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OAS accession Detail for 0210237
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accessions_id: 0210237 | archive
Title: Ice-Rafted sediment deposit locations, thickness measurements, and coverage calculations in the Great Marsh, Massachusetts from 2018-01-26 to 2018-07-03 (NCEI Accession 0210237)
Abstract: The dataset consists of Excel spreadsheets and shapefiles contained in an ArcGIS geodatabase. Samples were collected over the course of six months in 2018, and orthographic images of the Great Marsh were analyzed in ArcGIS over the same time period. The geodatabase contains the locations for ice-rafted sediment deposit depths, the sample locations, the locations of all ice-rafted sediment deposits across the entire marsh, and polygons used for determining the sizes of the deposits. The Excel spreadsheets contain the locations and values of all depth measurements, the locations and table references for the samples, and the calculations for the total sediment coverage across the entire marsh.
Date received: 20191003
Start date: 20180126
End date: 20180703
Seanames: North Atlantic Ocean
West boundary: -70.912588
East boundary: -70.696802
North boundary: 42.841867
South boundary: 42.617083
Observation types: in situ
Instrument types:
Datatypes: SEDIMENTS
Submitting institution: Boston University
Collecting institutions: Boston University
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 3
Keydate: 2020-05-12 17:00:45+00
Editdate: 2024-09-10 18:04:20+00