Note: This Synoptic Discussion describes recent weather events and climate anomalies in relation to the phenomena that cause the weather. These phenomena include the jet stream, fronts and low pressure systems that bring precipitation, high pressure systems that bring dry weather, and the mechanisms which control these features — such as El Niño, La Niña, and other oceanic and atmospheric drivers (PNA, NAO, AO, and others). The report may contain more technical language than other components of the State of the Climate series.


The Earth's ocean-atmosphere system was in an ENSO-neutral state during February 2017. The weather over the contiguous United States (CONUS) this month was dominated by a strong westerly circulation which sent many fronts and low pressure systems across the country. The weather systems dropped above-normal precipitation across much of the West and parts of the Southern Plains and northern tier states. Upper-level ridging reduced the effectiveness of the troughs and fronts east of the Rockies and kept precipitation below normal in many areas in the central and eastern CONUS, but the weather systems were still strong enough to trigger severe weather and an above-normal number of tornadoes. The upper-level ridging also gave most of the country much warmer-than-normal temperatures. The rain and snow contracted drought in the West and Northeast; but, with below-normal precipitation and enhanced evapotranspiration associated with the above-normal temperatures, drought and abnormal dryness expanded from the Mid-Mississippi Valley to Mid-Atlantic Coast. The upper-level circulation, temperature, and precipitation anomaly patterns suggested the atmospheric drivers originating in the mid-latitudes had the greatest influence on the month's weather. See below for details.

Synoptic Discussion

Animation of daily upper-level circulation for the month
Animation of daily upper-level circulation for the month.
Animation of daily surface fronts and pressure systems for the month
Animation of daily surface fronts and pressure systems for the month.

In the Northern Hemisphere, February marks the end of climatological winter which is the time of year when net solar heating is at its minimum due to the low sun angle, and an expanded circumpolar vortex results in the furthest southern extent of the jet stream. Polar air masses normally dominate the weather over the contiguous U.S. (CONUS), and the warm, dry subtropical high pressure belts have their least influence.

During February 2017, however, it seems climatology was turned on its head. A strong westerly flow dominated the upper-level circulation across the CONUS, with troughs and cutoff lows moving in the jet stream flow. These upper-level systems drove numerous Pacific storm systems and their associated fronts into the western CONUS which gave much of the West above-normal precipitation for the month. Many of these surface low pressure systems would track northeast into the Great Lakes as they traversed the CONUS. Strong troughs and cutoff lows developed in the upper-level flow during the last half of the month and moved across the southern tier states. They brought above-normal precipitation to parts of the Southern Plains, but their effectiveness at producing rain over the Midwest and Southeast to Mid-Atlantic States was reduced by frequent upper-level ridging over the eastern CONUS. Missouri and Illinois in the Midwest, and South Carolina to Delaware along the East Coast, all had the tenth driest, or drier, February in the 1895-2017 record.

The precipitation contracted drought and abnormally dry areas in parts of the West, Plains, Southeast, and Northeast, but drought and abnormal dryness expanded from the Lower to Mid-Mississippi Valley to Mid-Atlantic States where it was drier than normal. Abnormal dryness also expanded in parts of Alaska and Puerto Rico. The net effect was a slight decrease in the national moderate-to-exceptional drought footprint from 14.6 percent at the end of January to 14.1 percent at the end of February (from 12.2 percent to 11.8 percent for all of the U.S.). Several large wildfires were burning in the Southern Plains, mostly Oklahoma and adjoining Arkansas, when the month began. These continued throughout the month, with additional large wildfires developing in Florida and eastern Kentucky by the end of February (wildfire maps for February 7, 14, 17, 24, 28). Recurrent dryness during most weeks contributed to the persistence of these fires (precipitation anomaly maps for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Like last month, the upper-level troughs and lows tended to favor the northwestern CONUS and western Canada. Their associated cold fronts and moist Pacific air masses kept temperatures cooler than normal for most of the month (temperature anomaly maps for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For the month as a whole, temperatures were cooler than normal in the Pacific Northwest (mostly just Washington). But the upper-level ridging which dominated the central and eastern portions of the CONUS brought much above-normal to record-warm temperatures. Sixteen states from Texas to New York had the warmest February in the 1895-2017 record. The REDTI (Residential Energy Demand Temperature Index) for February 2017 ranked lowest in the 123-year record for the month. This was due to above-normal temperatures across most of the CONUS which reduced heating demand in the high population centers. There were 11,743 record warm daily high (6,309) and low (5,434) temperature records. This was about 28 times the 418 record cold daily high (290) and low (128) temperature records that were associated with the air masses behind the cold fronts. Of these daily records, 1,151 (709 warm highs and 442 warm lows) were records for the month. The combination of warm and cold extremes resulted in the second warmest February, nationally, in the 1895-2017 record.

