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Accessions related by submitting_institution to country: KOREA, REPUBLIC OF: page: 1 of 1
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Query returned: 40 records:
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< accessions_id < Title Submitting institution Submitter Keydate Editdate
metadata 914 Temperature and water density data from meteorological sensors in the Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea from KODC, 01 January 1923 to 31 December 2001 (NODC Accession 0000914) Korea Oceanographic Data Center Levitus, Sydney 2003-02-11 12:36:04+00 2024-02-17 15:34:12+00
metadata 14770 Coastal and profile data from various platforms and lighthouses in the East China Sea, Sea of Japan (East Sea), and Yellow Sea from October 1, 1923 to December 31, 2005 (NODC Accession 0014770) Korea; MIFAFF; National Fisheries Research and Development Institute Seong, Ki-Tack 2007-04-17 14:34:44+00 2016-05-09 22:25:37+00
metadata 41797 Underway physical and meteorological data collected aboard South Korean ferries in the East/Japan Sea and Yellow Sea from 8/31/2006 to 9/30/2008 (NODC Accession 0041797) Korea; MIFAFF; National Fisheries Research and Development Institute Suh, Dr. Young Sang 2008-04-30 12:18:07+00 2016-05-09 22:25:39+00
metadata 78523 Ocean, tidal, and island observation data observed during 2010 from the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration (KHOA) (NODC Accession 0078523) Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Lee, Mr. Jongtaik 2011-10-12 16:47:16+00 2013-10-16 17:00:16+00
metadata 121261 Surface, meteorological, and profile data collected by ship in the East China Sea, Sea of Japan (East Sea), and Yellow Sea from 2006-01-01 to 2006-12-25 (NCEI Accession 0121261) Korea Oceanographic Data Center Seong, Ki-Tack 2014-08-14 00:26:04+00 2022-07-24 18:07:04+00
metadata 177984 Mole fraction of carbon dioxide (xCO2) in water and atmosphere, temperature, salinity and other parameters collected from surface underway observations during the R/V Isabu cruise ES1801 (EXPOCODE 24KX20180126) in the Japan Sea from 2018-01-26 to 2018-02-01 (NCEI Accession 0177984) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Park, Dr. Geun-Ha 2018-11-07 18:15:38+00 2021-10-13 17:44:13+00
metadata 200368 Water temperature, salinity, nutrients, radium isotopes, and other parameters taken by CTD from the research vessel Onnuri in the Yellow and East China Seas from 2017-02-07 to 2017-02-14 (NCEI Accession 0200368) Seoul National University Cho, Hyung-Mi 2019-08-24 01:05:05+00 2024-09-10 19:05:06+00
metadata 201336 Particle flux and net primary production data collected from R/V ONNURI of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean from 2003-07-01 to 2013-07-31 (NCEI Accession 0201336) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Kim, Hyung Jeek 2019-08-26 14:20:05+00 2024-09-10 19:04:42+00
metadata 201820 Dissolved Mn, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn from seawater samples collected from research vessel Isabu in the Indian Ocean from 2017-07-14 to 2018-04-25 (NCEI Accession 0201820) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Kim, Intae 2019-09-07 01:20:05+00 2024-09-10 19:01:47+00
metadata 222212 Total sinking particle flux and content, Nd content, Nd and Sr isotopic composition, and radiocarbon content from sinking particle (from 2004 to 2007), and sediment samples (from 1993 to 2010) collected in NW Atlantic (NCEI Accession 0222212) Seoul National University Hwang, Jeomshik 2020-11-18 21:01:19+00 2024-09-10 16:52:50+00
metadata 241111 Spatial and temporal variations of aragonite saturation states in the surface waters of the Western Arctic Ocean from 2016 to 2018 (NCEI Accession 0241111) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Kim, Dongseon 2021-09-14 14:27:41+00 2022-11-01 21:26:13+00
metadata 249377 Water temperature, salinity, and others taken by CTD and ADCP from the research vessel Araon in the Bering Sea from 2021-07-08 to 2021-07-14 (NCEI Accession 0249377) Korea Polar Research Institute Park, Taewook 2022-03-07 14:30:33+00 2024-09-10 14:55:50+00
