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Marine organism concentrations, carbonate chemistry variables, and nutrient concentrations from Atlantis ecosystem model simulation output in the California Current from 2013-01-01 to 2053-12-31 to understand vulnerability of California current food webs and economics to ocean acidification (NCEI Accession 0131198)

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This dataset contains the model output of a study to evaluate likely economic and ecological outcomes of ocean acidification in the California Current. Specifically, we have archived netCDF output files from simulations that accomplish the following:

a) Use a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to predict present and future spatial projections of ocean acidification, as well as salinity, currents, and upwelling. ROMS was coupled to global circulation models (GFDL ESM2M) and IPCC CO2 scenarios.

b) Build on previous literature reviews and ongoing experiments to develop scenarios for the biological response of calcifying benthic organisms (e.g., mollusks, clams, brittle stars) to pH.

c) Use an Atlantis ecosystem model to project these direct impacts of acidification on lower trophic levels, the resulting food web-mediated response of harvested and protected stocks, and catches by US West Coast fisheries. Atlantis is driven by dynamic, spatially explicit fields from ROMS. See "Technical Documentation" here:

Four separate netCDF output files from Atlantis are provided here. They are 50 year projections of ecosystem model dynamics. These are 1) 2010sConditionsNopHResponse, which repeats or loops ocean conditions during the 2010s, with no effect of pH on organism biology 2) 2060sConditionsNopHResponse, which repeats or loops ocean conditions during the 2060s, with no effect of pH on organism biology 3) 2010sConditionsWithpHResponse, which repeats or loops ocean conditions during the 2010s, but with effect of pH on organism biology of calcifying benthic groups 4) 2060sConditionsWithpHResponse, which repeats or loops ocean conditions during the 2010s, with no effect of pH on organism biology.
  • Cite as: Kaplan, Isaac C. (2015). Marine organism concentrations, carbonate chemistry variables, and nutrient concentrations from Atlantis ecosystem model simulation output in the California Current from 2013-01-01 to 2053-12-31 to understand vulnerability of California current food webs and economics to ocean acidification (NCEI Accession 0131198). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
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Distribution Formats
  • Originator data format
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Distributor NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Dataset Point of Contact NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Time Period 2013-01-01 to 2053-12-31
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates
West: -137.74
East: -114.07
South: 25.78
North: 51.2
Spatial Coverage Map
General Documentation
Associated Resources
Publication Dates
  • publication: 2015-10-06
  • revision: 2015-10-26
Data Presentation Form Digital table - digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns
Dataset Progress Status Complete - production of the data has been completed
Historical archive - data has been stored in an offline storage facility
Data Update Frequency As needed
Supplemental Information
Basics of understanding variable names:

Biological variables for living organisms have the suffix "N", "Nums","ResN", or "StructN".
"N" is nitrogen concentration in mg N/m^3, within each model polygon and timestep. Note that this is a proxy for biomass -- if you want to know how many tons of fish you have, you translate from N concentration to fish biomass.
Nitrogen is reported for all living groups (as a proxy for biomass).
Invertebrates are only modeled in terms of biomass or Nitrogen, not as indivividuals.

All vertebrates are modeled in terms of numbers in each age class. In each variable name, "1" indicates the first age class, "2" the second, up to "10" which is the oldest age class.
Since vertebrates are modeled as number per age class, we have variables (for each polygon and timestep) which represent "Nums" (numbers of individuals), "ResN" (weight of meat and soft tissue"), "StructN" (weight of bones and hard parts).

One exception is invertebrates that live in the sediment (clams, worms etc.) which are in units of mg N/m2.

Physical variables for water volume or flux are m3, depth variables are in m, habitat types (reef, flat, soft, canyon, and "cover") are in proportion, salt is ppt.
pH is in log(H) units as is expected.

