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Benthic taxa and water quality data from four coral reef sites in the Port of Miami and Key Biscayne, Florida from 2018-12-18 to 2020-07-19 (NCEI Accession 0276830)

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This data set is comprised of eight files (comma-separated values) from various data streams related to a monitoring project undertaken in the Port of Miami and a reference reef site off the coast of Key Biscayne, FL from December 2018 through July 2020. The data types involved are both measured and calculated, and include benthic data from analysis of images captured at the study sites, as well as various environmental data types from both deployed instrumentation and collected seawater samples at the study sites. The data types include: benthic taxa, depth, temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, partial pressure of CO2, aragonite saturation state, oxygen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, total ammonia, ammonium, orthosilicic acid, and photosynthetically active radiation. Source imagery is not included as part of this archival package.
  • Cite as: Enochs, Ian C.; Studivan, Michael; Kolodziej, Graham; Foord, Colin; Basden, Isabelle; Boyd, Albert; Formel, Nathan; Kirkland, Amanda; Rubin, Ewelina; Jankulak, Michael; Smith, Ian; Kelble, Christopher R.; Manzello, Derek P.; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (2023). Benthic taxa and water quality data from four coral reef sites in the Port of Miami and Key Biscayne, Florida from 2018-12-18 to 2020-07-19 (NCEI Accession 0276830). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
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Distribution Formats
  • Excel
  • Text File
Ordering Instructions Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions.
Distributor NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Dataset Point of Contact NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Time Period 2018-12-18 to 2020-07-19
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates
West: -80.15672
East: -80.09738
South: 25.67735
North: 25.77477
Spatial Coverage Map
General Documentation
Publication Dates
  • publication: 2023-03-03
Data Presentation Form Digital table - digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns
Dataset Progress Status Complete - production of the data has been completed
Historical archive - data has been stored in an offline storage facility
Data Update Frequency As needed
Purpose This dataset is available to the public for a wide variety of uses including scientific research and analysis.
Use Limitations
  • accessLevel: Public
  • Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
Dataset Citation
  • Cite as: Enochs, Ian C.; Studivan, Michael; Kolodziej, Graham; Foord, Colin; Basden, Isabelle; Boyd, Albert; Formel, Nathan; Kirkland, Amanda; Rubin, Ewelina; Jankulak, Michael; Smith, Ian; Kelble, Christopher R.; Manzello, Derek P.; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (2023). Benthic taxa and water quality data from four coral reef sites in the Port of Miami and Key Biscayne, Florida from 2018-12-18 to 2020-07-19 (NCEI Accession 0276830). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Cited Authors
Principal Investigators
Resource Providers
Points of Contact
  • Funding Agency: US DOC; NOAA; Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
  • oceanography
CoRIS Discovery Thesaurus
  • Numeric Data Sets > Benthic
  • Numeric Data Sets > Water Quality
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > In Situ Chemical
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > In Situ Physical
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology > Benthic biology
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Alkalinity
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Ammonia
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Carbon Dioxide > Partial Pressure
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Dissolved Gases
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Dissolved Solids
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Nitrate
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Nitrite
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Nutrients
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Oxygen
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Phosphate
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > pH
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Optics > Photosynthetically Active Radiation
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature
  • EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords Provider Keywords
  • depth
  • depthM
  • dic35Friss
  • dicCalc
  • dicCorrected
  • nh4
  • nn
  • no2
  • no3
  • o2MgL
  • o2Sat
  • omegaArag
  • parAvg
  • parCalc
  • pco2
  • phCalc
  • phExt
  • phInt
  • phSpec25
  • phSpecField
  • phTemp
  • po4
  • salinityDensitometer
  • si
  • ta35Friss
  • taCorrected
  • tempField
  • tempSTR
Instrument keywords NODC INSTRUMENT TYPES THESAURUS Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords Provider Instruments
  • Dissolved Inorganic CO2 analyzer
  • SeaCarb
  • SeaCard
  • Total Alkalinity analyzer
  • calculated
  • densitometer
  • nutrient analyzer
  • pH sensor
  • subsurface automated sampler
Place keywords NODC SEA AREA NAMES THESAURUS CoRIS Place Thesaurus
  • COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Florida > Dade County > Biscayne (25N080W0001)
  • COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Florida > Dade County > Miami (25N080W0018)
  • COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Florida > Florida Reef Tract (26N080W0007)
  • COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Florida > Monroe County > Florida Keys (24N081W0007)
  • OCEAN BASIN > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Florida Reef Tract (26N080W0007)
  • OCEAN BASIN > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Florida Reef Tract > Biscayne Bay > Biscayne (25N080W0001)
  • OCEAN BASIN > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Florida Reef Tract > Florida Keys (24N081W0007)
  • OCEAN BASIN > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Florida Reef Tract > Miami (25N080W0018)
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Project keywords NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS Provider Project Names
  • OAR OMICS Initiative
Keywords Send2NCEI Submission Package ID
  • 40W4X9
Use Constraints
  • Cite as: Enochs, Ian C.; Studivan, Michael; Kolodziej, Graham; Foord, Colin; Basden, Isabelle; Boyd, Albert; Formel, Nathan; Kirkland, Amanda; Rubin, Ewelina; Jankulak, Michael; Smith, Ian; Kelble, Christopher R.; Manzello, Derek P.; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (2023). Benthic taxa and water quality data from four coral reef sites in the Port of Miami and Key Biscayne, Florida from 2018-12-18 to 2020-07-19 (NCEI Accession 0276830). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Access Constraints
  • Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
  • In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
Lineage information for: dataset
Processing Steps
  • 2023-03-03T13:02:56Z - NCEI Accession 0276830 v1.1 was published.
