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ANN-NEPc: A monthly surface pCO2 data product for the Northeast Pacific coastal ocean from 1998-01-01 to 2019-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0290365)

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            title:  ANN-NEPc: A monthly surface pCO2 data product for the Northeast Pacific coastal ocean from 1998-01-01 to 2019-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0290365)
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                date:  2024-03-23
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                  Anchor: Debby Ianson
                  Anchor: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Institute of Ocean Sciences
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                  Anchor: Peter Landschützer
                  Anchor: Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
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                individualName:  Paul Covert
                  Anchor: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Institute of Ocean Sciences
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                  Anchor: University of Victoria
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                  Anchor: Covert, Paul
                  Anchor: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) author
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                  Anchor: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Institute of Ocean Sciences
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) contributor
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        abstract:  ANN-NEPc is a gridded surface ocean pCO2 data product for the Northeast Pacific coastal ocean. It was created using non-linear functional relationships between pCO2 observations from the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas v2021 as well as additional data from a Fisheries and Oceans Canada February 2019 Line P cruise, a West Coast Ocean Acidification cruise from July and August 2010, and La Perouse cruises from May 2007 and May 2010, and a variety of independent predictor variables (see supplemental information) using an artificial neural network self-organizing-map-feed-forward-network approach described and evaluated in Duke et al. (2024). This file contains monthly pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux fields from January 1998 to December 2019 at 1/12 degree by 1/12 degree (approximately 9 km by 5km; latitude by longitude) spatial resolution within typically < 6 to 300 km of shore. The air-sea CO2 fluxes are computed from the air-sea CO2 partial pressure difference and a bulk gas transfer formulation following Duke et al. (2024).
        purpose:  This file contains continuous, regional, high-resolution monthly gridded surface ocean pCO2 estimates and associated air-sea CO2 fluxes for the Northeast Pacific coastal ocean. The estimates were created to quantify air-sea CO2 flux in the coastal zone, compare to the open ocean, and characterize variability over seasonal, interannual, decadal, and long-term trend. Surface ocean pCO2 variability can help inform future observation infrastructure in the region. The air-sea CO2 fluxes can act as a critical tool for policymakers to evaluate commercial and economic interests in proposed marine CO2 removal projects in the coastal ocean off the west coast of Canada and southern Alaska. Observation-based air-sea CO2 flux baselines can ensure proposed marine carbon dioxide removal projects are real, permanent, measurable, and verifiable. The product created here can help build knowledge-to-action pathways for both regional governments offering observation-based marine carbon uptake research that supports actionable climate change mitigation decision making.
        credit:  Funding Information: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through the Advancing Climate Change Science in Canada program (Quantifying and Predicting Canada's Marine Carbon Sink, ACCPJ 536173-18)
        credit:  Funding Information: Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Service Program (Line-P underway pCO2 measurements, 96036)
        credit:  Funding Information: Fisheries and Oceans Canadac(DFO) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Acidification Collaborative Funding Initiative (Estimating Air-sea Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska using a Machine Learning Approach, 4500056905)
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                    date:  2024-03-19
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              Anchor: Flanders Marine Institute
              Anchor: University of Victoria
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                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 18. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
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                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 18. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
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            otherConstraints:  Cite as: Duke, Patrick J.; Hamme, Roberta C.; Ianson, Debby; Landschützer, Peter; Swart, Neil C.; Covert, Paul (2024). ANN-NEPc: A monthly surface pCO2 data product for the Northeast Pacific coastal ocean from 1998-01-01 to 2019-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0290365). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useLimitation:  Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            accessConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
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                title:  Duke, P. J., Hamme, R. C., Ianson, D., Landschützer, P., Ahmed, M. M. M., Swart, N. C., Covert, P. A.: High-resolution Neural Network Demonstrates Strong CO2 Source-Sink Juxtaposition in the Coastal Zone, JGR Oceans, submitted, 2024.
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                title:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (2022). Ocean Carbon and Acidification Data System (OCADS). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.
