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OAS accession Detail for 0294921
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Title: GHRSST Level 4 RAMSSA_9km Australian Regional Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis v1.0 dataset (GDS versions 1 and 2) for 2024-06-30 (NCEI Accession 0294921)
Abstract: A Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 4 sea surface temperature analysis, produced daily on an operational basis at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) using optimal interpolation (OI) on a regional 1/12 degree grid over the Australian region (20N - 70S, 60E - 170W). This Regional Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis (RAMSSA) v1.0 system blends satellite SST observations from passive infrared and passive microwave radiometers, with in situ data from ships, Argo floats, XBTs, CTDs, drifting buoys and moorings from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). SST observations that have experienced recent surface wind speeds less than 6 m/s during the day or less than 2 m/s during night are rejected from the analysis. The processing results in daily foundation SST estimates that are largely free of nocturnal cooling and diurnal warming effects. Sea ice concentrations are supplied by the NOAA/NCEP 12.7 km sea ice analysis. In the absence of observations, the analysis relaxes to the BoM Global Weekly 1 degree OI SST analysis, which relaxes to the Reynolds and Smith (1994) Monthly 1 degree SST climatology for 1961 - 1990.
Date received: 20240711
Start date: 20240630
End date: 20240630
Seanames: Andaman Sea or Burma Sea, Arabian Sea, Arafura Sea, Bass Strait, Bay of Bengal, Bismarck Sea, Celebes Sea (Sulawesi Sea and Mindanao Sea), Coral Sea, East Indian Archipelago, Flores Sea, Great Australian Bight, Indian Ocean, Jawa (Java) Sea, Laccadive Sea, Malacca and Singapore Straits, North Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, Solomon Sea, South China Sea (Nan Hai), Southern Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Southwest Pacific Ocean (limit-147 E to 140 W), Tasman Sea, Timor Sea
West boundary: 60
East boundary: -170
North boundary: 20
South boundary: -70
Observation types: satellite data
Instrument types: AMSR2, AVHRR-3, VIIRS
Submitter: Armstrong, Edward M.
Submitting institution: US NASA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
Collecting institutions: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Contributing projects: GHRSST
Platforms: GCOM-W1 (490P), MetOp-B (pid: 12445), NOAA-20 (33YO), SNPP (pid: 12214)
Number of observations:
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Metadata version: 1
Keydate: 2024-07-11 20:19:57+00
Editdate: 2024-07-11 20:20:12+00