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OAS accession Detail for 0165065
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accessions_id: 0165065 | archive
Title: GHRSST Level 2P Western Atlantic Regional Skin Sea Surface Temperature from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) Imager on the GOES-13 satellite (GDS version 2) for 2017-03-28 (NCEI Accession 0165065)
Abstract: The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) operated by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) support weather forecasting, severe storm tracking, meteorology and oceanography research. Generally there are several GOES satellites in geosynchronous orbit at any one time viewing different earth locations including the GOES-13 launched 24 May 2006. The radiometer aboard the satellite, The GOES N-P Imager, is a five channel (one visible, four infrared) imaging radiometer designed to sense radiant and solar reflected energy from sampled areas of the earth. The multi-element spectral channels simultaneously sweep east-west and west-east along a north-to-south path by means of a two-axis mirror scan system returning telemetry in 10-bit precision. For this Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) dataset, skin sea surface temperature (SST) measurements are calculated from the far IR channels of GOES-13 at full resolution on a half hourly basis. In native satellite projection, vertically adjacent pixels are averaged and read out at every pixel. L2P datasets including Single Sensor Error Statistics (SSES) are then derived following the GHRSST Data Processing Specification (GDS) version 2.0. The full disk image is subsetted into granules representing distinct northern and southern regions.
Date received: 20170521
Start date: 20170328
End date: 20170328
Seanames: Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, South Pacific Ocean
West boundary: -150.327
East boundary: -0.039215
North boundary: 66.21297
South boundary: -45.86028
Observation types: satellite data
Instrument types: GOES Imager
Submitter: Armstrong, Edward M.
Submitting institution: US NASA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
Collecting institutions: US DOC; NOAA; NESDIS; Office of Satellite and Product Operations
Contributing projects: GHRSST
Platforms: GOES-13 (pid: 11500)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Descriptive information for this dataset was provided by the GDAC collection search service at
Availability date:
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2017-08-21 04:09:22+00
Editdate: 2022-07-28 18:16:29+00