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OAS accession Detail for 0063580, meta_version: 7. Current meta_version is: 8
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accessions_id: 0063580 | archive
Title: Line W Hydrography including pressure, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved chlorofluorocarbons from bottle and CTD casts from the R/V OCEANUS in the Northwest Atlantic from April 9th, 2007 to April 13th, 2007 (NCEI Accession 0063580)
Abstract: This dataset represents one of a series of hydrographic sections conducted along Line W from the continental shelf south of New England toward Bermuda. A total of 17 full depth casts consisting of CTD (conductivity, temperature, pressure and oxygen), LADCP (lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler), and rosette water samples were collected between 04/09/2007 and 04/13/2007. Salinity and dissolved oxygen were analyzed from water samples on board the ship and used to calibrate the CTD sensors. Water samples were also analyzed for transient tracers (CFCs 11, 12, 113).
Date received: 20100423
Start date: 20070409
End date: 20070413
Seanames: North Atlantic Ocean
West boundary: -70.2002
East boundary: -67.885
North boundary: 40.141
South boundary: 36.8882
Observation types: physical, profile
Instrument types: bottle, CTD, oxygen sensor
Submitter: Curry, Ruth
Submitting institution: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Collecting institutions: Columbia University; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Contributing projects: Line W
Platforms: OCEANUS (32OC)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 7
Keydate: 2010-04-27 13:39:50+00
Editdate: 2020-08-23 20:44:21+00