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accessions_id Title Submitting institution Submitter Keydate < Editdate <
metadata 190231 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during March 2013 (NCEI Accession 0190231) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-06-14 01:58:37+00 2023-04-28 13:11:50+00
metadata 190724 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during May 2019 (NCEI Accession 0190724) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-06-24 12:30:00+00 2023-04-28 13:12:27+00
metadata 190725 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during February 2013 (NCEI Accession 0190725) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-06-24 13:31:42+00 2023-04-28 13:12:45+00
metadata 190878 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico and western US during January 2013 (NCEI Accession 0190878) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-06-28 12:47:30+00 2023-04-28 13:13:37+00
metadata 190954 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during December 2012 (NCEI Accession 0190954) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-06-29 12:01:00+00 2023-04-28 13:13:56+00
metadata 191084 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during November 2012 (NCEI Accession 0191084) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-07-01 13:24:27+00 2023-04-28 13:14:30+00
metadata 191820 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during October 2012 (NCEI Accession 0191820) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-07-22 20:13:32+00 2023-04-28 13:15:25+00
metadata 191898 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during June 2019 (NCEI Accession 0191898) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Hervey, Rex V. 2019-07-24 15:27:24+00 2023-04-28 13:15:42+00
metadata 193547 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during September 2012 (NCEI Accession 0193547) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-03 11:33:13+00 2023-04-28 13:16:36+00
metadata 195032 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during August 2012 (NCEI Accession 0195032) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-07 12:00:25+00 2023-04-28 13:17:12+00
metadata 195407 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during July 2012 (NCEI Accession 0195407) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-08 11:35:42+00 2023-04-28 13:17:28+00
metadata 196819 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during June 2012 (NCEI Accession 0196819) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-13 15:21:54+00 2023-04-28 13:18:16+00
metadata 197917 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during May 2012 (NCEI Accession 0197917) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-16 22:50:35+00 2023-04-28 13:18:48+00
metadata 199634 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during April 2012 (NCEI Accession 0199634) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-21 16:38:39+00 2023-04-28 13:19:22+00
metadata 200363 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during March 2012 (NCEI Accession 0200363) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-23 11:41:39+00 2023-04-28 13:19:57+00
metadata 201036 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during July 2019 (NCEI Accession 0201036) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-25 12:15:41+00 2023-04-28 13:20:15+00
metadata 201388 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during February 2012 (NCEI Accession 0201388) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-28 18:39:22+00 2023-04-28 13:20:51+00
metadata 201486 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during January 2012 (NCEI Accession 0201486) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-30 10:51:19+00 2023-04-28 13:21:28+00
metadata 201495 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during December 2011 (NCEI Accession 0201495) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-08-31 11:10:30+00 2023-04-28 13:21:45+00
metadata 201702 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during November 2011 (NCEI Accession 0201702) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-04 02:18:08+00 2023-04-28 13:22:38+00
metadata 201879 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during October 2011 (NCEI Accession 0201879) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-07 17:39:43+00 2023-04-28 13:22:57+00
metadata 202223 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during September 2011 (NCEI Accession 0202223) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-12 10:41:57+00 2023-04-28 13:23:53+00
metadata 202456 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during July 2011 (NCEI Accession 0202456) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-15 20:30:28+00 2023-04-28 13:24:46+00
metadata 202653 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during May 2011 (NCEI Accession 0202653) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-18 11:40:47+00 2023-04-28 13:25:21+00
metadata 203368 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during April 2011 (NCEI Accession 0203368) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-23 10:35:43+00 2023-04-28 13:26:15+00
metadata 203652 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during March 2011 (NCEI Accession 0203652) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-24 13:11:39+00 2023-04-28 13:26:33+00
metadata 203761 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during February 2011 (NCEI Accession 0203761) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-27 11:28:37+00 2023-04-28 13:27:25+00
