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NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson
73 Cruises


Cruise ID Project Start Date End Date
33OA20150124 Transit to homeport 2015-01-24 2015-01-30
33OA20150209 Pollock - Shumagins/Sanak/Prince William Sound 2015-02-09 2015-03-02
33OA20150314 Pollock - Shelikof 2015-03-14 2015-03-31
33OA20150509 UxS Eco-FOCI Moorings - BASIS 2015-05-09 2015-05-10
33OA20150514 EMA/FOCI Spring Ichthyo/Late Larval 2015-05-14 2015-06-04
33OA20150611 Summer Pollock - Gulf of Alaska 2015-06-11 2015-09-02
33OA20150905 EMA/FOCI Bering Sea 2015-09-05 2015-09-18
33OA20150923 FOCI Moorings - Bering Sea 2015-09-23 2015-10-06
33OA20160208 Crew Rest 2016-02-08 2016-02-09
33OA20160313 Crew Rest 2016-03-13 2016-03-24
33OA20160402 Crew Rest 2016-04-02 2016-05-14
33OA20160612 Crew Rest 2016-06-12 2016-08-17
33OA20160828 EMA/FOCI Bering Sea 2016-08-28 2016-09-20
33OA20160924 FOCI Moorings 2016-09-24 2016-10-18
33OA20170126 Transit from Seattle, WA to Kodiak, AK 2017-01-26 2017-01-31
33OA20170207 Walleye Pollock Shumagin/Sanak (GOA) Pre-spawning Survey 2017-02-07 2017-02-16
33OA20170301 Walleye Pollock Prince William Sound/Kenai (GOA) Pre-spawning Survey 2017-03-01 2017-03-10
33OA20170314 Walleye Pollock Shelikof/Chirikof Shelf-break (GOA) Pre-spawning Survey 2017-03-14 2017-03-27
33OA20170422 EcoFOCI Spring Mooring Cruise 2017 2017-04-22 2017-05-08
33OA20170511 EMA-FOCI Larval Groundfish Assessment 2017-05-11 2017-06-01
33OA20170608 Walleye Pollock Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Summer Survey 2017-06-08 2017-07-15
33OA20170728 Walleye Pollock Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Summer Survey 2017-07-28 2017-08-16
33OA20170821 EMA/FOCI age-0 Groundfish and Salmon Recruitment Processes 2017-08-21 2017-09-17
33OA20170922 EcoFOCI Fall Mooring Cruise 2017 2017-09-22 2017-10-07
33OA20180126 Transit 2018-01-26 2018-02-03
33OA20180205 Transit 2018-02-05 2018-02-15
33OA20180301 Transit 2018-03-01 2018-03-07
33OA20180313 Transit 2018-03-13 2018-03-23
33OA20180330 Transit 2018-03-30 2018-04-24
33OA20180429 Transit 2018-04-29 2018-05-10
33OA20180513 Transit 2018-05-13 2018-06-01
33OA20180606 Transit 2018-06-06 2018-06-28
33OA20180814 Transit 2018-08-14 2018-08-31
33OA20180907 Transit 2018-09-07 2018-09-13
33OA20190419 EcoFOCI spring mooring cruise 2019 2019-04-19 2019-05-02
33OA20190505 EMA-FOCI Larval Groundfish Assessment(concatenated two cruises to a single cruise: formerly Eco FOCI 2019-05-05 2019-05-22
33OA20190531 Walleye Pollock GOA Summer Survey 2019-05-31 2019-08-07
33OA20190813 EMA-FOCI age-0 groundfish and salmon recruitment processes (formerly known as BASIS) 2019-08-13 2019-09-12
33OA20190919 EcoFOCI fall mooring cruise 2019 2019-09-19 2019-10-02
33OA20200202 Transit 2020-02-02 2020-02-09
33OA20200211 Walleye Pollock Shumagin/Sanak Pre-spawning Survey 2020-02-11 2020-02-28
33OA20200302 Walleye Pollock Shelikof/Chirikof Shelf-break (GOA) Pre-spawning Survey 2020-03-02 2020-03-26
33OA20200811 Walleye Pollock EBS Summer Survey 2020-08-11 2020-10-05
33OA20210127 Transit 2021-01-27 2021-01-31
33OA20210211 Transit 2021-02-11 2021-02-19
33OA20210302 Walleye Pollock Shelikof/Chirikof Shelf-break (GOA) Pre-spawning Survey 2021-03-02 2021-03-16
33OA20210422 Ship Staging Period 2021-04-22 2021-04-28
33OA20210501 EcoFOCI Spring Moorings 2021-05-01 2021-05-20
33OA20210601 Walleye Pollock GOA Summer Survey 2021-06-01 2021-07-11
33OA20210801 PacMAPPS Whale Survey 2021-08-01 2021-09-07
33OA20220129 Transit 2022-01-29 2022-01-30
33OA20220308 Walleye Pollock Shelikof/Chirikof Shelf-break (GOA) Pre-spawning Survey 2022-03-08 2022-03-17
33OA20220408 Ice-associated seal ecology: Abundance, haul-out time, vital rates, habitat, foraging behavior, heal 2022-04-08 2022-04-25
33OA20220510 EcoFOCI spring mooring cruise 2022 2022-05-10 2022-05-19
33OA20220602 Transit 2022-06-02 2022-07-10
33OA20220720 Transit 2022-07-20 2022-08-06
33OA20220817 EMA-FOCI age-0 groundfish and salmon recruitment processes 2022-08-17 2022-09-11
33OA20220919 EcoFOCI Fall Mooring Cruise 2022-09-19 2022-10-02
33OA20230123 Gear Trials 2023-01-23 2023-01-27
33OA20230210 Walleye Pollock - Shumagin/Sanak Leg 1 2023-02-10 2023-02-22
33OA20230304 Walleye Pollock - Shelikof/Chirikof 2023-03-04 2023-03-17
33OA20230409 Ocean Station PAPA Moorings 2023-04-09 2023-04-16
33OA20230421 EcoFOCI spring mooring cruise 2023 2023-04-21 2023-05-07
33OA20230515 ECOFOCI Larval D-K 2023-05-15 2023-05-22
33OA20230610 Walleye Pollock Summer Survey - Leg 1 2023-06-10 2023-06-22
33OA20230629 Walleye Pollock Summer Survey - Leg 2 2023-06-29 2023-07-21
33OA20230807 Walleye Pollock Summer Survey - Leg 3 2023-08-07 2023-08-20
33OA20230827 EMA-FOCI - Leg 1 2023-08-27 2023-09-12
33OA20240114 Gear Trials 2024-01-14 2024-01-16
33OA20240204 Winter Pollock - Shumagin/Sanak 2024-02-04 2024-02-12
33OA20240218 Winter Pollock - Bogoslof 2024-02-18 2024-02-28
33OA20240305 Winter Pollock - Shelikof/Chirikof 2024-03-05 2024-03-05
33OA20240325 Alaska HAB Forecast 2024-03-25 2024-03-28