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< accessions_id < Title Submitting institution Submitter Keydate Editdate
metadata 57 Temperature, salinity, and nutrient profile data from the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) from 1932-11-02 to 2000-01-31 (NCEI Accession 0000057) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-01-12 15:58:38+00
metadata 58 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) for 1999-09-12 to 1999-10-29 (NCEI Accession 0000058) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-04 12:43:35+00
metadata 59 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 1999-09-01 to 1999-11-30 (NCEI Accession 0000059) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-10-30 20:34:33+00
metadata 60 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted the month of 1999-12 (NCEI Accession 0000060) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-02 12:03:06+00
metadata 61 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 1999-12-01 to 2000-01-31 (NCEI Accession 0000061) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-10-30 20:35:45+00
metadata 115 Temperature and salinity profile data collected by drifting buoy and XBT in the Worldwide Oceans from 18 October 1999 to 28 February 2000 (NODC Accession 0000115) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2013-03-13 18:47:40+00
metadata 116 Temperature and salinity profile data collected by drifting buoy and XBT in the Worldwide Oceans from 09 October 1997 to 31 March 2000 (NODC Accession 0000116) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2013-03-13 18:48:35+00
metadata 149 Drifting buoy data observed during 1999 and assembled by the Responsible National Oceanographic Data Center (RNODC) for Drifting Buoy Data (NCEI Accession 0000149) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Ouellet, Mathieu 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2024-09-06 19:10:22+00
metadata 214 Temperature, salinity, and other data collected using bottle, CTD, and XBT casts in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean from 12 April 1960 to 27 October 1999 (NODC Accession 0000214) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Tomlinson, Scott 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2024-05-22 13:47:45+00
metadata 254 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted the month of 2000-04 (NCEI Accession 0000254) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-02 12:03:36+00
metadata 255 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted the month of 2000-05 (NCEI Accession 0000255) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-02 12:04:07+00
metadata 256 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted the month of 2000-06 (NCEI Accession 0000256) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-02 12:04:37+00
metadata 257 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted the month of 2000-07 (NCEI Accession 0000257) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-02 12:05:13+00
metadata 258 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted the month 2000-08 (NCEI Accession 0000258) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Keeley, Robert 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-11-02 12:05:47+00
metadata 267 Temperature profile and nutrients data from bottle casts in the Gulf of Maine from 01 January 1933 to 31 December 1991 (NODC Accession 0000267) Bedford Institute of Oceanography 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2013-12-05 21:41:07+00
metadata 303 Chemical, transmissivity, and other data from CTD, bottle, and BT casts in the Arctic Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, and North Pacific Ocean from 29 June 1966 to 22 April 2000 (NODC Accession 0000303) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2024-05-22 13:55:27+00
metadata 326 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) and submitted on 2000-06-28 to 2000-10-30 (NCEI Accession 0000326) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2024-05-22 13:57:22+00
metadata 327 Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP), from 2000-04-25 to 2000-10-27 (NCEI Accession 0000327) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-10-30 20:39:38+00
metadata 369 Chemical, temperature, and other data from bottle casts in the North Atlantic Ocean from 04 July 1966 to 17 June 1985 (NODC Accession 0000369) Bedford Institute of Oceanography 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-06-29 18:38:20+00
metadata 403 Temperature profile and other data from moored buoy, profiling floats, TAO buoy, and XBT casts in a world-wide distribution from 01 June 2000 to 29 November 2000 (NODC Accession 0000403) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2018-09-24 17:06:55+00
metadata 404 Temperature profile data from moored buoy, profiling floats, TAO buoy, and XBT casts in a world-wide distribution from 12 June 2000 to 29 December 2000 (NODC Accession 0000404) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2018-09-24 17:06:57+00
metadata 405 Temperature profile data from moored buoy, profiling floats, TAO buoy, and XBT casts in a world-wide distribution from 21 October 2000 to 31 January 2001 (NODC Accession 0000405) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2018-09-24 17:06:59+00
metadata 406 Temperature profile data from moored buoy, profiling floats, TAO buoy, and XBT casts in a world-wide distribution from 14 April 2000 to 20 February 2001 (NODC Accession 0000406) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2018-09-24 17:07:01+00
metadata 418 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from CTD and bottle casts in the Arctic, North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans from multiple platforms from 1963-04-30 to 1999-02-15 (NODC Accession 0000418) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2022-06-29 18:38:37+00
metadata 435 Drifting buoy data observed during 2000 and assembled by the Responsible National Oceanographic Data Center (RNODC) for Drifting Buoy Data (NCEI Accession 0000435) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Ouellet, Mathieu 2001-04-16 04:00:00+00 2024-09-06 19:07:47+00
metadata 443 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-01-23 to 2001-03-30 (NCEI Accession 0000443) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-04-24 18:46:51+00 2022-10-30 20:40:11+00
