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NOAA Ship Nancy Foster
85 Cruises


Cruise ID Project Start Date End Date
33NF20150318 Essential Fish Habitat - Caribbean 2015-03-18 2015-04-07
33NF20150411 Coral Reef Ecosystem Research 2015-04-11 2015-05-05
33NF20150509 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-05-09 2015-06-02
33NF20150607 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-06-07 2015-06-12
33NF20150626 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-06-26 2015-06-28
33NF20150708 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-07-08 2015-07-24
33NF20150809 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-08-09 2015-08-16
33NF20150821 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-08-21 2015-08-30
33NF20150902 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-09-02 2015-09-10
33NF20150914 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-09-14 2015-10-09
33NF20151019 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-10-19 2015-10-22
33NF20151202 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2015-12-02 2015-12-13
33NF20160329 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2016-03-29 2016-04-01
33NF20160406 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2016-04-06 2016-04-26
33NF20160428 Bluefin Tuna Ecology 2016-04-28 2016-05-30
33NF20160602 Crew Rest 2016-06-02 2016-06-06
33NF20160608 Crew Rest 2016-06-08 2016-06-25
33NF20160707 Stage/destage NF-16-04 2016-07-07 2016-07-16
33NF20160719 Crew Rest 2016-07-19 2016-07-20
33NF20160822 Stage/destage NF-16-06 2016-08-22 2016-08-24
33NF20160831 Habitat Mapping - Southeast 2016-08-31 2016-09-28
33NF20161013 VIIRS Ocean Calibration/Validation 2016-10-13 2016-10-18
33NF20161024 Benthic Habitat Characterization Mid-Atlantic 2016-10-24 2016-10-25
33NF20161109 Benthic Habitat Characterization Mid-Atlantic 2016-11-09 2016-11-10
33NF20161129 Mid-season repair period 2016-11-29 2016-12-09
33NF20170414 Mid-season repair period 2017-04-14 2017-05-02
33NF20170508 Mid-season repair period 2017-05-08 2017-06-04
33NF20170610 Mid-season repair period 2017-06-10 2017-06-23
33NF20170704 Habitat Mapping SE U.S. Outer Continental Shelf 2017-07-04 2017-07-07
33NF20170715 Habitat Mapping SE U.S. Outer Continental Shelf 2017-07-15 2017-07-16
33NF20170720 Habitat Mapping for Renewable Energy Sites (NY Bight) 2017-07-20 2017-08-08
33NF20170812 Flower Garden Banks NMS/Gulf of Mexico Coral Monitoring 2017-08-12 2017-08-31
33NF20170914 Habitat Mapping for Renewable Energy Sites (NY Bight) 2017-09-14 2017-09-16
33NF20170929 Habitat Mapping for Renewable Energy Sites (NY Bight) 2017-09-29 2017-10-12
33NF20180425 Larval Bluefin Tuna 2018-04-25 2018-05-20
33NF20180529 Coral Reef Ecosystem Research (CRER) 2018-05-29 2018-06-24
33NF20180627 Essential Fish Habitat Mapping 2018-06-27 2018-07-15
33NF20180730 Gray's Reef NMS Ecosystem Assessment 2018-07-30 2018-08-08
33NF20180811 Southeast Benthic Habitat Mapping 2018-08-11 2018-08-27
33NF20180904 Mapping Essentials 2018-09-04 2018-09-30
33NF20181002 Gulf of Maine Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Forecast 2018-10-02 2018-10-14
33NF20181016 2019 EPA Norfolk - Dam Neck and Norfolk ODMDSs Monitoring Survey 2018-10-16 2018-10-19
33NF20181029 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Coral Reef Condition Assessment, Coral Reef Mapping, and Fish 2018-10-29 2018-11-17
33NF20190611 Operational Readiness Training - Underway 2019-06-11 2019-06-24
33NF20190701 Mapping Essential Fish Habitat in the US Caribbean to inform MPA management. 2019-07-01 2019-07-22
33NF20190729 Gray's Reef Eco-regional Development Cruise 2019-07-29 2019-08-09
33NF20190812 OCS Southeast Coastal Mapping 2019-08-12 2019-08-18
33NF20190827 OCS Southeast Coastal Mapping 2019-08-27 2019-08-30
33NF20190912 Mid Atlantic Benthic Habitat and Cultural Resource Mapping and Characterization Survey to Support Ec 2019-09-12 2019-09-14
33NF20190921 Benthic Habitat Mapping and Characterization in the SE US Outer Continental Shelf to Support Ecosyst 2019-09-21 2019-09-22
33NF20191022 Deepwater Atlantic Habitats II: Continued Atlantic Research and Exploration in Deepwater Ecosystems 2019-10-22 2019-10-30
33NF20200815 Operational Readiness Training - Underway 2020-08-15 2020-08-26
33NF20200924 Benthic Habitat Mapping SE Outer Shelf 2020-09-24 2020-10-05
33NF20210315 Transit 2021-03-15 2021-03-18
33NF20210319 Transit 2021-03-19 2021-04-17
33NF20210526 Ship Staging Period 2021-05-26 2021-06-03
33NF20210605 Ship Staging Period 2021-06-05 2021-06-13
33NF20210615 Benthic Habitat Mapping 2021-06-15 2021-06-20
33NF20210727 Initial Investigation of a Seabed Mining Site on the Blake Plateau 2021-07-27 2021-08-05
33NF20210807 Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Southeast Regional Ecosystem Assessment 2021-08-07 2021-08-16
33NF20220302 Hydrographic Systems Readiness Review 2022-03-02 2022-03-10
33NF20220314 Mapping Essential Coral Ecosystems in the US Caribbean 2022-03-14 2022-03-31
33NF20220409 Illuminating pelagic and benthic biodiversity in deep waters of Puerto Rico 2022-04-09 2022-04-29
33NF20220512 Mid Atlantic Benthic Habitat and Cultural Resource Mapping and Characterization Survey and Teleprese 2022-05-12 2022-05-26
33NF20220607 Artificial reef assessments along the North Carolina Continental Shelf to Support Ecosystem Manageme 2022-06-07 2022-06-19
33NF20220707 Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Southeast Regional Ecosystem Assessment 2022-07-07 2022-07-17
33NF20220804 Alongside 2022-08-04 2022-08-10
33NF20220817 Alongside 2022-08-17 2022-08-29
33NF20220905 Alongside 2022-09-05 2022-09-08
33NF20220912 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Coral Reef Condition Assessment, Coral Reef Mapping, and Fish 2022-09-12 2022-09-20
33NF20230419 Alongside 2023-04-19 2023-05-21
33NF20230528 Alongside 2023-05-28 2023-06-09
33NF20230614 Alongside 2023-06-14 2023-07-01
33NF20230705 Alongside 2023-07-05 2023-07-17
33NF20230724 Alongside 2023-07-24 2023-07-27
33NF20230728 Alongside 2023-07-28 2023-08-12
33NF20230818 Alongside 2023-08-18 2023-08-29
33NF20230905 Alongside 2023-09-05 2023-09-29
33NF20231008 Alongside 2023-10-08 2023-10-21
33NF20231127 Alongside 2023-11-27 2023-11-29
33NF20240402 Alongside 2024-04-02 2024-04-15
33NF20240418 Alongside 2024-04-18 2024-04-27
33NF20240507 Alongside 2024-05-07 2024-05-13
33NF20240520 Alongside 2024-05-20 2024-05-31
33NF20240611 Alongside 2024-06-11 2024-06-19