Output Datasets
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Processing Steps
  • Parameter or Variable: BENTHIC SPECIES - TAXA IDENTITIES (measured); Units: count; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: camera; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Photomosaics captured then subset of 98 0.25m2 images analyzed using CoralNet per photomosaic..
  • Parameter or Variable: salinityDensitometer (measured); Units: psu; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: densitometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Water samples collected and fixed in situ, analyzed in the lab using laboratory densitometer.
  • Parameter or Variable: depthM (measured); Units: meter; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: swimmer/diver; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Depth measurement at time sample was taken.
  • Parameter or Variable: tempField (measured); Units: degrees Celsius; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: subsurface automated sampler; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Temperature measurement at time water sample was taken.
  • Parameter or Variable: tempSTR (measured); Units: degrees Celsius; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: thermistor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Temperature measurement at time water sample was taken, measure by a separate thermistor instrument.
  • Parameter or Variable: dicCorrected (measured); Units: micromole/kilogram; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Dissolved Inorganic CO2 analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Water samples collected and fixed in situ, analyzed in the lab using laboratory DIC analyzer.
  • Parameter or Variable: taCorrected (measured); Units: micromole/kilogram; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Total Alkalinity analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Water samples collected and fixed in situ, analyzed in the lab using laboratory TA analyzer.
  • Parameter or Variable: phSpec25 (measured); Units: pH; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: spectrophotometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Water samples collected and fixed in situ, analyzed in the lab using laboratory spectrophotometer at 25 degrees celsius.
  • Parameter or Variable: phSpecField (calculated); Units: pH; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: spectrophotometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Resulting calculated pH of sample when temperature-corrected to field collection temperature.
  • Parameter or Variable: phCalc (calculated); Units: pH; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: SeaCarb; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Calculated pH using Seacarb with the constants recommended in Dickson et al..
  • Parameter or Variable: dicCalc (calculated); Units: micromole/kilogram; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: SeaCard; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Calculated DIC using Seacarb with the constants recommended in Dickson et al..
  • Parameter or Variable: pco2 (calculated); Units: micro-atmosphere; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: SeaCarb; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Calculated pCO2 using Seacarb with the constants recommended in Dickson et al..
  • Parameter or Variable: omegaArag (calculated); Units: unitless; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: SeaCarb; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Calculated Aragonite saturation state using Seacarb with the constants recommended in Dickson et al..
  • Parameter or Variable: ta35Friss (calculated); Units: micromole/kilogram; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: calculated; Sampling and Analyzing Method: TA regressed against salinity and then salinity-standardized using a non-zero endmember following Friis et al..
  • Parameter or Variable: dic35Friss (calculated); Units: micromole/kilogram; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: calculated; Sampling and Analyzing Method: DIC regressed against salinity and then salinity-standardized using a non-zero endmember following Friis et al..
  • Parameter or Variable: si (measured); Units: micromole; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: nutrient analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ sample analyzed for orthosilicic acid (H4SiO4).
  • Parameter or Variable: no2 (measured); Units: micromole; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: nutrient analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ sample analyzed for nitrite (NO2−).
  • Parameter or Variable: nn (measured); Units: micromole; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: nutrient analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ sample analyzed for total ammonia (NH3 and NH4+).
  • Parameter or Variable: no3 (measured); Units: micromole; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: nutrient analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ sample analyzed for nitrate (NO3−).
  • Parameter or Variable: nh4 (measured); Units: microlmole; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: nutrient analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ sample analyzed for ammonium (NH4+).
  • Parameter or Variable: po4 (measured); Units: micromole; Observation Category: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: nutrient analyzer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ sample analyzed for phosphate (PO4−3).
  • Parameter or Variable: depth (measured); Units: meter; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: CTD; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ depth measured via CTD.
  • Parameter or Variable: o2Sat (measured); Units: percent saturation; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: CTD; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ oxygen percent saturation measured via CTD.
  • Parameter or Variable: o2MgL (measured); Units: milligram/liter; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: CTD; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ oxygen mg/L measured via CTD.
  • Parameter or Variable: salinity (measured); Units: psu; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: CTD; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ salinity measured via CTD.
  • Parameter or Variable: parCalc (measured); Units: micromole/second; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: PAR Sensor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Photosynthetically Active Radiation level measured in situ.
  • Parameter or Variable: parAvg (measured); Units: micromole/second; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: PAR Sensor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Photosynthetically Active Radiation level measured in situ (averaged for time point).
  • Parameter or Variable: phExt (measured); Units: pH; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: pH sensor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Measured pH from external pH probe.
  • Parameter or Variable: phInt (measured); Units: pH; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: pH sensor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Measured pH from internal pH probe.
  • Parameter or Variable: phTemp (measured); Units: degrees Celsius; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: pH sensor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Measured temperature from pH sensor.
  • Parameter or Variable: temperature (measured); Units: degrees Celsius; Observation Category: in situ; Sampling Instrument: thermistor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: In situ temperature measured by thermistor instrument.
Acquisition Information (collection)
  • camera
  • CTD
  • PAR Sensor
  • spectrophotometer
  • swimmer/diver
  • thermistor
Last Modified: 2024-09-17T19:17:32Z
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