metadata 250487 Water temperature, salinity, and others taken by CTD and other instruments from the research vessel Araon in the Chukchi, Bering Seas, and north Pacific from 2021-07-20 to 2021-07-24 (NCEI Accession 0250487) Korea Polar Research Institute Cho, Kyoung-Ho 2022-03-24 23:30:39+00 2024-09-10 14:53:32+00
metadata 254767 Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), carbon isotopes and other parameters collected from platform ANA06B in Amundsen Sea, Southern Ocean, South Pacific Ocean from 2016-01-15 to 2016-01-18 (NCEI Accession 0254767) Seoul National University Kim, Minkyoung 2022-06-29 15:00:30+00 2024-09-10 14:36:03+00
metadata 257904 Water temperature, salinity, and others collected by CTD, XCTD, and ADCP from the research vessel Araon, cruise ARA11A, in the Bering Sea from 2020-07-26 to 2020-08-02 (NCEI Accession 0257904) Korea Polar Research Institute Park, Taewook 2022-08-08 18:16:00+00 2024-09-10 14:30:19+00
metadata 277495 Water temperature, salinity taken by CTD and XCTD from the research vessel Araon in the Bering Sea from 2022-07-12 to 2022-07-14 (NCEI Accession 0277495) Korea Polar Research Institute Park, Taewook 2023-04-06 13:15:34+00 2024-10-11 13:53:22+00
metadata 277537 Water temperature, salinity, and others taken by CTD, ADCP, and other instruments from the research vessel Araon in the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea from 2022-07-20 to 2022-08-19 (NCEI Accession 0277537) Korea Polar Research Institute Yang, Eun-Jin 2023-04-10 21:15:41+00 2024-09-10 13:44:08+00
metadata 278976 Water temperature, salinity, and other biochemical parameters taken by CTD and bottles from the research vessel Araon, cruise ARA11B, in the Bering, Chukchi Seas, and Arctic Ocean from 2020-08-03 to 2020-08-27 (NCEI Accession 0278976) Korea Polar Research Institute Cho, Kyoung-Ho 2023-06-09 18:05:53+00 2023-07-22 13:11:23+00
metadata 280198 Delta carbon-14 and dissolved organic carbon taken by CTD and Niskin bottles from the research vessel Akademik Oparin in the East Sea, Sea of Japan, from 2019-10-27 to 2019-11-05 (NCEI Accession 0280198) Seoul National University Ryu, Yeongjin 2023-07-11 13:30:29+00 2024-09-10 13:28:44+00
metadata 281162 Water temperature, salinity, and others taken by CTD, Niskin bottles, and other instrumentation from research vessel Araon, cruises ARA10A and B, in the Bering and Chukchi Seas from 2019-07-21 to 2019-08-10 (NCEI Accession 0281162) Korea Polar Research Institute Yang, Eun-Jin 2023-07-31 17:00:45+00 2025-01-27 16:41:35+00
metadata 289903 Water temperature, salinity, and others taken by CTD and XCTD from the research vessel Araon in the Bering Sea from 2023-07-20 to 2023-07-26 (NCEI Accession 0289903) Korea Polar Research Institute Park, Taewook 2024-03-05 14:45:48+00 2024-09-10 12:47:03+00
metadata 293056 Water potential temperature (theta), salinity, and others taken by CTD and water samples from the research vessel Araon in the Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea from 2023-08-01 to 2023-08-05 (NCEI Accession 0293056) Korea Polar Research Institute Yang, Eun-Jin 2024-05-23 16:00:59+00 2024-11-16 19:25:22+00
metadata 6900206 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from SURO NO 1, BAEK DU SAN and other platforms from 1965-08-09 to 1967-05-24 (NCEI Accession 6900206) Unknown - Republic of Korea (South Korea) 2003-10-24 17:29:56+00 2020-04-06 00:59:27+00
metadata 6900614 WIND DIRECTION, pH and other data from OCEANOGRAPHIC VESSEL 1, SURO NO 1 and other platforms from 1966-07-20 to 1968-11-29 (NCEI Accession 6900614) Unknown - Republic of Korea (South Korea) 2003-10-24 17:30:48+00 2020-04-06 01:55:30+00
metadata 7001415 WATER TEMPERATURE and other data from AKL 908 from 1970-09-20 to 1970-10-09 (NCEI Accession 7001415) Republic of Korea (South Korean) Navy 2003-10-24 17:15:14+00 2022-10-06 06:54:22+00
