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OCADSAccess DataNDP-064NDP-064 - *air.dat files

*air.dat files

These 10 data files contain the underway marine air xCO2 measurements and sea surface hydrographic data collected during the WOCE Indian Ocean survey cruises. All files have the same ASCII format and can be read by using the following FORTRAN 77 code [contained in xco2airdat.for (File 2)]:

                 INTEGER  flag
                 REAL jday, atmpre, airxco2, lat, lon, temp, sal
                 CHARACTER sect*11, date*8, time*8

                 read (1, 10, end=999) sect, date, time, jday, atmpre, airxco2,
              1 flag, lat, lon, temp, sal

           10   format (1X, A11, 2X, A8, 2X, A8, 2X, F7.3, 2X, F7.5, 3X, F7.3,  
             1   5X, I1, 2X, F8.4, 1X, F8.4, 2X, F7.4, 2X, F7.4)

Stated in tabular form, the contents include the following

Variable Variable type Variable width Starting column Endingcolumn
sect Character 11 2 12
date Character 8 15 22
time Character 8 25 32
jday Numeric 7 35 41
atmpre Numeric 7 44 50
airxco2 Numeric 7 54 60
flag Numeric 1 66 66
lat Numeric 8 69 76
lon Numeric 8 78 85
temp Numeric 7 88 94
sal Numeric 7 97 103

The variables are defined as follows:

sect  -  is the WOCE section number;
date  -  is the sampling date (month/day/year);
time  -  is the sampling time (GMT);
jday  -  is the julian day of the year relative to 1995 with time of the day represented as a fractional day (i.e., noon on 1/1/95=1.5);
atmpre  -  is the atmospheric pressure (atm);
airxco2  -  is the observed mole fraction of CO2 in air [ppm (dry air)];
flag  -  is the airxco2 data quality flag:
2 = acceptable measurement of airxco2;
3 = questionable measurement of airxco2;
lat  -  is the latitude of the sampling location (decimal degrees; negative values indicate the Southern Hemisphere);
lon  -  is the longitude of the sampling location (decimal degrees; negative values indicate the Western Hemisphere);
temp  -  is the sea-surface temperature (°C);
sal  -  is the sea-surface salinity [on the Practical Salinity Scale (PSS)].
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z