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OAS accession Detail for 7700325
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accessions_id: 7700325 | archive
Title: SALINITY, SPECIES IDENTIFICATION - LIFE HISTORY and other data from VIRGINIAN SEA from 1976-09-01 to 1976-09-09 (NCEI Accession 7700325)
Abstract: Data has been processed by NODC to the NODC standard Zooplankton (F124) format.

The F124 format is used for data from sampling and analysis of marine zooplankton. Information on zooplankton abundance, distribution, and productivity derived from these data support studies of marine populations and ecosystems. Data reported may include: cruise information, position, date, and time of sampling; bottom depth, sampling depths, temperature, and salinity; gear type, volume of water filtered, total dry and wet weight, and other data for total haul; and data for subsamples by species. Data on zooplankton catch by species may include subsample size, zooplankton concentration, life history code, and numbers of adults, juveniles, eggs, and larvae. Estimated density of holoplankton and meroplankton and data on ichthyoplankton may also be reported. A text record is available for comments. Note: there are two options for reporting subsample counts of individuals at different life history stages. If life history codes are used, only number of adults should be reported on that record. Additional separate records should then be used to report number of juveniles and so on. Alternatively, life history codes may not be used and number of adults, juveniles, and so entered in the proper fields of a single record.
Date received: 19770428
Start date: 19760901
End date: 19760909
West boundary: -75.26
East boundary: -72.15
North boundary: 39.38
South boundary: 38.68
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Engel, Dr. Gerald L.
Submitting institution: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Note: Metadata for this accession were extracted from a legacy database maintained by the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). The design of the database did not exactly reflect the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM).

Principal Investigator (PI) and organization contact information accurately represents all available information from the legacy database at the time that this description was created. However, proper attribution of a PI to a specific institution or the role (submitting or collecting) taken by an institution may not be correct due to inexact mapping between fields in the legacy database and the CSDGM. Due to this uncertainty, the contact information was initially recorded in the Supplemental Information element of the CSDGM description.

To develop more accurate metadata, NCEI reviews metadata for all accessions on an ongoing basis.

Points of contact for this dataset include:
Contact info:
state: VA
postal: 23062

In this accession, NCEI has archived multiple versions of these data. The latest (and best) version of these data has the largest version number.
Availability date: 19770428
Metadata version: 10
Keydate: 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00
Editdate: 2024-02-18 16:52:28+00