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OAS accession Detail for 0041372
<< previous | |revision: 6 |
accessions_id: | 0041372 | archive |
Title: | Output fields from the NOAA Atlantic Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS) for 2007-06-01 to 2007-06-30 (NCEI Accession 0041372) |
Abstract: | The NOAA Atlantic Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS) dataset comprises output fields from the daily operational RTOFS model runs conducted at the National Centers for Atmospheric Prediction. Each model run produces a series of gridded fields containing results of model computations for ocean temperature, salinity, currents, sea-surface height, and possibly other properties. The fields are encoded in the standard GRIdded Binary (GRIB) file format. NODC compiles a series of files into monthly accessions to facilitate archival storage and public access. Two different sets of output fields are included: 1) daily 3-dimensional fields reported on the model's native hybrid (isopycnal plus z-level) vertical coordinates (note: prior to June 6, 2007, these fields are interpolated to z-levels); and 2) hourly fields reported for the surface level only. Each daily model run produces a 24-hr hindcast as well as forecasts out to 120 hours. |
Date received: | 20080414 |
Start date: | 20070601 |
End date: | 20070630 |
Seanames: | |
West boundary: | -105.03 |
East boundary: | 22.215 |
North boundary: | 75.245 |
South boundary: | -26.5 |
Observation types: | |
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Submitting institution: | US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
Collecting institutions: | |
Contributing projects: | |
Platforms: | |
Number of observations: | |
Supplementary information: | The dynamical model is HYCOM: - The model uses curvilinear coordinates in the horizontal and hybrid vertical coordinates in the vertical. - An overview of the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) - Orthogonal grid (1200 x 1684 points) - 26 vertical coordinates (21 isopycnal, 5 z-level) Surface Forcing: - forcing fields from 3-hour NCEP (GDAS/GFS) model Open Boundaries: - Relaxed to NCEP climatology. Also relaxed to climatology in the Straits of Gibraltar region Tides: - M2, S2, N2, K1, P1, O1, K2, Q1 tidal modes - Body and boundary tides Rivers: - From daily USGS data and RIVDIS climatology Data Assimilation: - SST: from GOES AVHRR and in-situ - SSH, T, S: using SLA from JASON GFO (not activated) - T,S: from ARGOS, XBT, CTD (not activated) Model Parameters: - Time step: split-explicit 150 sec baroclinic, 5 sec barotropic - Advection scheme: 2nd order Flux Corrected Transport (FCT) with density and salinity as the advected scalars - Horizontal momentum viscosity: additive laplacian with biharmonic operators --+ Laplacian: deformation factor = 0.1, diffusion velocity = 0.005 m/s --+ Biharmonic: deformation factor = 0.0, diffusion velocity = 0.005 m/s - Laplacian scalar diffusion (diffusion velocity: 0.005 m/s) - Vertical viscosity and mixing: GISS - Quadratic bottom friction coefficient: 0.003 - Bottom boundary layer thickness: 10 m Documentation for RTOFS model output can be obtained from NCEI accession 0026419. As it becomes available, new documentation about RTOFS model output and/or processing will be added to NCEI accession 0026419. |
Availability date: | |
Metadata version: | 6 |
Keydate: | 2008-04-14 16:19:57+00 |
Editdate: | 2022-01-12 19:57:57+00 |