In this accession, NCEI has archived multiple versions of these data. The latest (and best) version of these data has the largest version number.
Purpose California Current Ecosystem model output, forced by IPCC emissions scenario RCP8.5 and GFDL ESM2M. See README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt
Use Limitations
  • accessLevel: Public
  • Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
Dataset Citation
  • Cite as: Kaplan, Isaac C. (2015). Marine organism concentrations, carbonate chemistry variables, and nutrient concentrations from Atlantis ecosystem model simulation output in the California Current from 2013-01-01 to 2053-12-31 to understand vulnerability of California current food webs and economics to ocean acidification (NCEI Accession 0131198). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Cited Authors
Principal Investigators
Resource Providers
  • Funding Information: NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (Vulnerability Assessment of California Current Food Webs and Economics to Ocean Acidification, NA12NOS4780147)
  • Funding Information: NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program (Vulnerability Assessment of California Current Food Webs and Economics to Ocean Acidification, OAPFY13.03.PRTNR.006)
  • oceanography
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords OCADS Study Type
  • Model output
Provider Keywords
  • Ammonia/Ammonium
  • Anchovies
  • Arrowtooth flounder
  • Baleen whales
  • Benthic Carnivore
  • Benthic bacteria
  • Benthic herbivorous grazers
  • Bivalves
  • Black corals
  • Bocaccio
  • California sea lions
  • Carrion
  • Chinook salmon
  • Chlorophyll a
  • Coccolithophore
  • Crabs
  • Crangon shrimp adult
  • Crangon shrimp juvenile
  • Deep benthic filter feeder
  • Demersal sharks
  • Deposit feeders
  • Dolphins
  • Dungeness crab
  • Gelatinous zooplankton
  • Gray whales
  • Harbor seals
  • Humboldt squid
  • Jack mackerel
  • Labile detritus
  • Large demersal predators
  • Large pelagic predators
  • Large phytoplankton
  • Large piscivorous flatfish
  • Large zooplankton
  • Mackerel
  • Macroalgae
  • Market squid
  • Meiobenthos
  • Mesozooplankton
  • Microphytobenthos
  • Microzooplankton
  • Midwater rockfish
  • Migrating birds
  • Nearshore sea urchins
  • Nitrate/Nitrite
  • Octopus
  • Pacific Ocean perch
  • Pacific hake
  • Pacific herring
  • Pandalid shrimp
  • Pelagic bacteria
  • Pelagic sharks
  • Petrale sole
  • Pinnipeds
  • Pteropods
  • Refractory detritus
  • Resident orcas
  • Sablefish
  • Sardines
  • Sea otters
  • Sea stars moonsnail whelk
  • Seabirds (benthic and pelagic feeders)
  • Seabirds (pelagic feeders)
  • Seagrass
  • Shallow benthic filter feeders
  • Shallow large rockfish
  • Shallow miscellaneous fish
  • Shallow small rockfish
  • Silica
  • Skates and rays
  • Small demersal sharks
  • Small phytoplankton
  • Small planktivorous fish
  • Soft corals
  • Spiny dogfish
  • Squid adult
  • Squid juv
  • Stony corals
  • Transient orcas
  • toothed Whales
Provider Variable Abbreviations
  • Anchovy_N
  • Arrowtooth_flounder_N
  • Benthic_Carniv_N
  • Benthic_grazer_N
  • Benthopel_Fish_N
  • Black_Coral_N
  • Bocaccio_rockfish_N
  • California_sea_lion_N
  • Carniv_Zoo_N
  • Carrion_N
  • Cephalopod_N1
  • Cephalopod_N2
  • Chl_a
  • Coccolithophore_N
  • Darkblotched_rockfish_N
  • Demersal_B_Fish_N
  • Demersal_DC_Fish_N
  • Demersal_D_Fish_N
  • Demersal_E_Fish_N
  • Demersal_O_Fish_N
  • Demersal_P_Fish_N
  • Demersal_S_Fish_N
  • Deposit_Feeder_N
  • Diatom_N
  • Dugong_N
  • Dungeness_N
  • Filter_Deep_N
  • Filter_Other_N
  • Filter_Shallow_N
  • Gelat_Zoo_N
  • Gray_whale_N
  • Harbor_seal_N
  • Herring_N
  • Humboldt_squid_N
  • Jack_mackerel_N
  • Lab_Det_N
  • Macroalgae_N
  • Macrobenth_Deep_N
  • Macrobenth_Shallow_N
  • Market_squid_N
  • Megazoobenthos_N
  • Meiobenth_N
  • Mesopel_M_Fish_N
  • Mesopel_N_Fish_N
  • MicroPB_N
  • MicroZoo_N
  • NH3
  • NO3
  • Nearshore_urchin_N
  • Pacific_Ocean_Perch_N
  • Pacific_sardine_N
  • Pandalid_Shrimp_N
  • Pelag_Bact_N
  • Penguin_N
  • Petrale_sole_N
  • PicoPhytopl_N
  • Pinniped_N
  • Pisciv_B_Fish_N
  • Pisciv_D_Fish_N
  • Pisciv_O_Fish_N
  • Pisciv_S_Fish_N
  • Pisciv_T_Fish_N
  • Pisciv_V_Fish_N
  • Planktiv_L_Fish_N
  • Planktiv_O_Fish_N
  • Planktiv_S_Fish_N
  • Prawn_N1
  • Prawn_N2
  • Pteropod_N
  • Ref_Det_N
  • Reptile_N
  • Resident_orca_N
  • Seabird_N
  • Seagrass_N
  • Sed_Bact_N
  • Shark_B_N
  • Shark_C_N
  • Shark_D_N
  • Shark_P_N
  • Shark_R_N
  • Si
  • SkateRay_N
  • Soft_Coral_N
  • Spiny_dogfish_N
  • Stony_Coral_N
  • Whale_Baleen_N
  • Whale_Small_N
  • Whale_Tooth_N
  • Yelloweye_rockfish_N
  • Zoo_N
  • pH
Place keywords NODC SEA AREA NAMES THESAURUS Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords Provider Geographic Names
  • California current
  • North Pacific Ocean
  • West coast of the United States
Project keywords NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS Ocean Acidification Search Keywords
  • Ocean Acidification Program (OAP)
  • Ocean Carbon and Acidification Data System (OCADS) Project
Use Constraints
