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OAS accession Detail for 0006584, meta_version: 9. Current meta_version is: 15
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accessions_id: 0006584 | archive
Title: Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Atlas: Puerto Rico - Volume 1, geographic information systems data, Volume 2, maps in portable document format (NODC Accession Number 0006584)
Abstract: Currently, the most widely used approach to sensitive environment mapping in the United States is the NOAA Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI). This approach systematically compiles information in standard formats for coastal shoreline sensitivity, biological resources, and human-use resources. ESI maps are useful for identifying sensitive resources before a spill occurs so that protection priorities can be established and cleanup strategies designed in advance. Using ESIs in spill response and planning reduces the environmental consequences of the spill and cleanup efforts. NOAA has undertaken a wide-ranging program to promote open ESI standards and to develop digital ESI databases for high-priority coastal areas in partnerships with states and other Federal agencies. NOTE: MAPS ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES

This ESI Atlas Puerto Rico Maps and Geographic Systems Data contains geographic shape files (ArcView 3.x project and supporting shape and .dbf files) of the locale and identified sensitive areas and biota. Accompanying detailed Adobe Acrobat .PDF ESI maps, extensive metadata, a user guide, and files in MOSS (Map Overlay and Statistical System) format are also provided.
Date received: 20060918
Start date: 20010601
End date: 20010630
Seanames: Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean
West boundary: -68.168
East boundary: -65.167
North boundary: 18.711
South boundary: 17.517
Observation types: atlas, benthic, biological, composition & location, geological, GIS product, survey, survey - biological, survey - coral reef, visual estimate, visual observation
Instrument types: deprecated, DO NOT USE, visual analysis, visual estimate, visual observation
Submitter: Petersen, Jill
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; National Ocean Service - Seattle, WA
Collecting institutions: Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida State Department of Environmental Protection, US DOC; NOAA; National Ocean Service - Seattle, WA
Contributing projects: CORAL REEF STUDIES, CoRIS, ESI
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Information from left side of discs - December 2002, Seattle, Washington

DISCLAIMER - NOAA makes no warranty regarding these data, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NODC cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data, nor as a result of the failure of these data to function on a particular system.

Original data was submitted to NODC as the ESI Atlas 2-volume CD-ROM set Puerto Rico. Directory file details from the included file read1.pdf are as follows

AVPROJ (Volume 1)
This directory contains an ArcView project and the supporting shape and dbf files. The subdirectory AVPROJ contains the project file, PR.APR, with documentation and software for installation.
The project itself is a single view containing a theme for each ESI data layer. Themes have been symbolized using the standard ESI colors and patterns. It includes links from the biology and
socioeconomic themes to a flat file version of the ESI tables. An ESI menu enables links to searchable breeding and source tables for more complex queries. These links can also be turned off to
maximize the performance of simpler queries.

DBFILES (Volume 1)
This directory is broken down into two subdirectories, DESKTOP and RELFILES. The DESKTOP directory contains a simplified flat file format that permits data queries without establishing
the complex links needed for the relational files. Supportingdata tables allow more complex queries of the breeding and source
items. These are the tables that are used in the ArcView project.

The RELFILES directory contains the relational data tables that were used during the ESI data collection. These are a set of normalized, relational tables that will maintain the integrity of the data during updates. Though they are considerably more complex, these tables should be used by those who will be responsible for maintaining and updating the ESI data set.

Both sets of database files are provided in two formats. The first is uncompressed Arc Export files that can be directly imported into INFO tables. The second is a comma-delimited text
format for use in any other database system. For further information, including item definitions, see the Puerto Rico metadata document.

DOCUMENT (Volume 1)
This directory contains three pdf documents. METADATA should be referenced for entity and attribute information as well as data lineage. There are linked diagrams illustrating the structure
of the ESI data tables. (The metadata are also included as an .html document.) The more general GUIDELINES describes what is
contained in an ESI, how data are collected, and general GIS/database considerations. The document DESKTOP gives a detailed explanation of the contents of the CD, and also explains
the simplified flat file data structure.

ESI_VIEW (Volume 1)
This directory contains Macintosh and Windows installers for an ESI data viewer. The viewer is comprised of MARPLOT, a mapping application produced by NOAA, and the associated data tables
in a stand-alone version of Filemaker Pro. The first section of the TOUR document describes the installation procedure. TOUR will also help you to understand the ESI information and shows you how to formulate simple, yet useful queries. MARPLOT documentation
is provided for more general questions.

MOSS (Volume 1)
This directory contains the ESI geographic data in MOSS file format. This format may be used directly by MOSS GIS or its simple text format makes it easy to write translators to other GIS software. Users of these files should use the lookup tables provided in this directory (BIO_LUT.TXT and SOC_LUT.TXT) in place of the lookup tables in the DBFILES directory.

PR_PDFS (Volume 2)
This directory contains an electronic version of the Puerto Rico ESI atlas in pdf format. The document GUIDE.PDF describes how to use the navigable pdf software, for example, to link from the index to the appropriate atlas page then to the back of the map. The pdfs may be used on-line or are excellent for printing out individual atlas pages.

SOURCE (Volume 1)
This directory contains the ESI geographic data in uncompressed, double-precision, Arc export file format. These data (as all geographic data on the CDs) are provided in geographic coordinates, NAD 27.

SYMBOLS (Volume 1)
This directory contains the ESI symbology and lookup tables for use with ARCEDIT and ARCPLOT software. The .e00 files are exported versions of the font, lineset, markerset, and shadeset. A readme.txt file tells where these files should be installed. The associated lookup tables are in the LUT directory. These are INFO tables stored in uncompressed Arc export format.

The original disks for this NODC Accession have been transferred to
the NOAA Central Library. A copy of each disk can be generated using
the .iso files in the data/0-data/disc_image/ directory.
Availability date: 20060919
Metadata version: 9
Keydate: 2006-09-19 19:25:25+00
Editdate: 2010-01-07 19:52:33+00