The map to the right shows departures from average (in percent) for March snowfall totals across the US. Parts of the Northeast (from Ohio to Massachusetts) received above average snowfall for the month as well as areas of the upper Midwest and southwest Iowa. However, seasonal snowfall departuresseasonal snowfall departures show that snow totals were below average for several areas of the country, including much of New England, the Lower Great Lakes, especially around Chicago, and the southwestern Great Plains. Areas of above average seasonal snowfall include North Carolina and the Appalachian Range, southwest Iowa and parts of the Northern Plains.

The image to the left shows the snow depth on March 17th, 2004, after a snowstorm in the Northeast left 6-10 inches of snow from Pennsylvania through southern New England. Over 7 inches of snow fell in Boston from the storm.

The map to the right shows snow cover on March 16th after a late winter storm left much of the Northeast under 6-10 inches of snow. Snow remained in the far Northeast and upper elevations of the West but generally decreased across the North American continent with the onset of spring. Snow melt was especially severe across much of West with the snowpack diminishing to much below averagesnowpack diminishing to much below average conditions by the beginning of April.

See NCDC's snow monitoring page for the latest snow totals and the snow climatology pages for snow statistics for U.S.states and stations.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Monthly National Snow and Ice Report for March 2004, published online April 2004, retrieved on July 19, 2024 from