  • Cite as: Kaplan, Isaac C. (2015). Marine organism concentrations, carbonate chemistry variables, and nutrient concentrations from Atlantis ecosystem model simulation output in the California Current from 2013-01-01 to 2053-12-31 to understand vulnerability of California current food webs and economics to ocean acidification (NCEI Accession 0131198). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Access Constraints
  • Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
  • In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
Lineage information for: dataset
Processing Steps
  • 2015-10-06T13:50:44Z - NCEI Accession 0131198 v1.1 was published.
  • 2015-10-26T16:47:02Z - NCEI Accession 0131198 was revised and v2.2 was published.
    Rationale: Updates were received for this dataset. These updates were copied into the data/0-data/ directory of this accession. These updates may provide additional files or replace obsolete files. This version contains the most complete and up-to-date representation of this archival information package. All of the files received prior to this update are available in the preceding version of this accession.
Output Datasets
Lineage information for: dataset
Processing Steps
  • Parameter or Variable: pH; Abbreviation: pH; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Dover sole; Abbreviation: Demersal_P_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Canary rockfish; Abbreviation: Planktiv_O_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Shortbelly rockfish; Abbreviation: Pisciv_V_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Cowcod; Abbreviation: Shark_C_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Yelloweye rockfish; Abbreviation: Yelloweye_rockfish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Myctophids; Abbreviation: Benthopel_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Deep demersal fish; Abbreviation: Demersal_D_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Deep small rockfish; Abbreviation: Demersal_DC_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Deep large rockfish; Abbreviation: Demersal_O_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Darkblotched rockfish; Abbreviation: Darkblotched_rockfish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Shallow miscellaneous fish; Abbreviation: Demersal_E_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Midwater rockfish; Abbreviation: Demersal_S_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Bocaccio; Abbreviation: Bocaccio_rockfish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pacific Ocean perch; Abbreviation: Pacific_Ocean_Perch_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Shallow small rockfish; Abbreviation: Demersal_B_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Shallow large rockfish; Abbreviation: Shark_R_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pacific hake; Abbreviation: Mesopel_M_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Sablefish; Abbreviation: Mesopel_N_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Large piscivorous flatfish; Abbreviation: Pisciv_D_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Arrowtooth flounder; Abbreviation: Arrowtooth_flounder_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Petrale sole; Abbreviation: Petrale_sole_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Large demersal predators; Abbreviation: Pisciv_S_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Large pelagic predators; Abbreviation: Pisciv_T_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Mackerel; Abbreviation: Planktiv_L_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Jack mackerel; Abbreviation: Jack_mackerel_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Small planktivorous fish; Abbreviation: Planktiv_S_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Sardines; Abbreviation: Pacific_sardine_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Anchovies; Abbreviation: Anchovy_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pacific herring; Abbreviation: Herring_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Chinook salmon; Abbreviation: Pisciv_B_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Demersal sharks; Abbreviation: Shark_D_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Small demersal sharks; Abbreviation: Shark_B_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Spiny dogfish; Abbreviation: Spiny_dogfish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pelagic sharks; Abbreviation: Shark_P_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Skates and rays; Abbreviation: SkateRay_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pinnipeds; Abbreviation: Pinniped_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: California sea lions; Abbreviation: California_sea_lion_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Harbor seals; Abbreviation: Harbor_seal_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Transient orcas; Abbreviation: Reptile_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Baleen whales; Abbreviation: Whale_Baleen_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Gray