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32H120040515 cruise data references

Bates, N.R., Interannual changes of oceanic CO2 and biogeochemical properties in the western North Atlantic subtropical gyre, Deep-Sea Res. II, 48(8-9), 1507-1528, 2001.

Bates, N.R., Michaels, A.F., and Knap, A.H., Seasonal and interannual variability of the oceanic carbon dioxide system at the U.S. JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Site, Deep-Sea Res. II, 43(2-3), 347-383, 1996.

Bates, N.R., Hansell, D.A., Carlson, C.A., and Gordon, L.I., Distribution of CO2 species, estimates of net community production and air-sea CO2 exchange in the Ross Sea polynya, J. Geophys. Res., 103(C2), 2883-2896, 1998.

Bates, N. R., M. H. P. Best, and D. A. Hansell, Spatio-temporal distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon and net community production in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 3303-3323, 2005a.

Dunton, K.H., T. Weingartner and E.C. Carmack, The nearshore Beaufort Sea ecosystem: sources and fate of marine and terrestrial carbon in arctic coastal food webs,Prog. Oceanogr., 71, 362-378, 2006.

Dunton, K.H., J.L. Goodall, S.V. Schonberg, J.M. Grebmeier, and D.R. Maidment, Multi-decadal synthesis of benthic-pelagic coupling in the western arctic: Role of cross-shelf advective processes, Deep-Sea Res. II, 52, 3462-3477, 2005.

Last modified: 2025-03-11T15:16:27Z