In spite of the downstream ridging in the jet stream, cold fronts and low pressure systems still moved across the eastern CONUS. Some of the fronts and surface lows were very strong and combined with upper-level lows to create unstable air and dynamics favorable for severe weather. Based on preliminary data, there were 111 tornadoes in February 2017, which is nearly four times the February average of 29. Most occurred in the Southern Plains, Southeast, and Midwest where Gulf of Mexico moisture was drawn in to the powerful upper-level troughs and surface fronts and low pressure systems.

Below-freezing air behind the cold fronts and surface lows caused precipitation to fall as snow instead of rain. The month began with about 41 percent of the CONUS snowcovered. The warmer-than-normal (above-freezing) temperatures melted more and more snow as the month progressed, with the snow cover area reaching a low point of about 16 percent on February 21. A storm system near the end of the month brought the snow cover area back up to about 35 percent. Based on the 1966-2017 satellite record, February 2017 had the 12th smallest February snow cover area for the CONUS and 15th smallest for North America, based on the 1966-2017 satellite record, with the storm track keeping snow cover above-normal for the month across parts of the West, Northern Plains, and New England.

The tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere system was in an ENSO-neutral state during February. With the North Atlantic and eastern tropical Pacific oceans out of season for tropical cyclones, no tropical systems developed in these two basins during February. But several tropical disturbances developed in the South Pacific, including Tropical Cyclone Bart which developed near American Samoa.

The Climate Extremes Index (CEI) aggregates temperature and precipitation extremes across space and time. Temperature and precipitation extremes occurred during the month in many areas with several regions having a top ten integrated regional CEI. The East North Central region had the second most extreme wet spell component, and third most extreme warm minimum and sixth most extreme warm maximum temperature components, contributing to the third most extreme regional CEI in the 1910-2017 record. The South region had the most extreme warm minimum and warm maximum temperature components, contributing to the third most extreme regional CEI. The Southeast region had the most extreme warm maximum and sixth most extreme warm minimum temperature components, contributing to the fourth most extreme regional CEI. The Northeast region had the fourth most extreme warm minimum and third most extreme warm maximum temperature components, contributing to the sixth most extreme regional CEI. The Central region had the most extreme warm minimum and warm maximum temperature components, contributing to the seventh most extreme regional CEI. The West region had the most extreme one-day heavy precipitation component, ninth most extreme wet spell component, and tenth most extreme warm minimum temperature component, contributing to the tenth most extreme regional CEI. When aggregated across the nation, February 2017 had the most extreme warm minimum and second most extreme warm maximum temperature components, which contributed to the second most extreme national February CEI in the 108-year record.

North America monthly upper-level circulation pattern and anomalies
North America monthly upper-level circulation pattern and anomalies.

The upper-level circulation pattern, averaged for the month, consisted of below-normal upper-level (500-mb) height anomalies over the northwestern CONUS, resulting from troughs frequently moving across the area, and above-normal height anomalies over the southwest, central, and eastern CONUS. Of the circulation indices usually discussed on this page, the teleconnections for a negative TNH come closest to the February 2017 500-mb circulation anomalies.

Map of monthly precipitation anomalies
Map of monthly precipitation anomalies.