metadata 203911 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during January 2011 (NCEI Accession 0203911) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-09-29 11:31:52+00 2023-04-28 13:27:42+00
metadata 204401 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of eastern US/Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii during December 2010 (NCEI Accession 0204401) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-10-06 13:32:42+00 2023-04-28 13:28:40+00
metadata 204739 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during November 2010 (NCEI Accession 0204739) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-10-10 01:36:31+00 2023-04-28 13:29:16+00
metadata 204988 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during September 2010 (NCEI Accession 0204988) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-10-12 12:15:41+00 2023-04-28 13:29:51+00
metadata 205288 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during October 2010 (NCEI Accession 0205288) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2019-10-16 13:53:21+00 2023-04-28 13:30:27+00
metadata 210796 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during November 2018 (NCEI Accession 0210796) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2020-06-08 12:56:11+00 2023-04-28 13:30:44+00
metadata 210798 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during April 2020 (NCEI Accession 0210798) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2020-06-09 00:26:23+00 2023-04-28 13:31:02+00
metadata 210973 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during May 2020 (NCEI Accession 0210973) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2020-06-20 02:31:36+00 2023-04-28 13:31:55+00
metadata 213853 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during June 2020 (NCEI Accession 0213853) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2020-07-25 07:25:49+00 2023-04-28 13:32:50+00
metadata 218893 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during July 2020 (NCEI Accession 0218893) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2020-08-24 07:28:44+00 2023-04-28 13:33:25+00
metadata 220076 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US during August 2020 (NCEI Accession 0220076) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2020-09-24 07:26:34+00 2023-04-28 13:33:59+00
metadata 249176 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during September 2019 (NCEI Accession 0249176) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-05 12:45:39+00 2023-04-28 13:35:30+00
metadata 249237 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during October 2019 (NCEI Accession 0249237) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-05 14:44:11+00 2023-04-28 13:35:47+00
metadata 249520 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during November 2019 (NCEI Accession 0249520) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-09 18:38:06+00 2023-04-28 13:36:57+00
metadata 250425 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during March 2018 (NCEI Accession 0250425) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-23 20:34:57+00 2023-04-28 13:37:34+00
metadata 250463 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during April 2018 (NCEI Accession 0250463) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-24 18:18:55+00 2023-04-28 13:38:10+00
metadata 250575 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during May 2018 (NCEI Accession 0250575) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-26 14:18:11+00 2023-04-28 13:38:45+00
metadata 250827 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during February 2020 (NCEI Accession 0250827) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-03-30 19:22:42+00 2023-04-28 13:40:33+00
metadata 250979 Near-real-time surface ocean velocities obtained by High Frequency (HF) radar in coastal waters of Gulf of Alaska, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands, eastern US/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and western US during March 2020 (NCEI Accession 0250979) US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center Petraitis, Dawn 2022-04-01 15:19:30+00 2023-04-28 13:40:52+00
metadata 278041 Sea urchin biomass at central and western Aleutian Islands, Alaska from visual surveys, July 2014 (NCEI Accession 0278041) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office 2023-05-11 04:38:12+00 2023-05-11 04:39:01+00
metadata 278161 Kelp forest community structure studied with respect to Clathromorphum bioerosion at central and western Aleutian Islands, Alaska from visual surveys, July 2014 (NCEI Accession 0278161) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office 2023-05-14 03:57:37+00 2023-05-14 03:58:14+00
metadata 278630 Sea urchin density at each site studied with respect to Clathromorphum bioerosion, at central and western Aleutian Islands, Alaska from visual surveys, July 2014 (NCEI Accession 0278630) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office 2023-05-22 05:01:17+00 2023-05-22 05:01:56+00
metadata 278675 Estimates of island-wide sea otter population density as surveyed with boats circumnavigating nine focal islands within the central and western Aleutian Islands (Alaska) from 1991-2015 (NCEI Accession 0278675) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office 2023-05-24 04:33:04+00 2023-05-24 04:33:52+00
Query returned: 413 records:
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