metadata 7100136 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from OCEANOGRAPHIC VESSEL 1, ISKATEL and other platforms from 1967-07-24 to 1970-03-03 (NCEI Accession 7100136) Hydrographic Office 2003-10-24 17:15:29+00 2020-04-06 08:26:04+00
metadata 7300934 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from FIXED STATIONS and UNKNOWN from 1971-03-14 to 1971-12-26 (NCEI Accession 7300934) Fisheries Research and Development Agency 2003-10-24 17:19:13+00 2020-04-06 22:07:26+00
metadata 7301023 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from SURO NO 3, CHI RI SAN and UNKNOWN from 1967-05-22 to 1972-12-12 (NCEI Accession 7301023) Unknown - Republic of Korea (South Korea) 2003-10-24 17:19:27+00 2020-04-06 22:32:00+00
metadata 7301031 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from FISHING RESEARCH 2, UCHYONYY and other platforms from 1967-08-25 to 1972-11-12 (NCEI Accession 7301031) Hydrographic Office 2003-10-24 17:19:27+00 2020-04-06 22:33:21+00
metadata 7600650 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from HAN RA SAN, CHUN MA SAN and other platforms from 1974-01-19 to 1974-12-23 (NCEI Accession 7600650) Fisheries Research and Development Agency 2003-10-24 17:23:17+00 2020-04-07 10:59:43+00
metadata 7601349 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from MISAGO from 1930-10-13 to 1931-11-06 (NCEI Accession 7601349) Korea Central Fisheries Experimental Station 2003-10-24 17:24:16+00 2020-04-07 13:16:31+00
metadata 7601350 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from MISAGO from 1932-01-14 to 1934-06-23 (NCEI Accession 7601350) Korea Central Fisheries Experimental Station 2003-10-24 17:24:16+00 2021-09-04 02:09:31+00
metadata 7800500 Cloud amount/frequency, SALINITY and other data from SURO, BAEK DU SAN and BUK HAN SAN from 1966-03-07 to 1966-11-10 (NCEI Accession 7800500) Fisheries Research and Development Agency 2003-10-24 17:27:39+00 2020-04-07 19:15:26+00
metadata 7800502 Cloud amount/frequency, SALINITY and other data from HAN RA SAN, BAEK DU SAN and other platforms from 1971-02-11 to 1971-12-25 (NCEI Accession 7800502) Fisheries Research and Development Agency 2003-10-24 17:27:40+00 2020-04-07 19:15:45+00
metadata 7900045 Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from OSHORO MARU, KOFU MARU and other platforms from 1957-08-26 to 1978-02-13 (NCEI Accession 7900045) Hydrographic Office 2003-10-24 17:28:21+00 2020-04-07 20:41:57+00
metadata 8900142 Physical and other data from bottle and XBT casts from the PUSAN-852 and other platforms from the Philippine Sea from 1978-01-17 to 1988-06-04 (NCEI Accession 8900142) Unknown - Republic of Korea (South Korea) 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00 2023-02-13 23:05:03+00
metadata 9000178 Current meter components and other data from FIXED PLATFORMS from the Chinhae Bay (Korea) from 1982-06-15 to 1982-07-01 (NCEI Accession 9000178) Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute Nam, Dr. Kee-Soo 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00 2023-02-14 11:10:53+00
metadata 9200148 Nutrients, meteorological, and physical data collected from PUSAN 851 and other platforms using bottle casts in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea from 1905-01-12 to 1990-12-14 (NCEI Accession 9200148) Korea Oceanographic Data Center 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00 2023-02-15 12:36:19+00
metadata 9400071 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE and Other Data from UNKNOWN and Other Platforms From Sea of Japan from 1989-06-07 to 1993-06-10 (NCEI Accession 9400071) Unknown - Republic of Korea (South Korea) 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00 2020-04-08 16:50:50+00
metadata 9600092 Turbidity, SOLAR RADIATION - ATMOSPHERIC and other data from ONNURI in the TOGA Area - Pacific from 1992-11-30 to 1992-12-07 (NCEI Accession 9600092) Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute Suk, Moon-Sik 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00 2020-04-08 18:23:10+00
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