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OAS accession Detail for 9000122
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accessions_id: | 9000122 | archive |
Title: | Temperature profile and water depth data collected from KING using BT and XBT casts in the North Pacific Ocean from 1980-10-24 to 1990-04-26 (NCEI Accession 9000122) |
Abstract: | The data in this accession was collected from over thirty different ships between October 24, 1980 and April 26, 1990 representing fifty five different cruises. The real time data of water temperature at varying depth bathythermograph (XBT) was recorded in stripcharts by the US Navy. These stripcharts and log sheets were submitted to NODC by Mr. Paul Stevens of Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC), Monterey CA. The XBT data from these stripcharts have been digitized and is present in the current NODC data storage system in C116 file format. |
Date received: | 19900605 |
Start date: | 19801024 |
End date: | 19900426 |
Seanames: | Aegean Sea, Alboran Sea, Arabian Sea, Balearic (Iberian) Sea, Bay of Bengal, Bering Sea, Caribbean Sea, East China Sea (Tung Hai), Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean, Ionian Sea, Japan Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin, Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Norwegian Sea, Philippine Sea, Red Sea, South China Sea (Nan Hai), Sulu Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea |
West boundary: | -38.75 |
East boundary: | -62.78 |
North boundary: | 70.78 |
South boundary: | 5.5 |
Observation types: | physical, profile |
Instrument types: | bathythermograph - BT, bathythermograph - XBT |
Datatypes: | water depth, WATER TEMPERATURE |
Submitter: | Stevens, Paul |
Submitting institution: | US Navy; Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center |
Collecting institutions: | US Navy; Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center |
Contributing projects: | |
Platforms: | BLAKELY (316X), BRISCOE (32ZM), CALIFORNIA (32LD), CAPE HATTERAS (32KZ), COMTE DE GRASSE (32G9), CONYNGHAM (31V7), Davidson (31DV), Deyo (32IZ), DOWNES (318D), GARCIA (31V6), Hayler (32IF), IOWA (328Z), J. HEWES (3178), John L. Hall (328A), KAUFFMAN (3287), KING (31K6), KINKAID (32K2), LEFTWICH (323W), MAHLON S. TISDALE (32IY), MCCANDLESS (319M), MISSISSIPPI (327M), NICHOLSON (32NN), O'CALLAHAN (31OF), R. E. BYRD (31YR), RENTZ (32XC), R. E. PEARY (3194), Richmond K. Turner (31Z8), ROBISON (31ZO), SAMPSON (31NM), SEMMES (31EM), STARK (32WJ), Thach (32E0), TRUETT (32TT), VANDEGRIFT (32QR) |
Number of observations: | |
Supplementary information: | Note: Metadata for this accession were extracted from a legacy database maintained by the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). The design of the database did not exactly reflect the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Principal Investigator (PI) and organization contact information accurately represents all available information from the legacy database at the time that this description was created. However, proper attribution of a PI to a specific institution or the role (submitting or collecting) taken by an institution may not be correct due to inexact mapping between fields in the legacy database and the CSDGM. Due to this uncertainty, the contact information was initially recorded in the Supplemental Information element of the CSDGM description. To develop more accurate metadata, NCEI reviews metadata for all accessions on an ongoing basis. Points of contact for this data set include: Contact info: Agency: US NAVY; FLEET NUMERICAL OCEANOGRAPHY CENTER PI: Stevens, Paul Address: address: 345 KOLB AVE. city: MONTEREY state: CA postal: 93940 country: UNITED STATES |
Availability date: | 19900605 |
Metadata version: | 4 |
Keydate: | 2003-10-24 17:41:41+00 |
Editdate: | 2023-02-14 09:24:26+00 |