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  • Nitrate (JAMSTEC)
  • Phosphate (JAMSTEC)
  • Silicate (JAMSTEC)
  • Oxygen (JAMSTEC)
  • TCO2 (CRIEPI - Shitashima) - No adjustment recommended.
  • Crossovers - No Information
  • Precision of Duplicate Measurements - No Information.
  • CRM Results - Shipboard measurements yielded a mean value of 1995.6 ± 2.8 µmol/kg (n=40), which compares with 1997.6 ± 1.4 µmol/kg (n=9) certified by SIO.
  • Multiparameter Analysis (details) - Mean Difference (estimated - measured) = 8.4 ± 2.2
  • Keeling Replicates- No information.
  • Alkalinity (CRIEPI - Shitashima) - Adjustment of +6 µmol/kg recommended.
  • Crossovers - No information.
  • Precision of Duplicate Measurements - No information.
  • Multiparameter Analysis (details) - Mean Difference (estimated - measured) = 5.6 ± 4
  • Internal Consistency Analysis (details) - Measured Alkalinity - calculated (pH&TCO2) = -1.9 ± 6.9
  • fCO2 (Not Measured)
  • pH (CRIEPI - Shitashima) - No adjustment recommended. (Note: potentiometric measurements reported as pH @ 25°C on SWS scale.)
  • Crossovers - No information.
  • Precision of Duplicate Measurements - No information.
Last modified: 2021-03-17T18:30:27Z