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Heat Content Figures - Yearly, Pentadal, and 3-Month for 0 - 2000 m depth layer

Yearly heat content figures are presented for years 1955 - 2023 (0 - 2000 meters, 26 standard depths).
3-Month period heat content figures are presented for years 1955 - 2024 (0 - 2000 meters, 26 standard depths).
Pentadal heat content figures are presented for years 1955-59 - 2019-23 (0 - 2000 meters, 26 standard depths).
To view figures
Yearly heat content:
1. check 'YEARS' radio button, select year from 'YEARS' menu
2. press 'Show Figure' button.
3-Month heat content:
1. select year from 'YEARS' menu (do not check radio button)
2. check 'MONTHS' radio button, select 3-month period
3. press 'Show Figure' button.
Pentadal heat content:
1. check 'PENTADS' radio button, select time period from menu
2. press 'Show Figure' button.