whales; Abbreviation: Gray_whale_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: toothed Whales; Abbreviation: Whale_Tooth_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Resident orcas; Abbreviation: Resident_orca_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Dolphins; Abbreviation: Whale_Small_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Sea otters; Abbreviation: Dugong_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Migrating birds; Abbreviation: Pisciv_O_Fish_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Seabirds (pelagic feeders); Abbreviation: Seabird_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Seabirds (benthic and pelagic feeders); Abbreviation: Penguin_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Benthic Carnivore; Abbreviation: Benthic_Carniv_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Deposit feeders; Abbreviation: Deposit_Feeder_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Stony corals; Abbreviation: Stony_Coral_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Black corals; Abbreviation: Black_Coral_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Deep benthic filter feeder; Abbreviation: Filter_Deep_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Soft corals; Abbreviation: Soft_Coral_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Shallow benthic filter feeders; Abbreviation: Filter_Shallow_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Bivalves; Abbreviation: Filter_Other_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Benthic herbivorous grazers; Abbreviation: Benthic_grazer_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Nearshore sea urchins; Abbreviation: Nearshore_urchin_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pandalid shrimp; Abbreviation: Pandalid_Shrimp_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Crangon shrimp juvenile; Abbreviation: Prawn_N1; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Crangon shrimp adult; Abbreviation: Prawn_N2; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Sea stars moonsnail whelk; Abbreviation: Macrobenth_Deep_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Octopus; Abbreviation: Macrobenth_Shallow_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Crabs; Abbreviation: Megazoobenthos_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Dungeness crab; Abbreviation: Dungeness_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Squid juv; Abbreviation: Cephalopod_N1; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Squid adult; Abbreviation: Cephalopod_N2; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Market squid; Abbreviation: Market_squid_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Humboldt squid; Abbreviation: Humboldt_squid_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Gelatinous zooplankton; Abbreviation: Gelat_Zoo_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Large zooplankton; Abbreviation: Carniv_Zoo_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Mesozooplankton; Abbreviation: Zoo_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pteropods; Abbreviation: Pteropod_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Microzooplankton; Abbreviation: MicroZoo_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Large phytoplankton; Abbreviation: Diatom_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Small phytoplankton; Abbreviation: PicoPhytopl_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Seagrass; Abbreviation: Seagrass_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Macroalgae; Abbreviation: Macroalgae_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Microphytobenthos; Abbreviation: MicroPB_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Coccolithophore; Abbreviation: Coccolithophore_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Benthic bacteria; Abbreviation: Sed_Bact_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Pelagic bacteria; Abbreviation: Pelag_Bact_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Meiobenthos; Abbreviation: Meiobenth_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Carrion; Abbreviation: Carrion_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Labile detritus; Abbreviation: Lab_Det_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Refractory detritus; Abbreviation: Ref_Det_N; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Ammonia/Ammonium; Abbreviation: NH3; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Nitrate/Nitrite; Abbreviation: NO3; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Silica; Abbreviation: Si; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC.
  • Parameter or Variable: Chl. A; Abbreviation: Chl_a; Unit: see README_VariablesInAtlantis_OceanAcidfification_NetcdfOutput.txt; Observation type: ecosystem model simulation output; Measured or calculated: Simulated; Calculation method and parameters: Atlantis ecosystem model output; Duration: 50 year projections of ecosystem model; Researcher name: Isaac Kaplan; Researcher institution: NOAA NWFSC .
Last Modified: 2024-06-10T12:38:51Z
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