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OAS accession Detail for 0153360
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accessions_id: 0153360 | archive
Title: WATER DEPTH - AVERAGE and Reflectance- Intensity collected from LADS Mk II Airborne System in Caribbean Sea and Puerto Rico from 2006-04-07 to 2006-05-15 (NCEI Accession 0153360)
Abstract: These images represent LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) data collected by NOAA from the shoreline of southwestern Puerto Rico to about 50 meters in depth. Reflectivity was calculated for each sounding as the ratio of returned energy to transmitted energy, normalized for losses in a single wavelength (green/blue 532nm). This data was critical for creating benthic habitat maps.
Date received: 20160606
Start date: 20060407
End date: 20060515
Seanames: Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean
West boundary: -67.439646
East boundary: -66.93887
North boundary: 18.19272
South boundary: 17.857964
Observation types: in situ
Instrument types: LIDAR
Submitter: Battista, Timothy A.
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NOS; National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science; Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment
Collecting institutions: US DOC; NOAA; NOS; National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science; Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment
Contributing projects: CORAL REEF STUDIES
Number of observations:
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 6
Keydate: 2016-06-10 19:40:05+00
Editdate: 2024-09-09 20:47:39+00