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Thermosteric Sea Level for 0 - 700 meters depth layer

Yearly thermosteric sea level figures are presented for years 1955 - 2023 (0 - 700 meters, 16 standard depths).
3-Month period thermosteric sea level figures are presented for years 1955 - 2024 (0 - 700 meters, 16 standard depths).
Pentadal thermosteric sea level figures are presented for years 1955-59 - 2019-23 (0 - 700 meters, 16 standard depths).
To view figures
1. check 'YEARS' radio button, select year from 'YEARS' menu
2. press 'Show Figure' button.
1. select year from 'YEARS' menu (do not check radio button)
2. check 'MONTHS' radio button, select 3-month period
3. press 'Show Figure' button.
1. check 'PENTADS' radio button, select time period from menu
2. press 'Show Figure' button.