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OCADSAccess DataNDP-080NDP-080 - Table 10

Table 10

Mean difference [TCO2(S-SIO)] and standard deviation of the differences [S.D.(S-SIO)] between at-sea TCO2 by coulometry and on-shore TCO2 by manometry on aliquots of the same sample from Indian Ocean CO2 survey, and the mean replicate precision [S.D.(SIO)] of the manometric analyses.

Pairs Analyzed
I8SI9S 23 -4.14 1.80 0.82
I9N 24 -1.96 1.67 0.80
I8NI5E 17 -4.80 2.87 1.31
I3 29 -3.29 1.26 0.82
I4I5W 16 -2.95 1.40 1.30
I7N 13 -5.37 1.92 1.40
I1 26 -5.59 1.38 1.05
I10 8 -4.94 1.52 1.28
I2 10 -4.42 1.50 0.83
n 166 9 9 9
Mean -4.16 1.70 1.07
S.D. 1.21 0.49 0.25

aEach on-shore TCO2 by manometry is always the mean of two analyses (see text).

Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:28Z