa for the Setra pressure transducer
Researcher name: Mohamed Ahmed
Researcher institution: University of Calgary

Ahmed, M., Else, B. G. T., Burgers, T. M., Papakyriakou, T. (2019). Variability of Surface Water pCO2 in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago from 2010 to 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

SUBMITTED BY: Mohamed Ahmed (