Precipitation was above normal across much of the West and parts of the Plains, Great Lakes, and Northeast. Below-normal precipitation could be found across most of the Lower Mississippi Valley and Southeast to Southern New England, parts of the Northern Plains, and the Central Plains to Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. Alaska was drier than normal in the west and south, and wetter than normal in the northeast. In Hawaii, February was drier than normal in the southern islands to wetter than normal in the northern islands. Puerto Rico was drier than normal except in the northwest where it was wetter than normal for the month.

Map of monthly temperature anomalies
Map of monthly temperature anomalies.

February 2017 was cooler than normal across parts of the Pacific Northwest, mainly Washington, and warmer than normal across the rest of the CONUS. Alaska was warmer than normal in the north and east, and cooler than normal in the south and west.

Northern Hemisphere monthly upper-level circulation pattern and anomalies
Northern Hemisphere monthly upper-level circulation pattern and anomalies.

Global Linkages: The upper-level (500-mb) circulation anomaly pattern over North America was part of a complex long-wave pattern that stretched across the Northern Hemisphere. East-west trough/ridge couplets could be seen (trough or below-normal heights over the western CONUS, North Atlantic, and western Russia coupled with ridge or above-normal heights over eastern North America, North Atlantic, eastern Europe, and eastern Asia). These couplets illustrate the wave nature of the atmosphere. The above-normal 500-mb heights were associated with upper-level ridging at the mid-latitudes, below-normal precipitation (in Turkey and the eastern CONUS), below-normal snow cover (over parts of Europe and the eastern CONUS), and above-normal surface temperatures over much of Eurasia and eastern North America, and in parts of the North Atlantic. The areas of below-normal 500-mb heights were associated with upper-level troughing; near- to below-normal surface temperatures over the northwestern CONUS, western Russia, and the northeastern North Pacific; above-normal precipitation over the western CONUS and western Russia; and above-normal snow cover over parts of the northwestern CONUS and southwestern Asia. With most of the continents having warmer-than-normal temperatures, and large portions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans having warmer-than-normal sea surface temperatures, the February 2017 global temperature was above normal.

Atmospheric Drivers

Subtropical highs, and fronts and low pressure systems moving in the mid-latitude storm track flow, are influenced by the broadscale atmospheric circulation. The circulation of the atmosphere can be analyzed and categorized into specific patterns. The Tropics, especially the equatorial Pacific Ocean, provides abundant heat energy which largely drives the world's atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The following describes several of these modes or patterns of the atmospheric circulation, their drivers, the temperature and precipitation patterns (or teleconnections) associated with them, and their index values this month:

Examination of the available circulation indices and their teleconnection patterns, and comparison to observed February 2017 temperature, precipitation, and circulation anomaly patterns, suggest that the weather over the CONUS in February was traced mostly to atmospheric drivers originating in the mid-latitudes, specifically the TNH. As noted by the Climate Prediction Center, "The TNH pattern reflects large-scale changes in both the location and eastward extent of the Pacific jet stream, and also in the strength and position of the climatological mean Hudson Bay Low." These changes were reflected quite well in the sea level pressure anomalies, upper-level circulation anomalies, and temperature anomalies. There was good agreement between the observed temperature anomaly pattern and the teleconnections for the MJO, AO, and NAO, which might suggest that their drivers also had some influence on the month's weather, but the circulation patterns don't match, which suggests that the temperature agreement might be a coincidence. The precipitation teleconnections for all of the circulation indices were either weak or not strongly correlated with the observed precipitation anomaly pattern, except for the WP. Again, since the circulation and temperature patterns don't show agreement with those expected for the WP, the precipitation match may be a coincidence. The PNA and ENSO were both neutral (zero), and the EP-NP teleconnections did not match the observed anomaly patterns, so those drivers did not appear to significantly affect February's weather over the CONUS.

This month illustrates how the weather and climate anomaly patterns can be influenced by atmospheric drivers (or modes of atmospheric variability) originating in the mid-latitudes. It also illustrates how competing drivers can make the relationships difficult to discern.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Monthly Synoptic Discussion for February 2017, published online March 2017, retrieved on September 1, 2024 from