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                    date:  2022-04
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
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        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) environment
        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) oceans
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                    beginPosition:  1998-01-01
                    endPosition:  2019-12-31
        supplementalInformation:  This data package (Submission ID: BHE12VV0E) was acquired by NCEI from the Scientific Data Integration System (SDIS) at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) in accordance with the archival submission agreement between NCEI and PMEL.
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    distributionInfo:  (MD_Distribution)
        distributor:  (MD_Distributor)
            distributorContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                  Anchor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                    phone:  (CI_Telephone)
                        voice:  +1-301-713-3277
                    address:  (CI_Address)
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
            distributionOrderProcess:  (MD_StandardOrderProcess)
                fees:  In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
                orderingInstructions:  Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions.
            distributorFormat:  (MD_Format)
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                version: (unknown)
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                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                    protocol:  HTTPS
                    applicationProfile:  Web browser
                    name:  NCEI Dataset Landing Page
                    description:  Navigate directly to the URL for a descriptive web page with download links.
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                onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
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                    description:  Navigate directly to the URL for a descriptive web page with download links.
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                    applicationProfile:  Any FTP client
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                    description:  These data are available through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP is no longer supported by most internet browsers. You may copy and paste the FTP link to the data into an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla or WinSCP).
                    function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
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        lineage:  (LI_Lineage)
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  NCEI Accession 0290365 v1.1 was published.
                  DateTime:  2024-03-23T13:31:47Z
                output:  (LE_Source)
                    sourceCitation:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  NCEI Accession 0290365 v1.1
                        date:  (CI_Date)
                            date: (inapplicable)
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                                    protocol:  HTTPS
                                    name:  NCEI Accession 0290365 v1.1
                                    description:  published 2024-03-23T13:31:47Z
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                            role: (inapplicable)
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    dataQualityInfo:  (DQ_DataQuality)
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            level:  (MD_ScopeCode) dataset
        lineage:  (LI_Lineage)
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  Parameter or Variable: sea surface partial pressure of CO2; Abbreviation: pCO2; Unit: muatm; Observation type: Other; Measured or calculated: Calculated; Sampling instrument: Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer (e.g., LICOR); Uncertainty: 49 muatm; Researcher name: Patrick J. Duke; Researcher institution: University of Victoria.
            processStep:  (LE_ProcessStep)
                description:  Parameter or Variable: air-sea CO2 flux density; Abbreviation: FCO2; Unit: mol/m2/yr; Observation type: Other; Detailed sampling and analyzing information: convention: negative (positive) values represent ocean uptake (outgassing). calculation: based on solubility from Weiss (1974), gas transfer velocity as a function of wind‐speed from Cross‐Calibrated Multiplatform ocean surface wind data and gas transfer coefficient from Wanninkhof (2014), and the gradient between pCO2 in the surface ocean and the atmosphere.; Uncertainty: ±0.18 mol/m2/yr .
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    metadataMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
        maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) asNeeded
        maintenanceNote:  Metadata are developed, maintained and distributed by NCEI. Updates are performed as needed to maintain currentness.
        contact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
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    acquisitionInformation:  (MI_AcquisitionInformation)
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer
            type:  carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer
            description:  measures gaseous carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide gas analyzer has often been referred to as LI-COR, because a lot of researchers choose to use products manufactured by LI-COR incorporation for their carbon dioxide measurement. The main component of a carbon dioxide analyzer is a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) spectroscopic sensors to detect CO2 in a gaseous environment by its characteristic absorption. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer works together with carbon dioxide (CO2) equilibrator (insttypes_id 184) to measure carbon dioxide in the water. To measure water carbon dioxide, water needs to be continuously supplied to a showerhead inside an equilibrator. As the water flows through the equilibrator chamber, dissolved carbon dioxide exchanges quickly with air in the headspace. This air is then sampled by the carbon dioxide analyzer to determine the mole fraction of CO2 in water.
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  VARIOUS CHARTERED VESSELS
            description:  VARIOUS CHARTERED VESSELS
            instrument: (missing)