metadata 448 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from CTD, MBT, and bottle casts in the Arctic, North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans from the SACKVILLE and other platforms from 1928-05-12 to 1998-11-03 (NODC Accession 0000448) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-05-02 21:11:29+00 2024-08-19 20:38:16+00
metadata 467 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2002-09-24 to 2002-11-15 (NCEI Accession 0000467) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2002-11-20 21:08:01+00 2022-10-30 20:40:40+00
metadata 472 Physical, nutrients, and other data from CTD and bottle casts from the North Pacific Ocean from 1991-02-19 to 2000-12-31 (NODC Accession 0000472) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Institute of Ocean Sciences - Victoria Whitney, Frank A. 2001-06-13 17:12:16+00 2016-11-18 13:49:59+00
metadata 480 Plankton, temperature and other measurements found in datasets OSD and CTD taken from the HUDSON, PARIZEAU, and other platforms in the North Atlantic, Coastal N Atlantic and other locations for the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study Canada from 1989 to 1997 (NCEI Accession 0000480) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Gelfeld, Mr. Robert D. 2001-06-22 11:32:52+00 2022-10-17 19:12:36+00
metadata 496 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from CTD and bottle casts in the Arctic, North Atlantic, North Pacific Oceans from the TELEOST and other platforms from 01 August 1960 to 22 April 2000 (NODC Accession 0000496) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-07-03 15:15:33+00 2024-05-22 14:21:58+00
metadata 517 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients profiles from bottle, CTD, MBT, and XBT casts in the Arctic Ocean and other locations from the WALTHER HERWIG and other platforms from 1928-05-12 to 1999-12-04 (NCEI Accession 0000517) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-07-24 17:51:21+00 2024-05-22 14:22:54+00
metadata 518 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from bottle, CTD, MBT, and XBT casts in the Arctic Ocean and other locations from the PARIZEAU and other platforms from 01 August 1924 to 15 November 1997 (NODC Accession 0000518) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2001-07-24 17:53:42+00 2016-07-27 12:49:42+00
metadata 572 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2000-11-25 to 2001-04-30 (NCEI Accession 0000572) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-09-06 15:22:03+00 2022-10-30 20:40:59+00
metadata 575 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-02-27 to 2001-05-30 (NCEI Accession 0000575) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-09-07 14:07:50+00 2022-10-30 20:41:13+00
metadata 576 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-04-07 to 2001-06-29 (NCEI Accession 0000576) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-09-07 14:22:17+00 2022-10-30 20:41:43+00
metadata 577 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-04-06 to 2001-07-30 (NCEI Accession 0000577) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-09-07 14:28:05+00 2022-10-30 20:42:16+00
metadata 578 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-05-26 to 2001-08-31 (NCEI Accession 0000578) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-09-07 14:29:24+00 2022-10-30 20:42:45+00
metadata 579 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-08-04 to 2001-09-30 (NCEI Accession 0000579) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-09-07 14:30:54+00 2022-10-30 20:43:19+00
metadata 591 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 1999-01-01 to 2001-10-29 (NCEI Accession 0000591) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-10-05 17:25:55+00 2022-10-30 20:43:40+00
metadata 619 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-09-21 to 2001-11-28 (NCEI Accession 0000619) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-11-01 13:03:11+00 2022-10-30 20:44:05+00
metadata 627 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 1978-07-16 to 2001-12-28 (NCEI Accession 0000627) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2001-12-03 12:03:54+00 2022-10-30 20:44:36+00
metadata 628 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2002-10-16 to 2002-11-18 (NCEI Accession 0000628) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2002-11-20 21:14:56+00 2022-10-30 20:45:09+00
metadata 643 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-12-16 to 2002-01-30 (NCEI Accession 0000643) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2002-01-02 14:14:58+00 2022-10-30 20:45:41+00
metadata 663 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from bottle, CTD, and XBT casts in the Arctic and other locations from the JOHN P. TULLY and other platforms from 1961-07-14 to 2001-01-02 (NCEI Accession 0000663) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2002-01-30 16:12:09+00 2021-09-02 17:05:28+00
metadata 664 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from bottle, CTD, and XBT casts from the JOHN P. TULLY and other vessels in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans from 03 August 1959 to 01 July 2001 (NODC Accession 0000664) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2002-01-30 16:42:06+00 2024-05-22 14:26:42+00
metadata 666 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-11-29 to 2002-02-25 (NCEI Accession 0000666) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2002-02-07 19:59:31+00 2022-10-30 20:46:17+00
metadata 677 Temperature, salinity, and nutrients data from bottle, CTD, and XBT casts in the Arctic, North Atlantic, and North Pacific Oceans from the ANTON DOHRN and other platforms from 02 July 1916 to 28 January 1999 (NODC Accession 0000677) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Spear, Don 2002-02-28 21:42:46+00 2016-07-27 12:50:48+00
metadata 678 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2001-07-13 to 2002-03-27 (NCEI Accession 0000678) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2002-03-01 20:17:30+00 2022-10-30 20:46:54+00
metadata 692 Global Near Real-Time Temperature and Salinity Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 2002-10-18 to 2002-11-20 (NCEI Accession 0000692) Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marine Environmental Data Section Menard, Roger 2002-11-22 11:44:05+00 2022-10-30 20:47:38+00
Query returned: 3950 records:
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