- Alaska Climate Divisions FAQs
- Anomalies vs. Temperature
- Arctic Sea Ice Measurements
- Billion-Dollar Disasters: Calculating the Costs
- Binomial Filter
- Climate Division Dataset Transition
- Climate Extremes Index
- CLIMAT Messages
- Climatological Rankings
- Coral Reef Bleaching
- Dead Fuel Moisture
- Definition of Drought
- Drought Indicators
- Drought in the Colorado River Basin
- Drought vs. Aridity
- El Niño: A Historical Perspective
- Explanation of the 500 mb Flow
- Future Drought
- Global Precipitation Percentile Maps
- Global Regions Definitions
- Global Temperature Anomaly Percentile Maps
- Global Temperature Uncertainty
- Groundwater Drought Indicators
- Hawaiʻi Climate Divisions FAQs
- Measuring Drought
- Monthly Releases
- Monthly Report RSS Feed
- National Data Flow
- nClimDiv Maximum and Minimum Temperatures
- Palmer Drought Index
- Potential Evapotranspiration
- Reforestation of Bastrop Lost Pines
- Regional Climate Centers
- Regional Snowfall Index (RSI)
- Satellite-Based Drought Indicators
- Soil Moisture Water Balance Models
- Southern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent
- Standardized Precipitation Index
- Streamflow Drought Indicators
- Subtropical Highs
- Tornado Count
- U.S. Climate Divisions
- U.S. Climate Normals
- U.S. Drought Monitor Scale
- USHCN Version 2.5 Transition
- Water Supply vs. Water Demand
Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing, or LOESS, is a nonparametric method for smoothing a series of data in which no assumptions are made about the underlying structure of the data. LOESS uses local regression to fit a smooth curve through a scatterplot of data. The LOESS curve is typically smoother than a binomial filter or running average. LOESS is also effective when there are outliers in the data. The LOESS methodology includes techniques for constructing confidence intervals around the curve.
- Cleveland, W.S., 1979: Robust locally-weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 829-836. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.1979.10481038