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OAS accession Detail for 0130027
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accessions_id: 0130027 | archive
Title: Biological, chemical, in situ, navigational, physical and profile data collected by Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences at OceanSITES site BATS from 1988-10-20 to 2012-08-13 (NCEI Accession 0130027)
Abstract: Biological, chemical, in situ, navigational, physical and profile oceanographic data were collected, including BACTERIA, DEPTH - OBSERVATION, DISSOLVED INORGANIC CARBON (DIC), DISSOLVED OXYGEN, Dissolved Organic Nitrogen, HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, NITRITE, PARTICULATE ORGANIC CARBON, PARTICULATE ORGANIC NITROGEN (PON), SALINITY, SIGMA-THETA, TOTAL ALKALINITY (TA), TOTAL PHOSPHORUS, WATER TEMPERATURE, nitrate + nitrite content (concentration), particulate phosphorus, phosphate and silicate from Atlantic Explorer, CAPE HATTERAS, CAPE HENLOPEN, OCEANUS, and WEATHERBIRD II at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) using bottle from 1988-10-20 to 2012-08-13. These data were provided to one of the OceanSITES Data Assembly Centers (DAC). The DAC formatted this information into the OceanSITES file format and passed it on to the Global Data Assembly Centers (GDAC).

OceanSITES is a worldwide system of long-term, open-ocean reference stations measuring dozens of variables and monitoring the full depth of the ocean from air-sea interactions down to the seafloor. It is a network of stations or observatories measuring many aspects of the ocean's surface and water column using, where possible, automated systems with advanced sensors and telecommunications systems, yielding high time resolution, often in real-time, while building a long record.
Date received: 20130326
Start date: 19881020
End date: 20120813
West boundary: -65.428
East boundary: -62.258
North boundary: 33.142
South boundary: 29.888
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Grissom, Karen
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations: 2186
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 3
Keydate: 2015-07-28 14:13:25+00
Editdate: 2022-01-27 20:17:31+00